‘Not inviting Iran to Syria talks, big error’

“An important truth, which no one can deny, is Iran’s influential and effective role in regional developments. Under these circumstances, if certain states do not want to enjoy the benefits of such an influence, it is their own problem,” Mohammad Khazaei told reporters following his address to a UN Security Council meeting on Afghanistan on Wednesday.

The Iranian diplomat pointed out that excluding Iran from the Syria Contact Group meeting — which is scheduled to be held in Geneva, Switzerland, on June 30 — is another instance of ignoring the realities of the Middle East on the part of Western states.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also said on Thursday that it was a mistake to exclude Iran from the talks in Geneva.

“Iran is an influential player in this situation and to leave it out of the Geneva meeting, I believe, is a mistake,” Lavrov said, adding that Washington’s opposition to Tehran’s participation was an example of “double standards.”

The United Nations has, however, said that joint UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan will engage Iran in efforts to restore calm in Syria.

Annan will brief Tehran after Saturday’s international meeting in Geneva and “will also ensure their [Iranians’] continued engagement,” UN spokesman Martin Nesirky said on Wednesday.

Syria has been experiencing unrest since mid-March 2011.


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