One Moviegoer With a Gun Could Have Prevented 70 Innocent People From Being Shot

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Mac Slavo
July 21, 2012

In light of the incident at the Dark Knight premier, it’s worth noting that we as a law abiding society could have prevented the deaths of, at last count, 13 people and the injuries sustained by scores of others.

Anti-gun fanatics will tell us that outlawing guns is the solution. In fact, before the smoke from the gunfire dissipated this morning special interests and politicians werealready calling for more gun control. Mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg has asked our Presidential candidates to directly address the issue:

No matter where you stand on the Second Amendment, no matter where you stand on guns, we have a right to hear from both of them, concretely, not just in generalities, specifically, what are they going to do about guns?

No doubt Mr. Bloomberg (and his merry band of government nitwits) would be ecstatic if both candidates supported a Constitutional Convention to eliminate the second amendment.

While Messers Obama and Romney will likely treat us to a host of platitudes regarding the issue, the fact of the matter is that prevention of such horrendous crimes falls not in the hands of the government, but of the people.

Take, for example, the recent actions of a Florida man who spotted two armed robbers enter the internet cafe that he was patronizing. He just so happened to be a card carrying member of the personal responsibility club and had his weapon strapped to his belt.

The two robbers burst through the doors of the Palms Internet Cafe in Ocala and ordered everyone to get down as they waved a handgun at dozens of customers.

But they didn’t expect Samuel Williams to pull out his own weapon and fire…

Via The Daily Crux

When these thugs started waving their guns around and ordering people to the floor, Samuel Williams didn’t hesitate. He drew his weapon and opened fire. He may have saved dozens of lives by his actions.

Video courtesy of Sherrie Questioning All:

A witness summarizes how Williams took care of business:

This guy kept poppin’. He didn’t stop. He just kept poppin’… I think he shot both of them.

Seconds counted; the police were minutes away; Mr. Williams, not knowing what the intentions of the armed robbers were, took action.

Lives were saved, the armed robbers were wounded (unfortunately), arrested and subsequently released on bail (because that’s how government “prevents” violent crime).

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

The other ‘preventative’ measure put forth by a government that wants to ensure they and they alone have the right to impose their will by way of the gun would be to strip the rest of us of our right to defend ourselves. In a few days they may do just that when President Obama and Secretary Clinton join the United Nations in their never ending battle to restrict private ownership.

But, as we’ve seen countless times – in the UK, Washington D.C., and most notably in Chicago, Illinois – when you ban guns, violent crimes (gun crimes in many cases!) actually increase. Crime has gotten so bad in Chicago that we can’t even call it crime anymore. As the police gang unit in the city described it, it’s a war zone not dissimilar to what soldiers see in Iraq and Afghanistan.

At the risk of beating a dead horse, we’ll repeat the adage that when private law abiding citizens are banned from owning guns and defending themselves, only criminals will have the guns. And they will use them to indiscriminately murder innocent men, women and children.

Mayor Bloomberg wants to know what we are going to do about guns?

How will we prevent another Dark Knight rampage, or Columbine massacre or Luby’s incident?

The answer is to allow American citizens to arm themselves. An armed society is a peaceful and respectful society.

And when you get that small percentage of people who truly have mental disorders, who don’t care about killing others or dying themselves, there is nothing – not a gun ban or a liberal group hug that’s going to stop them.

Such an action as was committed by the psychopath in a movie theater today can be dealt with in just one fashion: DEADLY FORCE.

The talking heads and politicians will analyze the gunman’s motives. Psychologist and doctors will explain to us how we need to find the troublesome people before they strike. Anti-gun advocates will cite statistics and organize protests.

Here’s the reality of it.

This is America. We have laws that allow Americans to own guns, so you’re just not going to get them off the streets. We can’t simply arrest people for pre-crime if we suspect them of having a mental condition, because as we know, the government now classifies millions of us as domestic terrorists and just plain nuts, so that option is akin to shipping us all off to re-education camps or worse.

There is only one way to lower the violent crime rate and put the power back into the hands of peaceful people who intend to live their lives to the fullest and in a manner consistent with the rule of law.

It’s simple, really.

One moviegoer with a gun could have prevented 70 innocent people from being shot today.

