Ohio school shooting: student describes moment killer pulled out gun in 911 call

Student: His name is Thomas Lane.

Dispatcher: Is he a student?

Student: Yeah.

Dispatcher: Where is he at now?

Student: He’s somewhere in the building. As soon as I saw him pull the gun and
start shooting, I ran outside.

Dispatcher: Did he shoot anyone?

Student: Yes. I saw a couple of students get hit.

Dispatcher: Where was all this taking place at?

Student: In the lunchroom at Chardon High School.

Dispatcher: In the cafeteria?

Student: Yes.

Dispatcher: And you saw him shoot how many?

Student: I saw him take out two and then I was gone. I was out of there.

Dispatcher: OK, were the students still alive?

Student: I don’t know ma’am. I didn’t even check. I just got out of there as
fast as I could.

Dispatcher: But they went down, right?

Student: Yeah, they were laying on the ground in blood.

Dispatcher: What was his beef with these kids, do we know?

Student: I have no idea. It’s a kid that, generally like I try to talk to,
he’s very quiet and he doesn’t really talk to anyone.

Dispatcher: What’s he wearing?

Student: He’s wearing a grey hoodie I believe. That’s all I remember.

Dispatcher: What kind of gun was it? Was it a pistol or a long gun?

Student: I think it was a .22 pistol.

Dispatcher: Do we know why he was mad at these students? Was he picking
students randomly?

Student: Yeah, he just pulled out a gun and started firing upon, like 500
kids, all in the lunchroom.

Dispatcher: So he just pulled out the gun and started shooting students in the

Student: Yes. At random.


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