Nevada Declares June 30 Social Media Day

The state of Nevada will officially recognize June 30, 2012 as Social Media Day.

[More from Mashable: How To Organize A Social Media Day Meetup]

The proclamation joins Nevada with the state of Arizona and the cities of New York, Toronto, Dublin, Las Vegas, Reno, San Jose and San Carlos, Calif. — all of which have recognized Social Media Day since it launched in 2010.

Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval and Secretary of State Ross Miller, signed the official proclamation, which includes the hashtag #Nevada, on May 30.

[More from Mashable: Social Media Day 2011 Around the World [PHOTOS VIDEOS]]

Michael Tragash, who helped Reno declare Social Media Day official in 2011, attempted to get a state proclamation signed last year. This year, he teamed up with Demont Daniel, who oversaw the movement that led to the declaration of last year’s Las Vegas Social Media Day, to give it another go. On April 23, Daniel filled out a form requesting a proclamation, and last week he received a call from the governor’s office saying that the proclamation had been approved.

Daniel is organizing Social Media Day 2012 Las Vegas as an all-day event, including a pool party, happy hour and after party. Tragash will again be hosting the Reno event and plans to release details soon.

Mashable began Social Media Day three years ago as a way to recognize the digital revolution — and the event has continued to grow. Participation more than doubled last year with more than 1,400 Meetups and thousands of attendees. This year promises to be even bigger and better.

We’re excited to add Nevada to the list of places that have officially recognized June 30 as a celebration of social media and its ability to empower people to communicate, connect and engage.

Ways You Can Participate

  • Sign up to attend or organize your own event on the Mashable Meetup Everywhere page.
  • Use the #smday hashtag on Twitter, Instagram, Google+ and any other social network of your choice.
  • Find your Mashable Meetup community:

How Are You Celebrating?

Whether you’ve had your event planned for months or are now inspired to get one started, we want to know: What are your plans for Social Media Day 2012? Share with us in the comments how you’ll be recognizing the connected generation come June 30th.

We look forward to celebrating with you!

Social Media Day 2012 Is Presented By Motorola Mobility

This story originally published on Mashable here.

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