Microsoft pulls security update over software conflicts

A security update issued by Microsoft on Tuesday isn’t playing nicely with other software, prompting Microsoft to pull it from its download center.

Dustin Childs, group manager of Microsoft Trustworthy Computing, revealed the problem in a blog posted late yesterday:

We are aware that some of our customers may be experiencing difficulties after applying security update 2823324, which we provided in security bulletin MS13-036 on Tuesday, April 9. We’ve determined that the update, when paired with certain third-party software, can cause system errors. As a precaution, we stopped pushing 2823324 as an update when we began investigating the error reports, and have since removed it from the download center.

Childs said the system errors don’t affect all Windows users and don’t cause any data loss. However, he advised all people who installed the update to uninstall it by following the steps outlined in a Knowledge Base article published after the problem was discovered.

The update in question fixes a moderate-level security hole that requires someone to have physical access to a computer in order to exploit it. Tuesday’s overall security package is still available but no longer contains the buggy update, so Windows users who haven’t yet applied the patches should install them.

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