Obama asks Pentagon for military plans on Syria: Gen. Dempsey


Chairman of the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey (R) and US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta attend a meeting of the Senate Armed Services committee on March 7, 2012

Thu Mar 8, 2012


According to a Wednesday report by prominent US daily The New York Times, Dempsey declared in a US Senate committee hearing in Washington that the Department of Defense was preparing military alternatives with regards to the existing situation in Syria for Obama’s review.

The top American military chief made the remarks during a Wednesday hearing of US Senate’s Armed Services Committee.

Dempsey added that potential measures considered by the American military ranged from “aerial surveillance of the Syrian military, the establishment of a no-fly zone, naval monitoring and humanitarian airlifts.”

Read more: Obama asks Pentagon for military plans on Syria: Gen. Dempsey

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