Obama May Cancel 2012 Elections: Dr. Jerome Corsi Reports

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Infowars Nightly News
October 4, 2011

Dr. Jerome Corsi joins Alex Jones to discuss the possibility of Obama canceling the 2012 elections under the cover of economic collapse.

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93 Responses to “Obama May Cancel 2012 Elections: Dr. Jerome Corsi Reports”

  1. NOPE



    I DARE YA !

    Captain Ron Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 9:27 am


    Where… in yer fuckin pants?!?!?

    Lay the fuck back down boy… with all the bullshit goin on, has gone on… and WILL continue to go on… this is what it’s gonna take for you to stand the fuck up and grow a spine?

    Man… that shit is rich… real rich…

    “And our next comidian comes directly from the state of confusion, parts unknown! Give it up for Prison Planets own STUPER DUPER MAN!!!!”

    And the crowd DOESN’T go wild…

    Captain Ron Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 9:31 am

    As a side note… yer weak ass comment completely fucked up my delicious box of Cracker Jacks… which by the way… I was totally immersed in.

    Thanks asshole.

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 9:45 am




    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 10:10 am

    Ronnie makes an excellent point concerning just where we are in the shit hole we find ourselves in.

    “NO Elections” will bring in the “All Out Revolution”. “Rigged elections” will probably do the same thing.

    A “fair election” will have a different result all together provided we have one and the right candidate is elected…..and survives TPTB.

    “Time” shall give us all those answers.

    Cancelling the 2012 elections will be a sure sign that TPTB are absolutely desperate in trying to maintain their stranglehold. Those who are “serving” shall view that as the “highest breach of the US Constitution”, and the act of the “ultimate traitor”.

    Those troops, shall react differently than what TPTB are hoping for. DD Form 3206 showed us that. Obama is doing the bidding of the NWO. We all know that.

    The NWO is running out of time as far as events are concerned. Each day that passes, more people are waking to the realization to what a mess we are in.

    In that regard, the NWO is very concerned or they wouldn’t have had Clinton make the comment about losing the info war, and, staging events to bolster obamas ratings etc.

    TPTB are scared. They know its, “all or nothing”, for them. Recent events have put them on the defensive.

    They have the money, they have a certain amount of power. What they still lack is in trying to take our weapons from us while time is running out for them.

    They know it, and so do we. They cannot stop the flow of information getting out.
    That too is of great concern for them. At the present time, we are at a “stand off”.

    In the past, they have “stuck it in our faces”, saying” “So what, whatcha going to do”?!!!

    “Time” is the purifier of motive. We shall see, witness, and experience the events that unfold “first hand”. Stay ready.


    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 10:59 am





    Sam_Wheat Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 11:16 am


    Tell the attendant to give you your meds and to change your diapers.

    You’re beginning to get ripe, and you make squishy noises when you waddle.

    NoRetreat Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 4:01 pm

    wouldn’t surprise me in the least if he did cancel the elections. have actually been waiting for the time when it DID happen. thought Bush would have been the one to do it. but considering this time around, Ron Paul is a heavyweight for the election, i am sure that as time draws closer, and he emerges as a more likely victor, then they will take action. you know, they just can’t have a constitutionalist in office, that just wouldn’t do, and wouldn’t be proper……………..

    Tom Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 1:31 pm

    Everyone keeps waiting for the definitive even that will cause all Americans great and small to rise up and heroically take our country back. Well, they’ve BEEN going on for simply decades. We should have hit the streets the first time chemtrails were identified. We should have hit the streets the first time D.U. against our own troops was identified. We’ve had literally hundreds of wake-up calls. The xbox and the bong really are that distracting…

    Oprah Winfrey Assistant Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 3:32 pm

    Who is Lord Willin?

  2. Unfortunately, President Asshole can do anything he wants. He has the position and the power at the moment. And besides which, it keeps him in power and the Global Shits very happy, since he’s their puppet. They can still control this country. Someone needs to put a bullet in him and quickly. Might actually save this country then.

