Olympics Whistleblower Fears For Safety, Reveals Identity

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“I’m now afraid that I might be in physical danger”

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Monday, July 2, 2012

Olympics Whistleblower Fears For Safety, Reveals Identity ben fellows rafbf 294

The undercover journalist who blew the whistle on G4S, the security company responsible for the 2012 Olympics, along with shocking plans for an evacuation of London, has revealed his identity following fears for his safety.

‘Lee Hazledean’ – the whistleblower who exposed how he had infiltrated G4S as an employee and uncovered how security preparations for the Olympics were so poor that they were inviting a terrorist attack, has revealed himself to be Ben Fellows, an acclaimed director who has worked with Stanley Kubrick. Fellows has also appeared in numerous popular television and theatre shows.

Fellows made the decision to reveal his identity, after having gone under a pseudonym for the purposes of radio interviews conducted over the last week, because of fears over his safety.

“With all sincerity I’m now afraid that I might be in physical danger from G4S,” Fellows told Infowars, adding that he feared the mainstream media was about to launch a character assassination campaign. “My only protection is to go public…. I have done nothing wrong and I stand by everything that I have said,” added Fellows.

Fellows also revealed that Andy Davies, Channel 4 News Home Affairs Correspondent, demanded that he retract statements made during a radio interview with BCFM’s Friday Drivetime in which Fellows said of Davies, “I sent him an email, I called, he wasn’t interested and he said there’s a media blackout on this kind of story, that nobody would be interested in running it.”

In a telephone conversation provided to Infowars, Davies claims that he never read Fellows’ original email and that the two never had a conversation about the issue.

“I emailed Andy Davies on the 13th of June and pitched the story to him, he then called me back and we talked,” claims Fellows, who is now going public to offset his concern that his name may have been privately passed to G4S.

Fellows’ revelations about how he infiltrated G4S and what he discovered were nothing less than astounding. However, the mainstream media chose to run a whitewash, focusing instead on relatively tame security lapses and ignoring Fellows’ story altogether, despite the fact that it had already gone viral in the alternative media.

During his time working for G4S over the past several months, Fellows learned of numerous disturbing developments.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

– Fellows was able to get the job of a security officer via a simple application process. No background checks were carried out and his personal references were not checked.

– Fellows was successful in taking guns, knives and explosives through both metal detectors and body scanners on numerous occasions during dummy runs.

– Fellows was told that metal detectors and body scanners would be deactivated at peak times in order to get crowds into the Olympic venue quicker.

– Fellows was also informed that 200,000 casket linings that can hold four dead bodies each have been shipped into London in preparation for the Games.

– Thousands of foreign troops under the auspices of the United Nations have also been brought into London.

– Plans for an evacuation of London in the aftermath of a deadly terrorist attack have been discussed at great length. G4S employees were briefed on the evacuation plan to a greater extent than the time spent on training them to conduct security screening.

– G4S security staff have been caught doing drug deals while in training with no retribution. Uniforms have also been handed out to unauthorized personnel as well as uniforms being stolen. G4S staff have also been caught taking photographs on their cellphones of secure locations.

– Fellows was told that Predator drones of the type used in Afghanistan and Yemen would be circling London during the Olympics.

– Fellows believes G4S security staff are so poorly trained and the security operation as a whole is so lax that terrorists could quite easily stage a “massacre” during the Games.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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67 Responses to “Olympics Whistleblower Fears For Safety, Reveals Identity”

  1. They are obviously counting on poorly trained security to add to the chaos.

    STARMAN Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 6:26 am

    something smells

    not sure what it is yet , but stay tuned

    ashes ashes … we all fall down

    coastx Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 8:49 am

    Disney world, FL. The entire fucking area should be in alert, but it’s not. Fusion center WILL NOT acknowledge this, for obvious reasons, and people are too fucking stupid to care.

    mikeoxstiff Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 9:30 am

    quote from starman

    something smells

    not sure what it is yet , but stay tuned

    starman you tosser. Just like most people on PP you dont have a clue. You are not sure what it is but when it happens or does not you will say you where right

    you dont have a fucking clue do you

    Tom Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 12:43 pm

    mikeoxstiff — Well, better safe than sorry, right? Coffin liners aren’t there for NO reason…

    mindboggled Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 7:30 am

    Indeed, providing deliberately shoddy security. Wonder how many of them are actually in on the whole thing, and how many of those unsuspecting ‘guards’ will be taken out? This is the kind of stuff we used to go to the movies to watch.
    In the meantime, I wonder if they’re going to pull something over here, while everyone’s glued to the tube watching what’s going on over there………hell, that would work worldwide.

