Occupy Wall Street to Protest Tax Cuts in March on Washington DC

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The Daily Bell
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Occupy The Highway: The 99% March to Washington … On November 23rd, the Congressional Deficit Reduction Super-Committee will meet to decide on whether or not to keep Obama‘s extension to the Bush tax-cuts – which only benefit the richest 1% of Americans in any kind of significant way. Luckily, a group of OWS‘ers are embarking on a two-week march from Liberty Plaza to the Whitehouse to let the committee know what the 99% think about these cuts. Join the march to make sure these tax cuts for the richest 1% of Americans are allowed to die! – OWSnews.org

Dominant Social Theme: One thing we can do to make sure that the economy gets better is to encourage the US$3 trillion Federal Leviathan not to tamper with taxes, NOT EVER. Especially don’t cut taxes on the wealthy!

Free-Market Analysis: It is not enough that the Occupy Wall Street movement has been a phony false flag operation from the very beginning. (We’ve written about this many times now and so have others.) It’s not enough that the organizers, who evidently and obviously work for the powers-that-be, throw in some opposition to central banking every now and then to keep libertarians from baying too loudly.

We’ve mentioned Jerry Seinfeld’s “Bizarro Land” (where everything is backwards) to describe the arguments of top socioeconomic thinkers like Webster Tarpley and Lyndon LaRouche. They analyze the horrors of modern regulatory democracy in detail and then they propose … more of the same! Much more! You can see the Tarpley article with the Bizarro Land allusion here: Occupy Wall Street and Webster Tarpley … We’re All LaRouch-ites Now!.

This is sorta what’s going on with Occupy Wall Street. They gather in their dozens (often more media than people it seems) in their Vendetta masks with the drums pounding and cry, ‘Havoc!’ They speak of letting loose the “dogs of war,” then go have a protest march to ask the government to assume more powers!

This is one weird group. They spend time arguing over which regulations the Empire of America should retain or select. (Reinstate Glass-Steagall). They want to use the current, inexcusable penitentiary-industrial complex to imprison bad “banksters.” They want the current Leviathan to RAISE taxes rather than lower them. And they’re willing to march to get their way!

Martin Luther King marched for freedom, they say. George Washington fought for Colonial liberty. Millions died in theUS Civil War for the right to secede from the federal government. But this group gathers in cities and towns around the country to urge the US fedgov to retain the powers it has and even to create new ones! Here’s some more from the article:

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t
  • Occupy Wall Street to Protest Tax Cuts in March on Washington DC

The 20 mile a day/2 week march from Liberty Square to DC is set to leave this Wednesday, November 9 at noon. On Wednesday we’ll be leaving Liberty Square and marching to the New York Waterway/Hudson River Ferry and onward to Elizabeth, NJ. This is our first stop. Everyone is welcome to join this two week march. If you’d like to participate, but can’t commit for two weeks you’re welcome to join us for the day or help send us off!

The march is being organized by a few of us here at OWS. We will be in DC by Nov 23 for the Congressional Super Committee meeting. This committee has the power to keep the Bush tax cuts (that only benefit the top 1%) or let them expire. We want to be there to fight for the 99%! We will also be connecting with Occupy Philly and Occupy Baltimore along the route, and, of course, Occupy DC!

A major draw for this march is to encourage more people in rural communities to get involved as well as bring spreading the word along the highway. We are hoping people will join the march along the way; whether for an hour, a day, or the full two weeks, we feel its imperative for OWS to be involved in the historical significance of long distance marches to support, promote, and encourage economic and social equality.

Conclusion: Ah, this group is marching for economic and social equality, not for more freedom. They want to use the force of government for purposes of additional “leveling.” This is EXACTLY the MO of the French Revolution that was likely similarly controlled. That ended in a general bloodbath, one that brought Napoleon to power. Didn’t work out so well. This one won’t either, in our view. Libertarians, get out now?

Blood and destruction shall be so in use

And dreadful objects so familiar

That mothers shall but smile when they behold

Their infants quarter’d with the hands of war;

All pity choked with custom of fell deeds:

And Caesar’s spirit, ranging for revenge,

With Ate by his side come hot from hell,

Shall in these confines with a monarch’s voice

Cry ‘Havoc,’ and let slip the dogs of war! …

(The Bard, Julius Caesar, 1601)


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7 Responses to “Occupy Wall Street to Protest Tax Cuts in March on Washington DC”

  1. Another crappy elitist article from the Daily Bell. They even have the nerve to complain about protestors demanding Glass-Steagal be reinstated. Now the only people who don’t want that are the big 6 megabanks, because they can combine their high risk investment banks with their FDIC insured commercial bank. For example Merrill Lynch was combined with Bank of America, now they move all their derivatives over from the investmant banking side (merrill lynch) to the FDIC insured commericial bank (BofA) leaving us to pick up the tab. The Daily Bell is just using libertarian spin to sell pro bankster propaganda. Its disgusting.