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12 Responses to “One Moviegoer With a Gun Could Have Prevented 70 Innocent People From Being Shot”

  1. Finally
    Some one did the math

    Hey Mayor Bloomberg
    go travel to the worst part of town completely unarmed with no body guard and bring lots of money

  2. Slavo: “One Moviegoer With a Gun Could Have Prevented 70 Innocent People From Being Shot”

    Between_the_lines: Exactly!
    And one SOLDIER with a gun could have prevented the Fort-Hood army-base massacre
    – 12 dead 31 wounded.

    Mass-murderers are cowards. If they know their intended victims are armed and will shoot back, they won’t even start. The solution to mass shootings, is less gun control, not more!

    JailBanksters Reply:
    July 21st, 2012 at 3:51 am

    “One Moviegoer With a Gun Could Have Prevented 70 Innocent People From Being Shot”

    In your dreams maybe.
    The gunman that threw Gas Canisters at the audience and wearing body armour,
    You got no chance

    George_Costanza Reply:
    July 21st, 2012 at 6:48 am

    If he really was a mind control subject, deviating from the ‘script’ is the best thing to do.
    Somebody shooting back is exactly what was needed.

    That didn’t happen, and the narrative played itself out.
    A real shooter would have engaged with the police.

    JailBanksters Reply:
    July 21st, 2012 at 7:30 am

    As soon as the FIRST shot was, their would have been people screaming, running in every direction tripping over each other. Panda Monium, people would be going frick’n ape-shit.
    Unless you have been trained for that situation, your screwed. And as soon as you whipped yours out, you’ll likely to be jumped on thinking you’re an accomplice. The John McClane hero bit, seriously is not going to happen, it only happens in Movies.

  3. I remember an Archie Bunker episode where he talked on a TV show about arming the passengers on airplanes so you knew everyone was packing. Imagine what would have happened to any knife weilding guys then. What is the quote about how it was Colt not God who made all men equal? I’m Canadian and don’t have a gun. I don’t want one either, although I do feel unarmed and vulnerable/unequal sometimes. Mike

    Vic Reply:
    July 21st, 2012 at 5:53 am

    Mike a good sling shot with led ball bearings makes an effective deterant. plus it is does not give away your position even in night light.

    when guns did not exist, humans defended themselves anyway.PLaced in such situation, survival pushes the human to use his brain.

    there is always hope for an idea is bullet proof

  4. Yeah, the smoke grenades is a dead give-away of support from Black ops, so if anyone was packing, he could get away with as much carnage as he possibly could. Sorry, it’s still an inside job.

  5. a gifted doctoral student gives up a promising career to play the Joker and massacre everyone in a crowded theatre. Makes perfect sense. After all, the Government punishes people who are detected actually giving serious thought to their (Government’s) crimes.

    American Dystopia Reply:
    July 21st, 2012 at 7:14 am

    I don’t know. He’s right at the right age for the on set of mental illness. The Unabomber was about the same age when he went crazy and moved out into the woods to start his 20 year bombing campaign.

    Unfortunately one of the traits of brilliant minds is like race car engines they sometimes fail spectacularly early in the race. Very intelligent people are exposed to a lot of pressures normal people aren’t.

    JailBanksters Reply:
    July 21st, 2012 at 7:58 am

    Did you know:
    USA’s population of 300 Million out 7 Billion consumes 60 percent of worlds psychotropic drugs.
    These are not cocaine, weed but these are only Pharmacy Drugs. The number of Psychopaths in the USA is estimated to be more than 3 Million, so the governments solution is more drugs and more affordable drugs. Sure, I can’t see any problem with that.

  6. While I agree with the article in general, it is silly to say anyone there with a gun would have prevented people from being shot. Did they go to the Minority Report school of pre-crime recognition? They must have if they were to know a guy was going to start shooting.

    At best you can say many people would not have been shot had someone with a gun shot back once it started. To say nobody would have been shot is as bad as those who think gun control will mean nobody will ever have a gun.

    I always fund the gun control supporters to be amusing as they don’t seem to be bitching about alcohol and all the drunk driving deaths and injuries that occur which are more than those from guns. I am sure their rationalization would be “well millions drink and don’t drive drunk”…yeah and millions own guns and don’t go shoot up places.

    If guns are to be banned to prevent the rare instance of things like this then alcohol needs to be banned, knives need to be banned, and anything else which is used in multiple cases to kill someone needs to be banned. Let’s just ban everything to try and prevent the tiny % of people who will do criminal acts instead of just accepting when you have hundreds of millions of people in a society (and billions world wide) there are bound to be some who will act out and you simply CAN’T STOP THAT. Amusing so many just can’t accept that fact.

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