Obamacare is now the Obama Tax

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Mac Slavo
Thursday, June 28, 2012

It’s official. President George Bush’s Supreme Court appointee Chief Justice John Roberts has sided with the liberal-leaning members of the court and upheld the key provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

While the government can’t force Americans to buy any particular good or service, the Supreme Court’s landmark decision essentially says that your failure to purchase health care will require a tax penalty, thus leaving you with no other option if you want to avoid being taxed.

As bad as this is, a long-time White House Insider doesn’t necessarily see this is a complete loss for individual responsibility and liberty, but rather, a motivator that will catalyze opposition to Obama’s reelection hopes:

And the initial reports I’m getting are telling me there was a lot more clever going on inside that decision than the initial reaction will indicate. It’s the Obama Tax now. And states were given an out.  The entire law is a big ass convoluted mess and the ruling has reinforced that fact. Obama will have to defend something he doesn’t understand, and Romney can now sit back and just repeat over and over again “repeal-repeal-repeal”.

You can call bullsh-t on me here and I’ll understand if you do but I’m telling you right up this ruling today is GOOD NEWS.  Politically,  as a motivator, it’s great news.  Watch contributions toward Republicans jump up even more than they already were.  Watch the Obama White House have to face very hard questions over the Obamacare tax issue.  Watch states rise up to challenge the administration using the weapon the Supreme Court placed in their hands to do so. Watch the Tea Party come back stronger and more powerful than ever.

The giant has woken up.  Country needed a hard kick in the ass to remind us what is at stake in November.  Now we are truly ready to fight.

Source: The Ulsterman Report

A large percentage of Americans were already up in arms about the prospect of being forced to purchase health care. Now that it’s clear that what is happening is another government mandated tax, we suspect a massive outcry leading into the election.

We are not, however, convinced that a President Romney administration would act to end Obamacare if they are victorious in November, though his campaign is already calling for repeal.


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51 Responses to “Obamacare is now the Obama Tax”

  1. That’s the strategy of putting corrupt judges in place. Let them render correct verdicts on the small stuff, then drop the hammer on the big all-encompassing bomb. You know how much shit is in that bill? And as usual, there will be a piggy-back piece of treason in the small print at the end.

    singularity Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 1:19 pm

    The country definitely needs a hard kick in the backside, but not to continue believing salvation is just another election away. Enlighten and decentralize, that’s really the only choice we have.

    BTW, how can anyone be surprised at the rulings coming from Justice Roberts, hand picked by Bush II, son of Mr. NWO himself (“I owe everything to Rockefeller…”). Roberts ruled against Arizona’s efforts to enforce immigration laws the Feds refuse to, with the exception of preserving the provision to allow federally linked background checks on detainees – and we know what groundwork they are trying to lay with that one.

    Peace Frog Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 1:47 pm

    their still reading the bill

    STARMAN Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 2:23 pm


    In a Nut-shell

    No American will be allowed to walk the street unless they have paid money to a Private Corporation / thus insuring their body in public

    Oh did I mention … no ruling.. no restrictions .. no limits set on any future fines , that
    right now includes IRS penalties but may be increased in the future to heavy fines
    or jail times.

    mindboggled Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 4:34 pm

    Yeah, and Nasty Pelosi has just referred to uninsured as FREE RIDERS. So the veil falls.
    This was obviously NEVER about helping people. People were told it was not a tax, and the veil falls a bit more.
    Oh, and I have a friend who just got a job with a company that is gathering health records. They will be scanned at docs offices, then downloaded on the computer the company is providing. They got this job about a week ago, so don’t tell me they didn’t know how this ruling was going to go. It’s just more govt. theater.

    Put_that_pistol_down_boy Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 6:33 pm

    Hey, forget all this local political stuff from zombies that desereve what they’re getting! Have you seen what jsut happened in Soccer todaY! Mario Balotelli (black dune from Africa) after scoring his second goal for Italy, ripped off his shirt, and pulled a Shwerzenaiger, in political gesturing. Wonderful! A great moment for all of us Blacks! Done with the absolute subtlety, and deservedness. Fuckhead, vacuous, Obama, should cringe at this spectacle!

  2. how far from them do I need to get. oh ya far far away. this will stop . man ppl are just not getting it. my life is in your hand’s my ass. come get some.

