Owl Smartlight Lets You Adjust Everything From Intensity to Color Temperature

Fishtnk/CC BY 2.0

One of the reasons that it is so important to have natural light when you work is the colour temperature; our bodies sense the passage of the day through changes in the light, from red in the morning when the sun is lower, to blue when it is high, and red again in the afternoon. Artificial light doesn’t do that, which is one of the reasons people get so fatigued late in the day; our body clock is stuck in time.

That’s why I was so excited to see Fishtnk’s Owl, launched at ICFF. It lets you adjust intensity and colour temperature, and you can use your BlackBerry Playbook to program it to match your circadian rhythm (it also works on apple and android). It has a sensor to detect ambient light, so that it can adjust to environmental conditions on the fly on its own as well.

© Fishtnk

This smart environmentally conscious system will provide the user with the energy consumption of the lighting-device during each session directly on the interface. With different profiles and settings the user can create a new profile or select a pre-set program which will run through a time based cycle to adjust the light according to the time of the day, location and environmental factors and specific preferences of the user.

It is the first product in what Fishtnk calls their “Smart Furnishing Collection”; the Fishtnk design factory has alway come up with really smart products, in their “research on parametric design, responsive architecture and built environments, product design, smart systems.” I am looking forward to seeing more from Fishtnk

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