  2. I think the protesters are paid and well funded. It could just be another deception like the Russian revolution by bakers funded Jewish communists to upgrade and maintain their grip on power with time. they don’t represent real desperate people who are enslaved for life who cannot afford to take even a day off to participate in protest. the day labors, construction workers, minimum wage earners, housekeepers, restaurant workers, cabdrivers, street vendors are the real desperate working poor in America who had a false hope named American dream without knowing what America is all about. for working poor city is the only place they can find some work but it’s at the expense of their life, love, happiness, dignity and everything else. In the name of protesting the tax cut the protesters are actually averting tax cut for working poor and that’s the hidden agenda. tax is a form of slavery for working poor. it’s an added insult to the injury. I know white folks wouldn’t agree with me because they have been taught by the system to just ignore everything and be the inconsiderate people they are. they are in so much love with their rulers that they vote the racist warmongers in power even at the expense of their young sons and daughters.

  3. “In the name of protesting the tax cut the protesters are actually averting tax cut for working poor”

    Explain how that would stop the working poor from receiving a tax cut.

    emus Reply:
    November 9th, 2011 at 1:34 pm

    most of the OWS leaderships are Julian Assange and Noam Chomsky type mole.

  4. John McCain Is Right!!

    THE ARTICLE 12 Sect. 3 – Will be a Must Win For Ron Paul.


    The biggest problem in our history – we face today, once most people are elected ; they end up wheeling and dealing for Wall Street brokers!!

    That not we the people- they are hand selected; most corporate attorneys; or CEO’s and Comissioned lobbyist running for office.

    To give the People – the false feeling of voting for a person who – will represent thier intrests?? Instead??

    What Really Happens.

    We must end bi-parisan freindship’s with coprorate trade executives on wall street!! Thus would also mean that once elected he, Ron Paul, must get the peoples approval to go before state and nation wide vote- included in the ballot, abolishment, of the mentions belonging to any “one” specific party!!

    That also meaning (unrepresented) and unlimited corporate controlled fund raising used to bribe congress and the house of represenatives.

    Jesse Ventura- he also, know this as a fact, too., and has caused irrefutable harm to the cause and trust of public trust in the people.

    Congress that only has a 12% approval rating- why ? Most are puppets to Wall Street; and highly funded CEO’s that will pay any amout tio get their agenda past!! Most of the reason they don’t want to legislate term limits in sitting office.

    Stop Bribery – and Wall Street- Corporate Theivery- Their Real Decpetion Economic System.

    Why? It’s by the People, am I Right?? In your heart , You, know I am right!

    It is in fact constitutionally correct. The only thing abraham linclon got right was a house devided cannot stand… except he wanted to abolish the states independence; and the states authority over the US Supreme court!!

    In part this is what screwed up our country several years later – Marbury vs. madison, by Cranch Vs. Marshall by English Common Laws.

    We Must Give the power back (to) the STATE – US Supreme Courts., by the Law, By The Constitution. Thus ending the US Corporate Hitler Gestopo from hiring “thier” elite lobbyist’s to strip all the freedoms , the rights from the American People, the laws, and that the Right’s for any reason must not be abridged.

    WE MUST ENFORCE A “Clean Elections Act.” preventing even more Corruption – all the money in fund raising, it goes to the campaign fund. That meaning it legally cannot go to just one person- not one party- or a one standing majority!!

    WE THE PEOPLE, For The People, By a Republic, For all The People, = The True Spirit of The American Freedom!!

    End Of Report.

    RON PAUL @ 2012.

    Electonically Signed, Robert Lane Aiassa 11/10/2011

  5. my classmate’s sister-in-law makes $83 hourly on the computer. She has been fired for 6 months but last month her pay was $8368 just working on the computer for a few hours. Read this site MakeCash4. com !!!

  6. This article is bullshit. Pure bullshit. I guess those thousands of protestors made all those “Tax the rich” signs to throw us off huh? sheesh…….
    If you think either party or any organization controls ANY of the #Occupy places…youve got another think coming.
    People are just fed up! Period.

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