    Elm Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 10:26 am

    It’s not Obama per se.’ It’s his feudalistic benefactors, the Banksters, CFR, Bilderberg Group etc. His personal handler is likely Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski. Blair Putin are also members of the same top down global autocracy. Obama is not serving the American people, he serves his benefactors takes his directions from them. As in days of old, Obama has been appointed “Captain” of Slave Ship America by the current Merchant Kings. Like an economic hitman breaking into your house in the night, Obama crew have been tasked with the dismantling of the American constitutional republic. Oligarchic psychopaths loath freedom self-mastery. It makes them feeel uneasy, insecure OUT-OF-CONTROL.

  3. You are wrong the government and the news media are determined to start a race war and divide us. Some how we must convince the different races to stay together and start a revolution.

    vemi Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 10:00 am

    And by different races staying together you mean whites and blacks or mexicans and blacks or all of them and blacks but no, absoloutely NO! white fraternization with east asians unless with …blacks etc. That’ll be great. For you. See you afterwards.

    Tom Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 1:32 pm

    vemi has issues, everybody. But then again, so does everyone in the NWO…..

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 11:01 am



    wildmangreen Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 11:40 am

    aBsolutely correct.

    Genocidal Theory Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 1:33 pm

    No you are wrong, What your saying is I have 0 friends who are minorities that means your not able to communicate the message to them but I do I have needless to say these fuckers listen now when I tell them what a piece of shit globalist Obama is, when you can see a white man saying that in a room of black folk in the inner city, It’s priceless you will come to find that no man regardless of color wants to be made a fool of.

    Tom Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 1:32 pm

    I agree.

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 4:14 pm

    @ Super Duper Man 1776

    Be sure that “Philippe baby”, gets that memo. The dumb bastard “suggested” that we all join forces with the protesters. Can you believe that?!! LMAO!!!!


    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 4:51 pm



  4. Government is only thinking of
    what will get them more money
    and get them re elected.

    They no longer care about the
    people they represent.

    Times are going to continue to
    get harder and harder.

    What to do about this?

    I am so glad I learned the
    answer in a web site I
    found put together by a

    How to Profit like the Ultra-Rich in Times of Economic Chaos
    (click on my profile name to go to my blog to see my full video)

    I know this video can help you also.

  5. Stop rubbing your eyes Hatfield. This is reality. Room 1408 is global.

    Now didn’t I Just post last week that NWO has a plan B and that is revolution.

    Welcome to the never ending nightmare. FEMA camps are ready. Elections 2012 are a pipe dream and if they did happen the die has already been cast for Global Bankruptcy, famine, diseae, chaos, and enslavement.

    The ever Naieve Georgio doesn’t even know that police forces nation wide are recruiting criminals, thugs, and illiterates. It is called Operation Second Chance. Georgio must have handlers that keep this sfuff from him. Maybe he will understand when the NWO boots him off the air permanently world wide.


    Coming soon.

    You are going to need a bigger boat.

    October 4th, 2011 at 9:57 am

    Boys and girls watch for Major Ed Dames on C2C soon. If you dare to listen Scarlet.

    October 4th, 2011 at 11:02 am

    There shall be no elections in 2012. Now where have you heard that before Limbaugh cheese??
    Hill Billy Brain on the air now. He is sputtering, stumbling over his scripts, nervous, confused, and rambling. You never know how bad you need a college education unless you have one.
    The NWO shall turn you into a Bagdand Bob part time reading state controlled speaking points and full time sports caster shortly after they take all your money for redistrbution and your carbon emitting airplane shall be grounded permanently by the green police. what a smuck this Limbaugh cheese it.

    Having more fun than a Beast should be allowed to have!!!!!!!!!!!

    Meanwhile Hammity, the long island liberal, took the bait on Cain the communist hook line and sinker. Watch the little illiterate wiggle and squirm later this week when he chokes on his own words. Hammity will be sputtering around like a FIX news idiot today. Listern and learn Sons of the republic. What a putz this NWO shill has been.

    Dragon’s Eye Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 1:25 pm

    Major Ed Dames is part of the psychological disinformation campaign!