  3. And now the precedent is going to be to TAX things into oblivion. They can’t take your guns BUT now this precedent says they can TAX you with high taxes so that you won’t be able to afford that gun. They will allow free speech… but only if you can afford the TAX on the permit. It’s ridiculous. They’ve said that not having health care is the TRIGGER that makes you liable but then they also add that IF you do not have health insurance you will get a HIGH tax BUT… if you do have health insurance THEN you will get a lower tax. So they’re going to FORCE YOU to buy health insurance and then on top of that you will ALSO PAY another tax that you didn’t used to pay.

    Death panels. Death Doctors. Increase in the cost of medications. Shortages. Rationing. Lowered quality of care. Forced paying for abortions and fetal cell research. Increased loss of privacy and inclusion in a national database. Taxing dissent.

    “And if you do not take this database chip implanted in your hand then fine, just pay us $20,000.00 a year in TAXES… what’s it going to be?”

    Vic Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 1:03 pm

    well they will try and starve the people into giving up there guns?????

    Startover Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 1:11 pm

    YEP!!!!!! Starvation!

    Food is always used as a weapon in every war
    These attackers are very patient
    They use social weapons instead of military weapons

    Just look at the weaponized medical industry:

    110,000 people are killed by their doctor every year
    insurance companies take 40% profit for every transaction (and they will mandate vaccines)
    pharma companies kill and harm millions with – no ‘criminal’ prosecution
    And now – if you refuse to pay these unnecessary middle men – the IRS will take your house

    Wake up folks
    The gun is pointed at you

    captain obvious Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 1:49 pm

    there it is..

    poison the air-food-water-medicine for corporate profits..
    big pharma big medical, now by mandate.

    the hospitals want first dibs on real estate for treatments not covered,
    which goes to state and their bankster buddies instead of your kids.

    this IS “weaponized”, with forced-coerced participation.
    they arent going to care if you dont like it,
    or hold religious beliefs that are against it all.

    Native Americans being handed blankets laced with smallpox.

    Startover Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 2:56 pm

    so what do we do now – captain?
    Repeal and Replace?

    I read, ” we need a 2/3 majority in the Senate” to reverse the death panels
    and any attempt for Congress to vote for a repeal before the Senate has a sufficient majority is pointless…

    This is where we all call, “Mommy – I’m stuck- come help me”

    Not a Drill! Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 1:16 pm

    If anything, the guns are your best way of obtaining food. How about raiding the well stocked corporate/government warehouses for starters. The government plans to confiscate all the food (and fuel) during times of emergency and use food as a method of controlling the masses

    Being hungry is a real good motivator, especuially when one is well armed.

    hellangone Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 1:35 pm

    @Not a Drill:

    How about laying up your own supply of food, instead of trying to rob others? Those who have PREPPED are also ARMED, and in depth. By that, I mean that they have MORE than ONE FIREARM, have lots of ammo and probably reload and gunsmith to boot.

    Don’t throw your life away. Canned food lasts for up to TWO YEARS, take advantage of store sales NOW.

    a-salty-dog Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 2:12 pm

    ‘Death panels. Death Doctors. Increase in the cost of medications. Shortages. Rationing. Lowered quality of care. Forced paying for abortions and fetal cell research. Increased loss of privacy and inclusion in a national database. Taxing dissent.’

    So now you have a state enforced corporatist for profit universal heath care system, which is in effect a national inequitable poll health tax, where these corporate Insurance companies can still invoke refusal to treat pre-existing health conditions even for children. All the disadvantages and non of the advantages of the so called ‘Socialist’ National Heath Care System (NHS) such as in the UK i.e. none of overhead administrative systems for billing, which lead to a poorer health care system at double to price for everyone as a measure of GDP spending per head in the USA.

    The worst of all health care systems models you could imagine.

    jchance Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 5:11 pm

    Plague of Smiles

    They cannot use this ruling to do the things you are claiming. This is a narrow scope we are talking here and is directed only at healthcare. In order for them to tax things like firearms or free speech as you claim, there would have to be legislation that mandates it challenged.

    You are just fear-mongering.

  4. ….happiness is knowing that my loved ones don’t live in this F**king Country………..

  5. Every insurance agent in the nation just shit a golden brick.

    down with the clown Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 12:57 pm

    yes they did.

  6. the bottom line is: ” if I let myself abused, well I guess I deserve what happens?

    the same applies to the rest: if people swallow this in submission, well they deserve to be slaves?

    time to arrest this criminal ganster org and the sooner the better.

    Forcing people to buy insurance?????? the shylocks have gone a step too far.

  7. sound’s like the money pit two week’s two week’s. got to go see ya.

