Obama Should ‘Remove Eric Holder’ and ‘Just Come Clean’ on Fast and Furious, Says Rep. Steve King

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Susan Jones
Thursday, April 26, 2012

“If I were the president of the United States, I would find a way for Eric Holder to step down, and it would be characterized as a firing,” Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) told Fox News on Thursday.

King suggested it would be better for President Obama to fire Attorney General Holder rather than let the “Fast and Furious” gun-running scandal blow up in Obama’s face right before the election:

“And as more of this unfolds – and I think there is substantially more – you remember that September 19 is kind of the date that bad things happen before elections,” King said.

“I don’t think that (Rep.) Darrell Issa is planning a date like that…but as this moves forward, and I’m the president of the United States, I’d be very worried that this comes to a crescendo sometime before September 19 of this year.

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8 Responses to “Obama Should ‘Remove Eric Holder’ and ‘Just Come Clean’ on Fast and Furious, Says Rep. Steve King”

  1. Eric Holder is criminal scum. He is the top law enforcement “official” in this corrupt nation. A heartless psychotic killer in the nations highest law enforcement office makes a mockery of ALL laws. Do what you want regardless of laws as if “they” want you in custody you will be framed anyway. 95 % of laws are null and void anyway. There’s no government like NO GOVERNMENT.

  2. The President should hire a chess expert, to help him apply CHECKERS POLICY to politics.
    The Persians invented chess. It’s just a game. Would Eric Holder be a rookie rook or knight, in the dark? Let Hillary be the Queen in public, while the Director of FBI stays in the closet, as always.
    We are not board, we are pawns that attack, faster and more furiously united than divided.


    go fish!


    drop the hanky

    vote for change

    fight for peace

    love thy married neighbor

    covet their slaves

    milk their cows

    cheese us!

  4. Mein fuhrer will probally have eric holder “whacked” …

  5. yet another politician flying a smoke screen..

    when reagan was president GHWB was running weapons and cash for drugs,
    Iran-contra scandal, with the clintons receiving the drugs into mena arkansas.
    they kept the spotlight on oliver “I cant recall” north,
    who instead of being fired for incompetence..
    is credited with the continuity of government plans,
    that WANTS this nation to fail so they can take over with MORE fascism.

    SSDD, hillary was implicated in fast-n-furious,
    theyre trying to keep the spotlight on holder.

    hillary: “I think Syrian rebels will be well funded and well armed”
    2 weeks later they imported 1000 mercenaries from the Libya they just trashed.

    when the clintons were gonna be investigated for Iran-contra mena arkansas,
    they blew up OKC.. “what investigation?”
    they demonized the militia movement,
    and rolled out the monica lewinski blue dress sideshow.

    instead of putting donald rumsfeld on trial for war crimes and more..
    he was publicly “fired” and is pulling far more crap now,
    now that the spotlight is off the CIA-NAZI SOB.
    weapons weapons bio-chemical weapons and more weapons!
    they aint gonna do a fuggen thing to holder, we already know.

  6. We need to give that black bastard a fair trial and then hang him!! Scum#%!*#cocksucker!

  7. Elvis has left the building. RETURN 3RIC HOLD3R to cinder. Address unknown, Pick up any phone. At the tone say hello to NSA, your one stop data storage and mining shop. This commercial was propaganda free.

    All that data belongs to We the People. The power of subpoena is the wraith for dogma. It will not quit. It will keep coming back, to attack evil. It’s a political whore story. Policy wanks in religious think tanks say

    Qui Tam it. Freedom of Information act it. The power to citizens arrest Congress is a mighty big stick.
    speak softly, and get your ideas to infowars.com before 30 April, 2012. Invite Alex Jones over for dinner.

    He’s lost over [ _ _ _ ] pounds!

  8. youtu.be/3Ow5e15_RGc

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