    THAT, and the whole “COAST-2-COAST AM PROGRAM”!

    I though you already knew this???????

    Apparently NOT!

  6. So, I want to do the same corrupt things that the “Ultra-Rich” have done to attain their fortunes? No thanks.

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 11:02 am


  7. Unfortunately, Corsi does too much talking out of his butt. The edges of what he says are true in that I think Obama is going to try and stir the racial issue to ‘play the race card’ to try and get reelected. And I do doubt that he was born in this country, but that issue is a looser as far as trying to get him removed or bring up in a political forum. The political cabal will not expose him and risk putting in doubt what he has don’t for three years as President.(imagine the paperwork involved)…..Further, if he is a CIA insider, as many of us suspect, they will give him a pass on the technical requirements of citizenship, because his mom was in the CIA. Corsi is always a little too much of a drama queen and promises things he can’t deliver. He has said he was on the verge of breaking big news on the birth certificate forgery for weeks now and given us nothing. And they will NOT cancel elections, but rather the cabal will put in the next stooge if Obama is unelectable be it a Republican or Democrat. Corsi is to a great extent a right wing mainstream Republican operative. Hence, the swiftboating of Kerry to aid W. Bush and Karl the slimeball Rove. Not one of my favorites in a long list of good Alex Jones guests. Web Tarpley, Friday Bob Chapman, or even Max Keiser or more on the ball with less bias.

    keefer Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 11:26 am

    I subscibed to Wnd just so I could follow the Corrsi quest for the overthrow of Obama. What a dissapointment. No news about it, just wanted to sell books. Books,books,books. Still hasn’t done a fu#$in thing about getting Obama out of office for months. Just more books. has all the evidence,but just wants to sell more books. WND is a joke, unless you want to buy a book about how scared Farrara and Corrsi are and how they will BS the public into buying a book they have no intention of living up to. Another fu#$% joke to get you to send them your money. And believe me, I wrote them and told them just that.Right before they came out with this “new sheriff whats his name” oh it doesn’t matter anyway, he probably doesn’t even exist. Corrsi is just streching out to keep ya on the line and sell more books. I have absolutely no faith in what Corrsi says. He’s as big a lier as our president.

  8. Barack Obama is the son of Malcolm X

    Super Duper Man 1776 Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 11:02 am

    NO HE’S NOT !

    Dragon’s Eye Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 1:26 pm


    The proof???????

    That would make Malcolm X a non-citizen too!

    I don’t think so!

    Startover Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 1:52 pm

    Google it
    Examine the forensic data

    A “Malcom parentage” would make Barack’s election invalid through misrepresentation.
    The American People would not have elected the Son of a Muslim Militant leader
    (no fucking way!) His entire Presidency and Cabinet and legislation would be thrown out as illegitimate.

    Why argue with me?
    A simple DNA of “assumed relatives” test would settle all questions

    Obama Senior IS NOT HIS FATHER

    AandO Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 3:28 pm

    You mean I’m going to have to stop calling it:

    The Kenyan goat herders Son?

  9. In other election news Herman Cain has modified his newest election campaign slogan from,”If the glove don’t fit, then elect me!” after it was pointed out to him that the slogan didn’t exactly rhyme and really made no sense at all. After careful consultations and deep philosophical ponderings Mr. Cain came out with what he hoped would turn the electorate his way; “If you have to Pee then vote for me!” ” This slogan”, he informed the gathered reporters,” fulfills not only the criteria of actually rhyming but I have been told that all Americans pee at least once a day thus I have broadened my base of appeal!”.

    In other election news in response to charges of Gov. Chris Christie being an ‘empty suit’ a team of investigative reporters has learned that not only is this statement true but it was found out that a large family of illegal immigrants was living inside the suit. When asked for an explaination Gov. Christie ate the reporter.

    In the meantime the search goes on for the mythical creature called Ronpaul.

  10. …”I have been told that all Americans pee at least once a day thus I have broadened my base of appeal!”.

    Being well into geezerhood, I have to pee way more often than that, but I still ain’t voting for Cain.

    Go Ron Paul!!!

