New Sharpton Lingo: ‘Rodney King Will Be Funeralized’

Tim Graham's picture

On his “Keeping It Real” radio show on Wednesday, Rev. Al Sharpton introduced new lingo. He said Rodney King would be “funeralized,” but Sharpton used that event to then turn and crassly plug he’ll be in Los Angeles to receive an award from BET (Black Entertaintment Television).

“Rodney King will be funeralized this Saturday in Los Angeles. I’ll be going to Los Angeles as you will,” he said to his guest David A. Wilson of the NBC-owned site “I’m gettin’ an award at the BET Awards. And it’s just sad, Rodney King. I’m glad he got to write his book, though, which he was in studio to talk about before he passed, to at least leave his own feeling and his own version, how he wanted to be remembered. I just wanted people to know his family will be funeralizing him this Saturday in Los Angeles.”

BET is giving Sharpton its Humanitarian Award. “What he does better than anyone else is, he gives a voice to the voiceless,” said Stephen Hill, BET’s president of music programming and specials. “Obviously, Trayvon Martin is the most recent example.” It’s “presented by State Farm.

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