NBC Gives More Time to ‘Obama Boy’ Than to Fast & Furious Scandal

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NBC provided its first coverage of the Fast Furious gun running scandal on Tuesday, providing a scant 30 seconds on Nightly News. In contrast, Thursday’s NBC Today devoted a 37-second report to a video of “Obama Boy,” a gay activist singing over his support for the President in 2012. [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump]

Today news anchor Natalie Morales proclaimed: “Justin Brown’s viral YouTube video focuses on the President’s support for gay marriage.” A long clip played of Brown musically professing he had a “crush on Obama” and wanting to the President “get hard on Romney in debate.” Morales added: “Meanwhile, ‘Obama Girl’ says she loves the video. She hopes she and ‘Obama Boy’ can maybe get together for a duet.”

As NewsBusters’ Geoff Dickens reported on Wednesday, NBC correspondent Kelly O’Donnell first managed to squeeze in a brief explanation of Fast Furious at the end of a Nightly News report on Senate Republicans grilling Attorney General Eric Holder about recent national security leaks.

Here is a transcript of the June 15 “Obama Boy” report:

8:04AM ET

NATALIE MORALES: And the internet’s “Obama Girl” from 2008 campaign has been replaced by “Obama Boy.” Justin Brown’s viral YouTube video focuses on the President’s support for gay marriage.

JUSTIN BROWN SINGING: I got a crush on Obama. Barry, you’re the finest candidate. I can’t wait to see you get hard on Romney in debate. Why don’t you pick up your phone? Cause I got a crush on Obama.

MORALES: Meanwhile, “Obama Girl” says she loves the video. She hopes she and “Obama Boy” can maybe get together for a duet.

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