New Iraq blasts kill 43, injure 230

The spate of violence, which rocked several Iraqi towns and cities spanning the southern holy city of Karbala and the northern oil-rich city of Kirkuk on Tuesday between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m, was the deadliest incident in Iraq in nearly a month.

Meanwhile, a car bomb detonated in a parking lot in front of the foreign ministry in the Baghdad’s heavily-fortified Green Zone. So far the number of probable casualties is unknown.

Tuesday’s deadliest attack took place in Karbala, where two roadside bombs went off at the entrance to the city, killing 13 people and wounding 48 others, police and medical sources said.

Kirkuk was the site of the second deadliest attack, where a car bomb targeted a police office, killing nine policemen and wounding 42 people, mostly police officers.

In central Baghdad, a car bomb near the provincial council building killed four and injured 11. Elsewhere in the central town of Hilla, a car bomb explosion claimed the lives of two people and wounded 31 others.

Explsions also rocked Baiji, Samarra, Tuz Khurmato, Daquq and Dhuluiya, all north of Baghdad, Ramadi in the west, and Latifiya and Mahmudiya in the south.

Police found and defused bombs in the western city of Falluja as well as the northeastern city of Baquba.

The attacks come a day after the Iraqis marked the ninth anniversary of the US-led invasion of their country, and ahead of the preparations for the March 27-29 Arab League summit in Baghdad.

On Monday another spate of bomb attacks hit the Iraqi cities of Karbala and Kirkuk, leaving 15 people dead and dozens wounded.


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