    Lincoln45 Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 8:01 am

    Scary but true. Wake up sheeple…WAKE UP!!!

    coastx Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 9:24 am

    THESE sheeple. THIS dream. THAT nightmare. You are not going to reach them, because they’re not asleep. It’s an MK/ULTRA, GMO pharmaceutically induced stupor, and THEY CAN’T H E A R YOU!

    coastx Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 9:26 am

    You can look them in the eye and tell them an earthquake just took out California, and they will response: LET’S EAT!

    InTheFire Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 8:15 am

    This is just typical government incompetence. Government employees cant deliver mail, issue a licence plate or build an intersection in under 6 months.

    Its all running at the speed and efficiency of central planning just like the good ol’ USSR used too.

    GJ Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 9:22 am

    A musing…

    As Jane Powers has pointed out, the Crown Council of 13 (Rothschild and the other 12 hierarchical ruling families) control the 3 great power centers on the planet; the City of London (finance), Washington DC (military) and the Vatican (religion).

    If London is destroyed, I would have to see it as the beginning of some great satanic ritual to sacrifice that which they have created.

    Heather Wright Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 9:40 am

    This company used to run prisoners between prisons and ‘lost’ numerous prisoners! It was a scandal a few years ago in the UK. (They were called Group 4.)
    If you wanted to find the security company with the worst record and worst press, it would be this one. Well, they’ll be easy to blame…

  2. They will probably go through with it and get away with it regardless.

    Matzo Man Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 6:27 am

    An obvious false flag is being planned… a real Big One, which they want everybody to bite.

  3. You probably don’t want to go to this thing. Why be one of the 200,000 casket lining bodies?

    If you choose to go then you obviously haven’t read this article or, you have no regard for your or your family’s safety.

    wiggins Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 8:46 am

    I bet 90% of the population aren’t even aware of this story; especially as all media outlets have ignored it as more ‘conspiracy’ nonsense.

  4. let it bleed

  5. look who can afford to buy tickets to attend..
    look how many contests are being held for “winners” to attend..
    “dead peasant insurance” anyone?
    howabout “Titanic” carrying who would have opposed a federal reserve..

  6. Yes, any criticism of the Olympics will be curtailed.


    ‘Edzell 70-year-old Dave Coull said he was flabbergasted by the arrival of two plain clothes officers at the door of his sheltered housing flat in the Angus village after a letter he wrote was published in The Courier.

    The bemused pensioner has vowed to go ahead with his one-man protest when the torch arrives in Courier Country on Tuesday, handing out leaflets he says highlight the modern era relay’s controversial connection to Nazi Germany.’

    w w w . thecourier. co . uk / News / Angus / article / 23248 / i-started-laughing-and-kept-on-laughing-olympic-torch-protester-gets-a-police-visit. ht ml

    coastx Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 8:50 am

    hahaha People miss the big picture, don’t they?

    Tractor Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 9:00 am

    Zombie-hunger race now Olympic Sport.

    Marathon 26-mile channel swimmers take note: grease-up now!

    Enjoy Londoners .., er, Londoners enjoy

    Tractor Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 9:02 am

    but start swimming now — if you don’t have a Dunkirk launch…

    Tractor Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 9:05 am

    Look at Chief Roberts Taney he threw his robes off after midsummer, and is heading for Malta…

    Tractor Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 9:07 am

    fortifies American juris-dear-prudence and heads for the fort…

    Tractor Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 9:08 am

    Happy second half footballers, or whatever soccer rules are?????

    Tractor Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 9:12 am

    I kid the hand-less kickers, use your heads and get the-F- outta there!

