Obama Promotes Counter-terrorism Advisor to Assassination Czar

Susanne Posel
Occupy Corporatism
May 25, 2012





Obama has given his chief of counter-terrorism advisor, John Brennan, a promotion. Brennan has been designated as the one person in the Obama administration who is in charge of choosing who will be assassinated .

Brennan, who was a CIA official during the Bush administration, recently remarked that drone killings were moral, ethical and just.

According to the Associated Press: White House counter-terror chief John Brennan has seized the lead in choosing which terrorists will be targeted for drone attacks or raids, establishing a new procedure for both military and CIA targets.

The effort concentrates power over the use of lethal U.S. force outside war zones within one small team at the White House.

Brennan will work with the State Department and the Pentagon (along with various federal agencies) in creating target lists; deciding who lives and who dies.

Brennan’s recommendation will be delivered directly to Obama for final consideration.

How the process will be enacted is a classified matter; however advocacy groups are alarmed and are demanding that the Obama administration make use of the legal process in the US before ordering people killed by drones.

“We continue to believe, based on the information available, that the (drone) program itself is not just unlawful but dangerous,” said Hina Shamsi, director of the ACLU National Security Project. “It is dangerous to characterize the entire planet as a battlefield.”

As the White House consolidates the amount of people who are privy to the capture/kill list, less members of the President’s administration are able to be held accountable, and yet, those persons are becoming completely untouchable.

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