One good tern deserves another! Bedraggled birds get inflatable mattresses to nest on as breeding grounds are flooded

Tom Goodenough

07:36 EST, 11 July 2012


07:58 EST, 11 July 2012

After their nests were flooded by the recent downpours of heavy rain, a colony of terns were left without a home.

But thankfully help was at hand for the younger members of the flock – in the form of two inflatable mattresses.

Realising the danger to the young flightless birds, wildlife officers swam into the flooded lagoon with the pumped-up camping beds.

The dramatic - and unusual - intervention by wildlife officers saved 30 young terns in Weymouth

The dramatic – and unusual – intervention by wildlife officers saved 30 young terns in Weymouth

And after anchoring the double mattresses into submerged wooden stakes, 30 baby birds were rescued.

The large colony of common terns had been happily nesting on shingle islands at the nature reserve in Weymouth, Dorset.

Wildlife officers donned wetsuits and snorkels to float the two, double-sized air beds into the flooded lagoon

Wildlife officers donned wetsuits and snorkels to float the two, double-sized air beds into the flooded lagoon

But due to the recent monsoon-like conditions, their homes became swamped with water, leaving the young terns at risk of drowning.

Tony Whitehead, spokesman for the RSPB, said he was delighted with the innovative rescue attempt: ‘We have had an unprecedented amount of rainfall and the water in the lagoon rose to levels that none of the RSPB staff had ever encountered.

‘Our newly-refurbished discovery centre and cafe was left under a metre of water but our first concern was for the birds, especially the young flightless terns whose swimming powers are limited.

Despite managing to save 30 young terns, not all of the colony could be rescued in time

Despite managing to save 30 young terns, not all of the colony could be rescued in time

‘They were rapidly running out of room on their islands so we had to take action.

‘With some remarkable quick-thinking and resourcefulness, our wardens got hold of two large inflatable mattresses and, donning wetsuit and snorkel, warden Nick Quintrell swam out to the middle of the lagoon and secured the new inflatable islands.’

Unfortunately, the intervention of wildlife officers did not come in time to rescue the other 50 baby terns who are believed to have drowned in the flooding.

All 30 of the surviving young birds managed to reach the safety of the man-made islands.

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And when they have finished how do they decide whos tern it is next. AH AH AH BOOOOM BOOOOM

Thank you and BRAVO! I see they couldn’t save many of these precious baby terns, but at least they tried and succeeded for some of them.

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