  8. Article I, Section 8, states “All bills for the raising of Revenues (Taxes) must originate in the House of Representatives.”

    Is the Mandate specifically called a “Tax” in the Obamacare Bill or a penalty under the Commerce Clause? If it was originally called a Tax in the Obamacare Bill did it originate in the House of Representatives, or did it originate in the Whitehouse or the Senate, both are unconstitutional and cannot become law.

    All Congress need do now is repeal the so-called “Tax” portion of Obamacare, if indeed it was ever
    really called a tax and presto chango, Obamacare is dead.

    These assholes in Congress better get to work repealing this shit or they will have their next term in office repealed. They can take their choice.

    Look what happened to the Democratic majority in the Clinton Congress when they passed the assault weapons bill. They got their asses thrown out, and that was only the gun owners that voted them out. This time they have everyone that is pissed off about getting some kind of commie inspired health care ripoff jammed down their throats.

  9. As if we had a chance of voting big ears out. We all know they put who they want in da’ Big House as a puppet to push their agenda thru.

    So now those who are forced to buy gubberment death care (oops, I mean health insurance) will most likely get to have some type of tax break or sub’d insurance for free, but if you can’t afford insurance or don’t have a plan at work, you get taxed unless you get on the plan… dog chasing its tail in circles.
    If I was an individual, I would buy the cheapest hospitalization plan out there. Still probably cheaper than paying Obama taxes.

    jchance Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 5:20 pm


    Well said on the tax thing and those who cannot afford insurance. The poor will get poorer where they work at places like McDonald’s, Walmart, Burger King, etc, and Obama gave everyone of those companies exemptions on providing health insurance under Obamacare to their employees. Got to love that one.

    In all actuality, the supposed cheapest plans are now some of the most expensive ones. The last place I worked at here in New Hampshire before moving down south and coming back up here to start my own company switched from a conventional plan to a health insurance savings plan which is supposedly one of the cheapest out there. I had left the company before having to make the switch but keep in contact with people who remained their after me and some who still work there. Their healthcare costs in some cases tripled.

    That is what you get when the son takes over, has had a silver spoon up his ass his whole life, thinks that the employees are scum who don’t make the company what it is, and then decides to screw them on health insurance. He did it without his father’s knowledge too the little scumbag shit. A lot of the employees who helped to make the company what it was left for other employment that offered better insurance and helped to contribute to the company almost going belly up besides a lot of other things the son did. The father had to come out of retirement to save his company and one of the things he did was bring back a conventional health insurance plan.

  10. And the Mormons too. Like Bishop Romney. Marco Rubio was mormon but he switch to the vatican for politcal reasons.

  11. Chief Justice Roberts was the deciding factor. Remember he was the Lawyer that got the Supreme Court to appoint Bush President in 2000 without counting the votes.

    He was rewarded by being made Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

    George W. Bush probably had a lot of sway on this decision. Bush appointed Roberts as the Justice.

  12. Yup, Agenda 21 is in full swing……the New World Order is coming to a table near you ! All those who think they’re living on easy wall street are going to really see the hatchet coming now !

  13. no worries…the government will run your health care just like they run the post office DMV

    jchance Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 5:22 pm

    LOL… So that means you will wait in long lines for care then. I guess then people will be dead before they get to be seen, pregnant women will deliver before they are seen too, and that will in their eyes make things much cheaper I am sure.

  14. Oh, hey.., relax everybody, Mitt Romney will repeal Obamacare.., HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Just kidding, just kidding. But at least it’s fuel for his election campaign (as if he’s any different than Soetoro)

    jchance Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 5:23 pm

    Romney claiming that the Supreme Court’s ruling was wrong and any attempt to use this as a means to win the sheeple over is the funniest thing ever! He wrote Obamacare for Christ sake!

  15. IRS receiving ONE BILLION dollars to be enforcers



    jchance Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 5:27 pm

    Prescott did not adopt him. George HW was his real son. They were Germans loyal to the Third Reich and spies for Hitler sent here to spy on Tesla. There a photos of them that have been examined by experts of them in Germany taken at a family Christmas party where George HW is wearing a little German Navy sailor suit as a child.

