Online Video Channel for Clean Technology Showcases Innovations Around the World

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Clean technology development is vital to the future protection of our environment, but it’s often hard to engage people on the topic because many of the technologies are quite complicated. A new website, hopes to take the learning curve out of talking about cleantech and bring the many breakthroughs and important projects to the masses through quick and newsy videos.

Like a YouTube channel for cleantech, but more slick and inspired, aims to demystify cutting edge technologies for consumers while promoting them to industry stakeholders and investors.

The organizes video into eight different cleantech areas: Energy, Buildings, Transportation, Water, Investment, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Cities. The site’s founder and host, Sarah Backhouse, has traveled to and created videos on renewable energy breakthroughs from the ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit, green building practices from Greenbuild Toronto and around the world visiting companies and innovators working on various clean technologies.

Here she travels to Lancaster, CA to check out eSolar’s concentrating solar technology.

And here she has travels to California and Munich, Germany to showcase M2 Renewables’ water reuse technology.

Creating a highly-accessible way for people to stay informed about clean technologies and how they can help the environment could do a lot to support and promote the industry while federal funding is dropping. If you want to join the conversation, you can sign up to be notified when new videos are posted and be part of the Future360 community here.

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