New Socialist French Nanny State Mandates Breathalyzers in All Cars
July 2, 2012

France’s new socialist government led by Francois Hollande is preparing to reap a collectivist windfall. On Sunday, a new law went into effect mandating all citizens install a breathalyser device on their cars.

A poll released over the weekend reveals that nearly sixty percent of respondents have yet to install the device. If they don’t obey the new rule by November 1, citizens will face a fine of 11 euros, or around $14.

The move to install similar devices in American cars is underway. In 2008, GM and Toyota announced they plan to install breathalyzer interlocks on new cars in a few years. The Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety group received a $10 million research grant for the project from the federal government.

In addition to nanny state measures, France’s new government plans to legalize gay marriage and adoption for same-sex couples. It has also pledged to make life easier for trans-gender individuals.

“A law granting full marriage status to gay couples would bring France, which currently provides only for same-sex civil unions, into line with fellow EU members Denmark, Portugal, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden,” Reuters reports.

“It would also mark a profound change in French society, where more than two-thirds of people still describe themselves as Roman Catholic, according to a 2010 survey by pollster Ifop.”

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