NAM must return to its roots: Iran VP

“This movement must commit itself to returning to its charter and highlight such fundamental principles as fighting racism and liberating people from a colonialist grip and pursue the means to restore the rights of their nations,” said Ali Saeedlou Wednesday night during the concluding ceremony of the 1st International Scientific Conference on NAM in Tehran.

Describing NAM as the largest intergovernmental establishment after the United Nations, with member nations consisting of two-thirds of the international community, Saeedlou emphasized that the movement can play a significant role in international affairs.

He further stressed, “Considering [NAM’s] capabilities as well as the political, economic and cultural capacities within it, such an institution must generate more specific and strategic outcomes.”

The vice president went on to say that the movement must particularly aim to influence international relations with respect to global events that jeopardize people’s security and take a stand against them.

Saeedlou also highlighted the strong affirmative response of heads of nations to the invitations extended to them by Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for participation in the upcoming 16th NAM Summit in the Iranian capital of Tehran. He added that the positive reactions by different leaders of the member nations to the invitation clearly indicate that President Ahmadinejad’s proposition of public contribution in global management enjoys a broad support.

The First International Scientific Conference is one of the preliminary meetings prior to the 16th NAM summit.
The 16th NAM summit will be held in Tehran on August 26-31, during which the Islamic Republic will also assume the rotating presidency of the movement for three years.

NAM, an international organization with 120 member states and 17 observer countries, is considered as not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc.

NAM’s objective, as stated in the Havana Declaration of 1979, is to ensure “the national independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of non-aligned countries.”


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