‘Mum killed my sister and brother but in her twisted mind she still blames me’: Lianne Smith’s surviving daughter breaks silence to say she’s glad her mother will die in jail

  • Sarah Richardson, 23, waives right to anonymity and reveals how her mother stood by as she suffered 11 years of sexual abuse from step-father

10:25 EST, 24 June 2012


15:03 EST, 24 June 2012

Speaking out: Sarah Richardson has said that her 'evil' mother deserves to spend the rest of life in prison for the murder of two of her children

Speaking out: Sarah Richardson has said that her ‘evil’ mother deserves to spend the rest of life in prison for the murder of two of her children

The eldest daughter of child killer Lianne Smith has said her ‘evil’ mother deserves to spend the rest of her life behind bars.

A Spanish court this week found the 45-year-old guilty murdering of her children, 11-month-old Daniel and Rebecca, five, days after her partner was arrested on suspicion of raping Sarah Richardson as a child.

Now Ms Richardson, 23, has told how she cannot bring herself to look at pictures of her mother, who ran away to the Costa Brava with paedophile TV hypnotist Martin Smith.

Now, having waived her right to anonymity, the brave victim has revealed to the Sunday Mirror how her mother holds her responsible for the children’s deaths.

Ms Richardson told how she survived 11 years of sickening sexual abuse by her 46-year-old stepfather, who hanged himself in prison in January.

His crimes came to light only after Ms Richardson reported him to the police, fearing her young half-sister might be subjected to the same torture. She even wanted to adopt the girl to save her from their mother’s lover – who, DNA evidence shows, wrongly believed the murdered youngsters were his.

Months after Smith suffocated her children, Ms Richardson said, she wrote to a relative to claim her eldest daughter was to blame for the killings. She said she felt relief at this week’s conviction as Smith continues to believe her sick partner was innocent.

Smith, who used to manage Cumbria County Council’s children’s department, is to serve 34 years for murdering her sleeping son and daughter at the Lloret De Mar resort’s Miramar hotel in May 2010.

Warped: Lianne Smith in court in Girona, Spain, where she was found guilty of the double murder

Warped: Lianne Smith in court in Girona, Spain, where she was found guilty of the double murder

She and her partner had fled to Spain while he was awaiting trial for raping Ms Richardson. Police finally caught up with them and extradited Martin Smith to Britain. Days later, Rebecca and Daniel were dead.

Their half-sister told how she felt some degree of relief that Rebecca did not survive to face the torment she herself went through.

And she harbours no sympathy for Smith, adding: ‘I am glad mum will spend her final days in jail. She can think about what she’s done every moment of every day.’

This coldness is perhaps understandable, considering the years of suffering she endured while living with her mother and stepfather.

She told how she despised Martin Smith from the moment he came into her life, following her parents’ divorce when she was six. Ms Richardson told the Mirror of his overbearing ‘presence’, his fiery temper and how he would beat her and her brother with a slipper – all of which their mother ignored.

The family moved house several times throughout Ms Richardson’s childhood, gradually cutting her off from friends and relatives. Then in May 1995, after they moved to a remote farm in the North East, Martin Smith began his 11-year campaign of horrific abuse.

Ms Richardson, who was just seven at the time, told how he had just sent her brother to bed the first time he raped her.

She said: ‘He told me to stand in front of him. He said I was a “big girl” and I needed to “do dares now”. I felt scared. Even at that age I knew it was wrong.’

She faced this nightmare once a week – always when her mother wasn’t home – and afterwards her only comfort was the thought that she was safe for another six days.

Smith, who would make a point of raping the terrified girl on his birthday, even tried to use his supposed powers of hypnotism to put her into a trance. Scared that he would become angry if he saw that this never worked, Ms Richardson played along.

Later, the family hit hard times and moved into a caravan, where Smith told Ms Richardson he had thought about killing all of them – and that her mother shared these homicidal instincts.

Lianne Smith's son Daniel, the weekend before he was killed.

Lianne Smith's daughter Rebecca, the weekend before she was killed.

Final days: Sarah Richardson cherishes these holiday pictures of Daniel (left) and Rebecca (right) shown shortly before they died. Her relief at Martin Smith’s arrest was shattered by the news of their deaths

She told the Sunday Mirror: ‘Part of
me felt it would have been easier if they had, as I would have been free
of him. But when I look at what happened to Becky and Daniel, I was
lucky to escape.’

Ms Richardson was 15, Smith found out her mother was pregnant with
Rebecca and confessed to the girl that he wanted to marry her and even
father her children.

The teenager began to dread a life trapped with this monster, and when her half-sister came along she was determined to protect her.

Ms Richardson doted on Rebecca, calling her ‘my baby’ and telling how she would look after her as if she were her own child.

Martin Smith, on the other hand, was strangely indifferent, and Ms Richardson recalls the time the baby fell off a bed while in his care – only for Smith to chastise the teenager for not rushing to the screaming child’s aid.

She said her stepfather would try to prey on her while Rebecca slept, and so she made sure to keep the infant on her lap.

Tormentor: Martin Smith regularly raped Ms Richardson over the course of 11 years

Tormentor: Martin Smith regularly raped Ms Richardson over the course of 11 years

Relief finally came when Ms Richardson
went away to study nursing at university. She was free, but fears for
her younger half-sister plagued her mind – and she used a secret mobile
number to check with her brother Chris that Smith hadn’t turned on

It was while studying that Ms Richardson befriended a fellow rape survivor, who helped her to recognise the seriousness of what she had been through.

Chris was thrown out of the family home when he was 16, and Ms Richardson thought this meant there would be no one to step in if their stepfather attacked Rebecca.

She approached the police in November 2007, begging them not to arrest Smith until she had told Chris and her mother about what he had done to her.

But when she finally broke her silence, Lianne Smith accused her of lying, disowned her and walked away.

That was the last time Ms Richardson and her brother had any contact with their mother, who ran away to Barcelona with Martin Smith in December 2007.

It was there that Daniel was born, though Ms Richardson only learned of his existence when police tracked the couple down.

Her relief at Martin Smith’s arrest soon turned to anguish as, less than two weeks later, she heard Rebecca and Daniel were dead – killed by their mother, who feared social services would take them from her as her partner’s child abuse trial approached.

Ms Richardson spoke of sleepless nights spent visualising Rebecca’s cruel death, unable to come to terms with the fact that – after her worries about Martin Smith – it was her mother that harmed her half-siblings.

Today she is a mother herself and lives with her husband in Carlisle. One of her biggest regrets is that, despite her mother’s fears, she could have raised the murdered children and stopped them being taken into care.

Holiday pictures from Rebecca and Daniel’s final days act as a poignant reminder for Ms Richardson, and she plans to visit their graves in Spain.

But as their mother continues to stand by her perverted dead partner, she says her only hope is that Lianne Smith appreciates the pain she has caused.

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