    Tractor Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 9:14 am

    New Sport — no hands channel-swimming, like the Python star swimmer back in the day…

    Tractor Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 9:28 am

    Swim like a full Python Monty that is.

    Tractor Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 9:51 am

    Head back to Normandy and speak French if you know what’s good for you.

    You won’t blend in there but the French will have recipes for cooking Zombies.

    I’ll bet they could eat anything over there, so be extra careful and say wee wee, or be real fancy and affected and say oui oui like Romney.

    Tractor Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 9:53 am

    Crepes’ Zombets come to mind if you’re Brittany bound.

    Eggs a la Zomboid too…

    Tractor Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 9:56 am

    Or the very Chic’ Paris dish, flaming Souffle-Zombee.

    Tractor Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 10:03 am

    I could have said Très chic, but I’m not trying to impress snail-darters like you should.

    Tractor Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 10:06 am

    I’m joking, I love the Frenchies. Amsterdam is where I’d go to wind down-up.

    Tractor Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 10:14 am

    Another possibility is the Lipstick Tower of London, your prince C hates it.

    Tractor Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 10:17 am

    Cleese’s plans for a Masonic abattoir may materialize yet.

    Tractor Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 10:24 am

    Anyway Watsons, it looks like Eye-sore anyway you look at it…

    You could try to pre-empt them and sell it an idiot American.

    I’ve got a couple bucks left after Tax freedom day.

    Tractor Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 10:25 am

    And the wash monument has a big crack in it.

    I’d give to the City on the Hill — to place somewhere prominent and open.

    Tractor Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 10:34 am

    The Liberty bell is cracked — got any old bells you wanna sell cheap?

    Not Hells Bells either. You could afford a couple o’ pints then.

    Tractor Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 10:43 am

    Going to the Anti-Federalist Beach club now. Enjoy the games carefully English dudes.

    Stiffmeister Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 12:26 pm

    Tractor have a day off

  7. If something happens it won’t be London that’s for sure.
    But I wouldn’t rule out the England France Chunnel.
    More economic damage than you ever Imagine, and a few
    hundred people. And that thing will be crawling with Gastapo,
    you would definately need some insider info to pull that one.

  8. 28 days later after the NWO games??


    en. wikipedia . org / wiki / Danny_Boyle

    w w w . london2012 . com / spectators / ceremonies / opening-ceremony /

    ‘Our Isles of Wonder’….LOL…LOL…

    a-salty-dog Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 7:47 am

    w w w . london2012 . com / spectators / ceremonies / opening-ceremony /

    ‘The Ceremony will also include a special sequence celebrating the best of British, featuring volunteer performers from the NHS.’

    Oh Please, Please, Alex, could you record your yourself, whilst sitting down with the Pop corn when watching the NWO games ceremony.

  9. Good job Mr Fellows. That was a brave and honorable thing to do. If they try and smear your name we will know they’re a bunch of lying scumbags.

    These people that chose to participate in a media blackout will also be 100% responsible if any innocent people get hurt, as will everyone else who played a roll in this potential disaster. Even though you may be in fear of your life, you’re in a much better position than then are safety wise, and morally wise.

    These idiots in the media that play puppet to the Jewish agenda better take a look at themselves in the mirror and ask themselves what is more important, their kiss ass job or their lives and their families lives.

    Better hope and pray nothing hqppens. We already should have taken BBC out for that building 7 debacle, don’t for one second think you’re getting away with another one…

    coastx Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 8:57 am

    I was wondering where you’d show up again. We never finished our conversation. You’re in Schiller, IL, or nearby. Here’s some more of your handiwork. Let’s see if there’s argument in this little crime tidbit.
    Kronos/Shiller and Paige Johnson are all flexible points laid out cartographically on Columbus/Schwarzenegger to be able to produce the numbers 11 and 13, hence cartographic triangulation 666.

    If I were Schwarzenegger and this shit was coming up on me I’d be clearing my name. Instead, when he realized he was caught having a hand in Bobo’s abduction he separated from his wife alleging an extramarital affair and had Amy Winehouse assassinated, this HIS form of collective discipline in retaliation for Bobo having gone public. What’s your involvement here, pervert?

