#Naksa | Palestinians treated for gas inhalation in Ofer

[ PIC 05/06/2012 – 01:45 PM ]

RAMALLAH, (PIC)– A number of Palestinian young men were treated for gas inhalation in front of the Israeli prison Ofer near Ramallah on Tuesday, local sources said.

They said that the youths were marching in a peaceful demonstration to mark the 1967 war that ended with the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and other Arab land.

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) fired teargas and rubber bullets at the demonstrators, some of whom fainted as a result.

Tension is running high in the area after the IOF declared it a closed military zone while dozens of young men are still throwing stones and empty bottles at the IOF soldiers.

Zionism’s plan of the 6 day war

During the course of the 1948 war, Yigal Allon submitted a detailed plan to Ben-Gurion for the military conquest of the West Bank, arguing that the Jordan River would provide the best strategic border. He believed that a substantial part of the Palestinian population would flee east because of the military operations, he stated:

“Our offensive has to leave the way open for the army and the refugees to retreat. We shall easily find the reason or, to be more accurate, the pretexts, to justify our offensive, as we did up to now” (emphasis added). (Simha Flapan, p. 114)

Yigal Allon wrote in an article published just before the outbreak of the 1967 war:

“In a new war, we must avoid the historic mistake of the War of Independence (the 1948 war) and must not cease fighting until we achieve total victory, the territorial fulfillment of the Land Of Israel.” (Righteous Victims, p. 321)

Peace(talks) are a Myth…

  • Israel. Not looking for Peace. Nor Talks. But this…

Photos of June 5, 2011 Naksa Day

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