Nigerian church bombed during Christmas prayers

At least 10 people killed in explosion in Catholic church in Abuja suburb but rescue efforts hampered by ambulance shortage.
Sunday, 25 December 2011

A bomb has exploded in a Catholic church on the outskirts of the Nigerian capital Abuja during Christmas prayers, killing at least 10 people.

Emergency services said they did not have enough ambulances available to evacuate all the dead and the wounded.

It was not known who exploded the bomb but Nigerian security forces have been battling the militant Islamist Boko Haram group, which wants to impose Islamic sharia law across the country, which is split roughly equally between Christians and Muslims.

“Yes, I can confirm to you that there has been a bomb blast in a church in Madala (an Abuja suburb),” national emergency management agency (Nema) spokesman Yushau Shuaibu said by telephone, adding that it was likely more people died in the blast.

Read more: Nigerian church bombed during Christmas prayers

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