    Further, a line Aruba to location midpoint Kronos/Lake forest and Kronos Schiller passed smack dab through Megan Maxwell’s abduction/recovery sites. How about TH-AT! Your location is coming up on the map! Are you excited? I hope you are wearing a diaper.

    LiveFromMomsBasementAgain Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 1:31 pm

    Haha. I think you’re losing it. I had to look again to see if this was the fake coastx.

    I don’t have a CLUE what you’re talking about. I am actually in Nashville TN, not California, illinois, or wherever, but I’m all over the place. I figured I would tell you since I found out you live in Galveston. I went to school there and played for the Whitecaps, lived right along the seawall at the Casa del Mar condos.Did a lot of work with/for the Moody foundation too.

    Lots of occult loving freaks in gtown. If you’re trying to scare me it is never going to happen, I actually embrace the thought of someone coming to try and kill me.

    Who is ”bobo”? Haha schwartzenegger? I would knock him out and piss on him if he even looked at me the wrong way, you watch too many movies. He can’t fight, and I’m guessing neither can you.

    See, this is a perfect example of what movies and media can do to a persons thought process.

    And coastx, I want to keep messing with you, but i sympathize with your mental illness and hope you go seek help or at least give the occult garbage up. That occult fascination can be worse than a drug addiction as far as what it will do to your brain.

    coastx Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 1:40 pm


    LFMBA and burntumbra are provocateurs and are using MK/ULTRA to screw with your sensibilities. These individuals and three others are attempting to disrupt the flow of information on this site which otherwise lofts Obama’s involvement in pernicious government minimally and legislative sedition and treason grandly. A typical technique they are using to diffuse this discussion is they will bait your confidence and than attack you. This provokes an emotional response which they can use to manipulate what you narrate, placing you under their control having coerced you via intimidation. One thing to remember here is Americans are notorious for giving people 2nd chances, which this makes you easy pickings for these sociopaths. LFMBA is from the Chicago area and is affiliated with child abduction perps Arnold Schwarzenegger and Thomas Monson. I’ll be flagging all five of these lame ducks on every one of their posts. Be aware.

  10. IT WON’T BE A BOMB!! the UK already looks like a bombs gone off so no one would notice, its full of dazed and confused people wandering about in the rubble and scratting about looking for cheap stuff to sell… it will be something completely new… maybe they will spray the skies or put fluoride in the water or tamper with our food…. oh hang on they’re already doing that!

    never mind lets worry about the more important stuff… Beckhams been left out the GB football squad, thats terrible, i don’t know how they can do it.. etc etc..

    coastx Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 9:36 am

    … Mysterious earthquake caused by alien death ray (HAARP) takes out Olympic stadium and the greater London area but leaves Buckingham palace – protected by the Aurilia lizard shape shifter defense shield (MI6/Mossad) – intact. People can be seen and heard running from the area screaming, “RUN FOR LIVES. THEY EAT MEAT. WE ARE MEAT!”

  11. Maybe it will be a death ray from a UFO hovering over the stadium?

    a-salty-dog Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 8:40 am

    Huffity, Puffity, Ringstone Round!


    wiggins Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 8:51 am

    Hopefully on halitosis hall a.k.a. The Houses Of Parliament oh hang on…..they will all be on holiday or enjoying freebies at the Olympics.

  12. If I photoshop a beard on this guy is a dead ringer for bin laden.
    I suggest he hide in a hole in the ground now…before the government decides to use him for a patsie.
    Oh wait…that’s exactly what they will want him to do.

  13. man the show is great today can’t hear shit nothing but I’s an O’s making alex sound like shit is what it’s all about. they are fucking with what I fucking pay for an that fucking pisses me off you cocksucking NWO. keep playing your game we will come for you in time. the clown is fucking down man he’s going to not make you laugh very hard. man this is some BS. come on do something about PP.

  14. I said that he had to reveal his identity because his voice was so distinctive he couldn’t carry on the investigation at G4S. Of course G4S will go after him now and it’s quite likely he will die in a mysterious accident.

  15. hmmm intentionally leaving open windows to let the CIA terrorists black water evil murderers to enter the weak spots right? stolen uniforms????

