Obama Campaign Ads Paint Romney as "In the Tank" for Big Oil

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Obama has opened his reelection campaign hitting back at Mitt Romney for supporting federal handouts for oil companies. Romney has been making the rounds, criticizing the president’s energy policies, and blaming him for high gas prices (though he has publicly admitted he knows better).

So Obama has returned fire with a series of TV ads painting Romney as “in the tank” for Big Oil. He also gets a potshot or two in about his being rich; “the $200 million man”. Here’s the most recent:

The Hill reports that the “ad is from the League of Conservation Voters working with Priorities USA Action, a super-PAC that supports Obama and that the president has publicly acknowledged. Priorities USA has hit Romney on the subject in a previous ad running in eight swing states.”

And here’s its predecessor:

Romney has opposed Obama’s plan to reduce gas prices by reining in oil speculation. He hasn’t explicitly stated where he stands on the subsidies that Democrats sought to remove from the five biggest oil companies, but the Republican party, aided by a few oil state Dems, crushed that effort.

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