    Dragon’s Eye Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 1:28 pm

    ** …”I have been told that all Americans pee at least once a day thus I have broadened my base of appeal!”.

    Being well into geezerhood, I have to pee way more often than that, but I still ain’t voting for Cain. **

    * * *

    Eeeeeewwwww !!!!

    I think I would have done well to leave THAT part out of the discussion !!!

  11. Corrsi’s a blow hard writer who just wants to sell books.
    If he has proof that the birth cirt. is a fake, why is the fraud still in office? Its all a ploy to sell more books. No body is doing anything about it. yeh, he says there is a new sheriff doing an investigation but Corrsi supposedly has allready done the investigation and has proof. So why is there another investigation? ANSWER: just to sell more books! sounds like another fraud to me!
    race war? Yes. Allready begun. Been going on for years. Its just got more intence since we have a black presidential imposter who’s running our country rapidly into the ground. What do you expect. I didn’t vote for him,knew nothing about him and didn’t think that America was ready for a black president(or a woman), and we’re still not! But after Bush, the people were ready for change and the fraud promissed change. Well I hope your all happy with the change you got by giving this country over to a corrupt and fascious imposter who was bought off by corporate greed. Yes he is just a puppet in the game,but also supposedly the leader of our country. Who can you trust anymore? Not your government, not your state, not the police, not even your nieghbor? So who’s left? Who can you trust? Everthing has a price and so does every body. What price are you willing to take for giving up your freedoms?? RON PAUL 2012

    keefer Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 11:02 am

    Oh, and by the way: you’ve allready elected one fraud black president who lied to eveyones face and continues to lie to our faces on a daily basis. Who is this Herman Cain??? He is following Paul’s views almost word for word. Can’t trust him! WTF is “if you have to pee vote for me”?? are you fu$%ing kidding me. FLUSH THE TURD!! another lier. He’ll take what ever they offer him so they can continue their globalist aggenda. Another sell out, just watch. Its not about the country its about another black man as president that can line his pockets with corporate bribes. He lives the fantasy of, ” if Obama was elected,anyone can be president”. Is that what YOU want? What a fu#$in joke.

    notsure Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 12:41 pm

    Hey EINSTEIN It IS a joke; satire to be precise. Read it again. Duhhhhhhhh.

  12. Hey Corsi you shill. What happened to going to look at the birth certifacte in Hawaii on Sept. 14th?

    Just what I thought, another bought and paid for stooge!

    All liars must be annialated. WE will not stand for lying stooges who only want to advance up the Illuminati ladder!

    Just remember when TSHTF that those who lie will be on the list!

    TheShadow Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 11:44 am

    Hmmm…yeah, here Corsi says that overwhelming evidence has been gathered. So, like, what are you going to with it – get it bronzed so it can further admired…?

    Closure on this birther issue is waaaay overdue! What a bunch of pussies Americans have become. Sheep? More like lemmings from this perspective.

    TheShadow Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 12:14 pm

    red pen corrections per above post: …what are you going to DO with it –
    get it bronzed so it can BE further admired…?

    Dragon’s Eye Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 1:30 pm

    ” What a RED Pill!!! “

  13. The way the hypocrits will procede in not having an election in 2012 will probably be because a major major natural desaster type of psyoop will occur? The perfect aliby for marshall law , temporary at first of course but will drag on as the chaos and the misery of people just adds on day after day?

    But that is only a potential scenario, does it mean that is what will happen? some might say it will other not? time we tell i guess

    Vic Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 10:30 am

    In the chaos, there are always some who make money out of that chaos.Follow the money, nothing changes. Money is the fuel so many are ready to sell there souls for,no matter what the situation.Human misery included.

    when a world carries mostly a $$$$$$ sign as a success story symbol, it only shows how deep in trouble we now are.

    Dragon’s Eye Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 1:35 pm

    Uh, Vic,

    It will be MORE than just THAT!

    There are literally dozens upon dozens of “situations” about to boil over, and very few will ever be able to keep track of them all!!!

    When the floodgates open up full, there will be too many horrors released to all of us at the same time – things will seem very hopeless and un-ending !!!