  16. Project Bluebeam is a global false flag that involves an alien invasion incompassing all countries at once.

    The project would use holograhpic images in combination with physical damage. Elf waves emmitted by cell towers would cause anxiety, stress and subvision.
    All that in conjuntion with pre-taped msm coverage, whalla half the idiots out there would buy it,,,
    But I don’t think there gonna pull it off this time. Should be fun to watch this year!!!

    coastx Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 9:47 am

    The ultimate fantasy/reality war games. Half the population has been programmed to panic (Pavlov/Wundt). Half an uninformed population would fall for it (Milgram). I guess that means MK/ULTRA has been fucked out of their fair share of victims, or they will just have to create them holographic!

  17. Its the Big Show, It’s all a Big Show, they put all this armament and security in to make the people cower in fear. The World can not play sports games, because the Agenda 21 sill must be carried out. “Fear is the Mind Killer.” We must rise up to this shit and throw a few tomatoes at the performers of the Big Show.

  18. What country or organization would set off a terrorist weapon at the Olympics and kill thousands? Only a fool would do such a thing. Because then, the entire world would be out to crush the people and country responsible for such an act. It makes no sense. The terrorist would get ZERO sympathy, only hatred. Their outfit would be flattened within three days after carrying out such an act.

    coastx Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 1:39 pm


    LFMBA and burntumbra are provocateurs and are using MK/ULTRA to screw with your sensibilities. These individuals and three others are attempting to disrupt the flow of information on this site which otherwise lofts Obama’s involvement in pernicious government minimally and legislative sedition and treason grandly. A typical technique they are using to diffuse this discussion is they will bait your confidence and than attack you. This provokes an emotional response which they can use to manipulate what you narrate, placing you under their control having coerced you via intimidation. One thing to remember here is Americans are notorious for giving people 2nd chances, which this makes you easy pickings for these sociopaths. LFMBA is from the Chicago area and is affiliated with child abduction perps Arnold Schwarzenegger and Thomas Monson. I’ll be flagging all five of these lame ducks on every one of their posts. Be aware.

    LiveFromMomsBasementAgain Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 2:20 pm

    I can’t believe how unglued you are becoming.

    Exposing the Jewish agenda = mkultra?

    If telling you to piss off with your constant child abuse claims and detailed descriptions of unspeakably perverse doings makes me a shill then call me guilty.

    Denzil Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 2:22 pm

    It won’t be a country or organisation, it will be a false flag carried out by our
    own security services. G4S must be illuminati owned, this organisation can’t be so incompetent, they have to be in at the very top of the pyramid!

  19. Check out my video of the FEMA camps I found in Flint Michigan. If you want to see them go to my youtube channel gangstalked2011 or just youtube FEMA camps found in Flint Michigan. I think that might be a big story you should cover Alex. And on 7/4/2012 nuclear false flag against Washington D.C. and possibly other cities. Also on july 27th a chem/bio attacks are supposed to happen on the London Underground. And also a nuke going off at the olympic stadium. Then they will blame it on Religion especially Catholics and start rounding them up into FEMA camps, but possibly others as well. but I think they will go in stages like I said the most hated people in history the Catholics and the Catholic Church. The illuminati also said in their letters let us conspire only against Rome. But be prepared for The fourth of july 2012 and Martial law being declared The Obama dictaitor poster contest was about predictively programming us to accept Obama as dictaitor on 7/4/2012.

  20. you are so right alex. make the NWO god bleed an they will fall. bring them into the light they so hate.

    down with the clown Reply:
    July 2nd, 2012 at 10:36 am

    p.s. just not the same today. had to find just the right spot but missed 1st hr. an 1/2

  21. 5th of November in v for vendetta reminds me of the Olympic 2012 UK ?????

    there is a similarity in security hiping up the fear mongring.

    now the god partical springs out of Switzerland???? so the siners need to be punished right? sent to hell right? what kind of god would do so much evil plans?

    it all started out with 10 simple commandments humans needed to follow??? but how many were folled to join the military murdering org and spread war over and over and over and over to make the zionist banksters very rich and too powerfull?

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