New Jewish Fashion Statement: Amar’e Stoudemire Sports Star of David Rosary

New York Knicks power forward Amar’e Stoudemire may have advanced a new Jewish fashion trend. Photo: NBA/Twitter.

New York Kicks power forward Amar’e Stoudemire may have advanced a new Jewish fashion trend as he was recently pictured sporting a Star of David rosary.

The image, posted on Twitter by the NBA pictures the basketball star with fiancée Alexis Welch.

“It is becoming a real trend,” Brian Belasquez, marketing analyst at a fashion accessories website that sells the Jewish rosaries told The Algemeiner.

“We tried it as a test because one of our suppliers listed them, and they just started moving,” he said. “Within the year we have seen great rises in the sales and it’s a constant flow of sales.”

“I am pretty sure there is going to be an even greater increase” he concluded.

The term ‘rosary’ comes from the Latin rosarium, meaning ‘garland of roses,’ and denotes the prayer beads used to count the series of prayers that make up the rosary Roman Catholic Marian devotion.

Stoudemire has claimed to have Jewish roots on his mother’s side of the family, saying in a 2010 interview, “I have been aware since my youth that I am a Hebrew through my mother, and that is something that has played a subtle but important role in my development.” He visited Israel that year.

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