Netflix could soon be coming … to your cable TV box?

Unable to beat ’em, it appears that cable TV is simply gonna join ’em

From set-top boxes to computers to your iPhone, it seems like these days, the only place you can’t view Netflix is from your cable TV provider. That may be about to change: According to a new report from news service Reuters, a major cable company will start offering Netflix service to its customers by the end of this year.

The specifics of how your cable TV provider would offer Netflix aren’t available, but it’s not hard to imagine how it might work. Netflix options might appear as part of an “on demand” type menu, or run through an app pre-installed on your cable TV box. An optional charge for Netflix could be easily added to your cable bill.

For those of us who are already wired in, the new service isn’t exactly needed — there are already a plethora of ways of watching Netflix on your living room TV. But for those who are technologically adverse, this new, easy way to watch Netflix could be just what the doctor ordered.


This article was written by Fox Van Allen and originally appeared on Tecca

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