    I DON’T like to even think of what the hell I see before me!

    It also is beginning to get very unnerving at the constant stream of images I receive, virtually every moment of every day!

    There was a saying that some of us who were spiritually-opened up wide – would see endless images and shadows of the things to come – in crystal clarity!

    Regrettably, I am ONE of those folks!

    Peace, Brother!!!

  14. this evil government pits races against one another…keeps them seperated in their own
    “communities”…this evil government wants race wars…and this evil government will get
    exactly what it wants…just a short time away now

    vemi Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 11:02 am

    Uh…no. That would be us ourselves.
    With Love
    The Races.

    Peace Frog Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 11:42 am

    I take it you dont live in Compton Cali…try strolling thru there at midnight

    hint…you better be the right color

    Dragon’s Eye Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 1:38 pm

    “vemi” is just another confused and/or braindead individual!

    “IT” will learn the truth, one way or another!!!

    ( – OR – “IT” will die, NEVER knowing! )

  15. If Barry, AKA Obama, does that he’ll really be asking for it….
    He’s such a dufus!!!!

  16. it might be a dufus but seems to run a (du)mb (fu)cking (s)tupid assinine idiot in charge

  17. People said this would happen in Clinton’s last year and Bush’s last year. But it didn’t happen. The crooks who run this country don’t need to do that. They just replace one puppet with another. There is no need to do anything so dramatic as ending elections. That would really fire up the people. Having said that, if Ron Paul becomes the Republican candidate then the crooks will have a reason to try cancelling elections, because he wouldn’t be another puppet under their control. In that event it will be time to get the guns out of the closet and demand elections.

    Vic Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 11:48 am

    if Ron Paul becomes the Republican candidate then the crooks will have a reason to try cancelling elections?????

    Christie has been saying I am not running and he has again confirmed this, but CNN has him in second place behind Robney in a f…. fony pole and they still ignore Ron Paul as being number 2 in the race or is he number one and they are so in FEAR they need to add new horses to this bogus presidential race?

    Vic Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 11:50 am

    Maybe after all the people who support Ron Paul will turn this around? and by the looks of mainstream media behaviour to ignore Dr Paul we can see the Ron Paul revolution is for real.

    Go Ron Paul go, the criminals are in fear mode.

    Tom Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 1:35 pm

    Your question marks are killing me. And no, the criminals are not in fear mode. They are in exuberant victory mode.

    Dragon’s Eye Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 1:43 pm

    Tom Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 1:35 pm

    Your question marks are killing me. And no, the criminals are not in fear mode. They are in exuberant victory mode.

    * * *

    Oh really ???

    You give them far too much credit, “Tom”, and far too little to the people!

    I can almost “SMELL” the fear they have of us! I can see it in their worried stares when they speak publicly!

    WHY do you think they are making fewer public appearances ( unless surrounded by an “army” of security ) ??? – – THAT doesn’t appear anything like not having any fear or worries of the public, now DOES IT, “Tom”???

    That’s just ONE example that everyone should plainly see as PROOF that the political and control systems’ managers are very, very worried!

    They, indeed, are quite FEARFUL, because they KNOW it is either NOW or NEVER for them to put the finishing touches in place for their “police-state hell-hole”!!!

    ” We are NOT your property! “

  18. It wouldn’t surprise but then, ever since 9/11 nothing does. I would put the chances of this happening as 70/30 in favour because Obumma is on the ropes and no mistake.

  19. For some reason I keep thinking this is like what happened in Russia, at the turn of the century/ Except this time it is on steroids.

    Tom Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 1:38 pm

    Well, their “revolution” wasn’t a real revolution by any means. The Illuminati INSTALLED communism in Russia so that democracy would have an opponent. WWII was started to STRENGTHEN communism, which it did. Curiously, Patton wanted to keep on going to take it to the Russians, but was murdered for suggesting it, since the NWO had already accomplished its goals was was winding WWII down by then.

