Mitt Romney’s five sons to make late-night TV debut in joint interview

“Mitt Romney just barely won the Republican primary in Ohio by one per cent.
Then Romney made the mistake of saying, ‘ladies and gentleman, tonight is a
victory for the one per cent!” he told viewers on one of his recent shows.

The appearance also follows the release of a
Father’s Day campaign video
which talk show hosts lampooned, likening
the boys to the Osmonds.

Mitt Romney will stay out of the late-night limelight tonight, instead
expected to host a fund-raiser in Michigan.

Gov Romney has so far made only two late-night appearances, one briefly on
David Letterman’s show where he read a Top 10 list and the other on the Jay
Leno show. He was invited to appear on Saturday Night Live but was unable to
fit the show into his schedule.

The Romney sons will appear as guests alongside Sharon Osbourne and Martin
Short Wednesday, June 20, at 11pm (ET/PT) on TBS.

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