Ex-North Korean Military Chief Possibly Dead After Reported Gun Battle

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Adam Taylor
Business Insider
July 20, 2012

Earlier this week everyone was talking about the power struggle behind the removal of ousted North Korean military chief Ri Yong-ho.

If reports are to be believed, that struggle was very real. From South Korean paper Choson Iblo:

A gunbattle broke out when the North Korean regime removed army chief Ri Yong-ho from office, leaving 20 to 30 soldiers dead, according to unconfirmed intelligence reports. Some intelligence analysts believe Ri, who has not been seen since his abrupt sacking earlier this week, was injured or killed in the confrontation.

While the report cannot be confirmed at present, it certainly puts recent moves in North Korea into a different light. A few days after Ri was ousted (under the guise of illness), supreme leader Kim Jong Un gave himself the title of Marshall in the North Korean military.

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One Response to “Ex-North Korean Military Chief Possibly Dead After Reported Gun Battle”

  1. I left a message many months ago when that Corpulent little twit took control of NK, that he had two choices. Either he would succumb to his Uncle and Aunt’s power base, or he could secure his position by ousting those who did not bow down to him. Obviously some didn’t think Fat Boy had the Cajones to be the NK president let alone the head of the military, and now that moron gave himself a title of Marshall or Commander.
    When a person gives themselves a title as Fat Boy did, it is usually in defiance of a standard convention agreed upon by the people of a country. If you remember IDI Amin of Uganda showing up with war medals strapped all over his chest as if they were just so much glitter and spangle. MORONS ALL !!!!!
    Unless the people of NK wake up and take back their country and stop buying to the obvious Stockholm Syndrome induced slavery, I have no sympathy for the the millions that are dying of starvation and the cruelty of that regime.
    This is a great object lesson for the people of the United States in the developing Police and Surveillance State, we have been buying into.

    For the uneducated, look up what the STOCKHOLM SYNDROME is all about and why humans fall prey to this mental deconstruction !!!!!!!

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