    Dragon’s Eye Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 1:47 pm

    ** Well, their “revolution” wasn’t a real revolution by any means. **

    Well, “Tom”, I don’t know what else you would call it then! Seems to me that they WERE successful in ousting and destroying the last of the ruling Romanov family, and taking power for themselves!!!

    Sounds like a “revolution” to me, even though the system of control changed hands, it still ended up in completely different hands and expanded beyond its original boundaries!

  20. Hey Super Duper Man I plan on being in Dallas with AJ and I’m a American of Hispanic descent bro See ya there bro.

    Dragon’s Eye Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 1:50 pm


    And just think of how many of the original Texans were of Mexican descent who fought against Santa Anna’s Mexican Army in the hopes of realizing true freedom alongside their white brothers!!!


    Have fun!

  21. This comes from Jerome Corsi LOL ! if this did happen it would be a time to get the F. out of this country .

  22. There certainly will be civil unrest if Obama tries that stunt. He has called up more National Guard troops out of the country I believe just in time for that attempt. Other troops in the U.S. who will try and attempt martial law will all be slaughtered. The elite think Libya is hard to take down, just wait until they try this in America. There are many woods and forests that many of us former military can and will hide and wait to take one out at a time.

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 12:43 pm

    Mississippi, you are “still” batting 1000.


    Tom Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 1:40 pm

    ….and we’ll be bumping into those two million Russian Chinese troops already hiding out in our woods. And that’s when we’ll run into those death camps that the German soldiers are manning, the ones with the guillotines and the dead American patriots’ bodies? But I’ll be there with you. We have it to do.

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 2:02 pm

    Tom, remember also that the Russian and Chinese bastards have to eat, be sheltered, have water, be re supplied as well, etc. They will be in our “element” then.

    What happens when they are not resupplied? HHHMMM Right! The Indians were deathly afraid of Jeremiah Johnson. Why? Rumor has it that he turned cannibal. Thats why. So will they.


    AandO Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 3:37 pm

    Not only that! Two million would not even be a good down payment for the price we will be charging them for being here on our turf.

    Me thinks dead chinks and rotting minks.

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 4:20 pm

    @ AO For any one else that still has any doubt this confirms AO’s post.



    For those who might have thought R Paul didnt know, read this.


    That was in 2005. This 2011 soon to be 2012. Think about it.


  23. Corsi, you forgot about the Obama assassination blamed on a white t party guy. Hillary comes in as the saintly unifier of blacks and whites. Meanwhile the class war escalates etc..

  24. you’ll all be chipped soon… elections will take place… Corsi is just trying to promote his book by using the Alex Jones fear machine. the satanic entities that run the system will not let the curtain fall by suspending elections… they’ll placate you once more by putting fresh meat in the white house. this chaos in the streets will lead to you being chipped… just look at the new justin timeberlake movie coming out… I think its called “In Time” very fitting title indeed for in time you will all be chipped.

    Dragon’s Eye Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 1:52 pm

    Oh, just go and suck on that dildo some more, will ya ?!?!?!?!?


    ” Another RED Pill! “

  25. Corsi says that when it’s discovered who this WH resident really is, it’ll shake the foundations of this entire country. Well, so would the resolution of 9-11. So, what’s the hold-up on both of these super-issues?

    Tom Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 1:41 pm

    Nice one!!!

    reconscoutsniper Reply:
    October 4th, 2011 at 3:44 pm

    @ The Shadow

    To gather any and all info that is of value, it would not be wise to tip your mitt as to just “who” the “insiders” are at this time. There is probably more to gather than just this. Corsi is playing obama like a fiddle.

    Corsi is a very intelligent guy. I have read his book on the birth certificate issue.

    He knows what he’s doing. He allowed obama to come on TV and proclaim the “phony” doc as being “his” before Corsi’s book came out. Why? So that there will be no place for obama to run and hide when “ALL” the other evidence has been complied.

    Obama cannot deny that he said the phony BC is his. The whole world was watching. He has no where to run or anyone else to blame. He is on his own. The technique used is called “isolating”.

    Corsi is a master at that. Obama?! Shit! Dumber than a box of hair.

    Interesting to note that R. Paul is talking about impeachment at the same time.


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