  17. How come not one stupid American is asking the most basic question …except me? And that is “where’s the booklet”? “Where’s the pamphlet”? Where is the little 5 or 6 page booklet that should be sent to evey American that clearly, and simply explains what is covered by the government in case I get sick and need to use the insurance. If O’Bama care covers 90% of an appendectomy operation and 3 days in a hospital bed I’ll gladly pay the 20 bucks per month! I’m all for a single pay’er system that cuts out the mega profits of insurance companies ripping off the people. It’s about time. But what does it cover!!! What does it cover.

    jchance Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 5:28 pm

    Do you not get that Obamacare was written by Romney and the insurance companies. The whole thing is designed to increase their profits while decreasing their payouts on care.

  18. I had my doubts the world elite wants Romney when Obama already believes what they want is beneficial to the country. However, doesn’t Roberts’ ruling reenforce the theory they want Romney as this gives him all the ammo he needs to fire up the base and win?

  19. Article 1 Section 7 of our Constitution : ALL bills for raising revenue shall ORIGINATE in the House of Representatives, but the Senate may propose or concur admendments on other bills.

    ObamaCare was passed in the SENATE and NOT in the House so the entire bill is null and void !

  20. The SEIU is flooding their members today with never ending lies on what all this covers, how wonderful it is and it will all be free for them. See if you can google it.

  21. So now if you don’t pay the “Obama Tax”, your taxes will keep snowballing until you owe hundreds of thousands and eventually, they will take everything from you and then you will experience true taxation slavery and maybe be sent to prison. Why would anyone want to be an American anymore?

  22. Let us forget the individual politicians. How do we manage a straight forward problem? The middleclass and above have decent health insurance. The very rich do to though some may not need it and risk the out of pocket expenses. The professionally poor, on Medicaid do not give a crap.
    That leaves the working poor. Too much income to receive medicaid. Not enough to come close to paying hospital bills if necessary. In this category there are two subtypes: A. Their job offers health insurance but requires some cost sharing. Or, they could afford catastrophic insurance that would cover major health crises but they choose not to buy it, and would rather pay off a better car than they might otherwise drive.
    And B. absolutely cannot afford any health insurance whatsoever.
    Lets say A has some responsibility to have health insurance because he knows that in an emergency the ambulance will come and he will be treated on a hospital. When he cannot pay, he in effect is a free loader on the system.
    I bet most of you reading this if asked in a different way whether or not people should force others to pay for their health care would say “Hell no!”. Making those who could afford to be covered buy some health insurance, is not too much to expect of a responsible adult citizen.

  23. Let us forget the individual politicians. How do we manage a straight forward problem? The middleclass and above have decent health insurance. The very rich do to though some may not need it and risk the out of pocket expenses. The professionally poor, on Medicaid do not give a crap.
    That leaves the working poor. Too much income to receive medicaid. Not enough to come close to paying hospital bills if necessary. In this category there are two subtypes: A. Their job offers health insurance but requires some cost sharing. Or, they could afford catastrophic insurance that would cover major health crises but they choose not to buy it, and would rather pay off a better car than they might otherwise drive.
    And B. absolutely cannot afford any health insurance whatsoever.
    Lets say A has some responsibility to have health insurance because he knows that in an emergency the ambulance will come and he will be treated on a hospital. When he cannot pay, he in effect is a free loader on the system.
    I bet most of you reading this if asked in a different way whether or not people should force others to pay for their health care would say “Hell no!”. Making those who could afford to be covered buy some health insurance, is not too much to expect of a responsible adult citizen.

  24. oops. Sorry for the double tap.
    There are far more diabolical schemes in the Health Care Affordability Act than mandates. Lets not throw in the towel.

  25. oBaMACARE= MACABRE Oa;Oa= Guardians of the Universe (DC Comics); The Guardians Originated on Planet Maltus (Knights of Malta). Obamacare is a parody.

    Obamacare presents Knights of Malta/macabre, which is a Christian military order formerly known as Knights of Rhodes, which BOTH practiced human ritual sacrifice and are connected with the Mormon church. The current battery of sacrifice rituals involve necromancy, child sacrifice, the child sacrifice debauchery ritual and ritual human sacrifice to appease their BDSM/pedophile corporate affiliates ans special interests.

    Good fucking luck, America. As of June 28, 2012 you are officially the seat of government of a world Drac culture.

    jchance Reply:
    June 28th, 2012 at 5:32 pm


    Wow! you are seriously in la la land. You make these statements and there is no basis in fact with them. You seriously have an active imagination and major mental problems. No that is not a medical opinion. It is a fact not using “psychological science” either. It is based on your posts like this. Only someone who is 5 cans short of a 6 pack, an order of fries short of a Happy Meal, and a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket would make statements like you do.

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