New suspect in Joanna Parrish murder case

“Of all the suspects they are by far, far the most likely ones to have
committed the murder of my daughter,” Mr Parrish said at the trial.

He and his wife had accused French police of bungling the case and losing
vital evidence. DNA samples taken from her body were found to have been
polluted. The parents were devastated when French judges closed the case in
2010, ruling there was “no case to answer” against Fourniret,
nicknamed The Ogre of the Ardennes.

On Tuesday it emerged the Paris court of appeal had overturned this decision
and ordered investigative judges to “make new inquiries in all
directions … including a new line of inquiry that has just been discovered”.

Didier Seban, the Parrish family lawyer, said the new suspect had been “denounced”
by an individual who provided police with “sufficiently precise details”
about his implication to relaunch an inquiry.

The lawyer said investigators had DNA evidence that could produce new leads.

“I cannot give any more details about the person concerned as he has not
yet been quizzed by police, but it concerns someone already linked to this
type of crime who I believe is currently in prison,” he told the Daily

He said the Parrish family were “naturally happy” about the latest
development. “All they have ever wanted is to know the truth, who
committed this crime and why.”

He said “no line of inquiry must be ruled out” in the new
investigation, which will also re-examine the possible role of the Fourniret
couple in the murder.

“The Parrish family had the impression of being very badly treated by the
French justice system. Their battle for the truth shows one must never
abandon the chance to try and resolve a case even after so many years,”
said Mr Seban.

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