Obama’s “peace” partner, the Taliban, behead two Pakistani soldiers and mount their heads on wooden poles

article 2140709 12EC9390000005DC 113 468x317 Obamas peace partner, the Taliban, behead two Pakistani soldiers and mount their heads on wooden polesObama’s “peace” partner, the Taliban, behead two Pakistani soldiers and mount their heads on wooden poles

poweredby FFFFFF Obamas peace partner, the Taliban, behead two Pakistani soldiers and mount their heads on wooden poles

The day America partners with ideological groups that religiously slaughter (behead) their victims and mount their heads on poles is the day America ceases to exist.

Obama has been releasing high-level jihadists in exchange for pledges of peace from these savages.

The American policy was always that we don’t negotiate with terrorists, Obama is partnering with them.

Taliban militants behead two Pakistani soldiers and mount their heads on wooden poles Daily Mail

Two Pakistani soldiers were beheaded by Taliban militants who then mounted their heads on wooden poles – just one day after they killed nine soldiers in the same town.

The military raided two houses in Miran Shah, in the northwest of the country, on Sunday night and killed a militant commander and several of his colleagues.

But during the raids militants seized two soldiers, beheaded them and hung their heads in different parts of Miran Shah, a Taliban leader claimed.

Continued attacks: Security personnel investigate the site of a suicide bombing on Friday in a market, in the tribal region of Khar, Bajur, Pakistan, close to the Afghan border

Continued attacks: Security personnel investigate the site of a suicide bombing on Friday in a market, in the tribal region of Khar, Bajur, Pakistan, close to the Afghan border

The killings in the main town of the North Waziristan tribal area are a further demonstration of heightened tensions in the region as militants continue to attack security forces.

Just hours before the latest killings, the Taliban ambushed a security checkpoint in Miran Shah, killing nine Pakistani soldiers. The Pakistani Army said militants had been firing on the checkpoint for the past few days before they ambushed it.

The army retaliated with helicopter gunships, which pounded suspected militant hideouts and also struck three houses and a mosque in the town. Three civilians were killed and 20 were wounded in the helicopter attacks but it’s unclear how many militants were killed.

The intelligence officials did not specify how the soldiers were seized, but confirmed that their heads were hanging from poles in Miran Shah.

The army has retrieved some of the bodies of the soldiers who were killed, and authorities are working with local tribal elders to try to get the militants to return the rest, said the officials.


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