NT mayor found guilty of golf club attack

A Northern Territory mayor has been found guilty of three counts of assault for attacking a group of people with a golf club last year.

Palmerston Mayor Robert Hew Macleod sat in court with his arms and legs crossed as Magistrate Sally Sievers said he had lied in evidence and was guilty of attacking a 16-year-old girl, a 20-year-old woman and a 19-year-old man.

The incident took place on October 8 last year when Macleod, drunk and angry, confronted his neighbours over claims their dogs had run into his yard.

The court heard Macleod, aged 53, had hit the young people with a golf club causing the 19-year-old, Jake McGillivray, to miss one week of work and injuring the hand of one of the women.

The mayor had claimed self-defence, saying Mr McGillivray had threatened him with a baseball bat and he feared for his life.

But Ms Sievers cited police evidence that the mayor had wanted to continue the dispute even after they arrived, contradicting claims he was scared.

She said he had also attempted numerous times to blacken his neighbours’ reputations by calling them “neighbours from hell” when in fact there were no complaints against them.

Prosecutor Amanda Nobbs called for Macleod to be jailed and said sentencing for each crime should be separate.

Ms Nobbs said Macleod had shown no remorse and there had been no guilty plea.

“This is serious offending,” she said.

“Three assaults with a weapon … alcohol-fuelled violence.”

Counsel for Macleod, Matthew Hubber, said his client had undertaken extensive community work and was of the opinion that a jail term would guarantee he would lose his job as mayor.

But Ms Nobbs said it would send a dangerous message to the community if Macleod was treated differently from anyone else who came before the court because he might lose his job.

Macleod will be sentenced on February 27.

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