OWS: Are Mindless Americans Falling Prey to the Collectivist Trap?

Patrick Henningsen
October 12, 2011

A disturbing new trend has quietly taken hold over simultaneous nationwide protests in the United States over the last few weeks.

“The People’s Microphone” was used during union protests in Wisconsin.

Visible throughout the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protests, is a technique dubbed as “The People’s Microphone”. It has been deployed nationwide, and is becoming the dominant vehicle for group interaction and communication. So what is it?

According to the official OWS wiki page:

“New York City requires a permit to use “amplified sound.” Since Occupy Wall Street does not have a permit, police have interpreted that to mean even the use of an electric bullhorn. As a response to such limitations, a phenomenon known as the “People’s Microphone” has evolved, where a person making a speech pauses while the nearby members of the audience repeats the previous phrase (somewhat) in unison.” The entry adds, “The (People’s Microphone) effect has been called “comic or exhilarating – often all at once.” Some feel this provided a further unifying effect for the crowd.”

Advocates of this new method claim that it is a work-around to restrictive city ordinances, and serves as a ‘progressive communication’ tool which allows groups to speak and achieve “community consensus”, and that the audience is asked to listen in a whole new way and to actually help transmit the message to others. They will tell you that accuracy and transparency are the crucial elements to the People’s Microphone.

NLP device: ‘call-and-return’

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

OWS’s new People’s Microphone is quite simply a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) application or technique. Its consensus arrival method, also known as “call-and-return”, has now become the audio device of choice- spreading across the country as quickly as the protests themselves.

Crowd participants slowly repeat each phrase the leading speaker is saying to them, with a series of hand signs used to provide the speaker and the group with feedback.

To the casual observer, this new system of communication may appear as compelling, as it is metaphoric. It might also remind you of the infamous ‘pass the conch’ scene from the  Nobel Prize-winning novel by William Golding, Lord of the Flies

It is a very slow and tedious process, often resulting in very few actual issues being fleshed out. In most cases, it takes triple the amount of time to convey the same amount of information that a normal speaker would accomplish by talking directly to the audience. But this can only be done when the group is forced to repeat the words of the speaker, so the speaker is forced to talk slowly, using fewer words at once. In this way, it is also a mesmerizing and extremely hypnotic group communication tool.

In this way, such NLP methods can also be used to promote ‘group-think’ and could be described as collectivist mind control education at its very finest.

Successful NLP systems like this are commonly used by sales people in business, as well as in advertising and of course politics, working in restricted bloc of words, and often with restricted vocabularies.

Group moderators insist that this is done so that ‘everybody is safe’, and that the group is ‘doing things properly’. Any interaction with a speaker can only be done by employing a series of parochial child-like hand-signs, normally reserved for children attending school in K-8 grades.

There is certain appeal to ‘being part of the community’, where group leaders will ask the crowd for a ‘temperature check’ in order to determine “how ‘the bloc’ feels about what someone has said”, and if what someone is in consensus with “the bloc”. The audience will offer up a hand signal of waiving both hands to show their approval.

Once a consensus is identified, it’s typical that members of “the bloc” will feel that they are part of the collective, and thus, “part of the change”.

Unfortunately, in this type of system most of the group have little idea of what they are actually repeating, or who and what they are supporting with their hand signals, waving their hands, or making a triangle sign to communicate.

Watch as the speaker in the following video explains to his ‘bloc’  the collective will be banning any applause, because the clapping of hands might drown out someone within the collective who is trying to be heard. See this unfold in the bizarre Occupy Atlanta video below:

In the end, Occupy Atlanta organizers and the group became so enthralled with their people’s Microphone that Congressman and civil rights hero John Lewis was not allowed an opportunity to speak to ‘the bloc’. The ‘process’ eventually sent the Congressman packing.

The NLP ‘call-and-repeat’ mechanism can no doubt be used to hypnotic effect. Often these type of techniques are used in order to filter out the free thinkers, intense self-policing at its most stringent. Notice that when group members are disagreeing, their hands are much lower, but at their maximum when ‘the bloc’ seems to all be in agreement.

What these protestors are hardly aware of, is that they may be participating a form of modern day group-think. It is a form of social control whereby everyone in the group believes that they must all agree and must all be of the same mind. Armed with this power new tool, consensus promoters can be bussed into sites around the country, training groups to chant key group-think talking points using mnemonic phrases.

The collectivist trap

Participants truly believe in the process and that the process is very ‘democratic’, civilized, radical, effective, and thus, revolutionary. But few within these groups are actually aware of the NLP concepts they have opted into, nor are they familiar with tried and tested mind control methods, nor the powerful political tool of collectivism. So it is not surprising that most will enthusiastically join in the group and religiously abide by its laws of conversation, following some scripted agenda instead of being spontaneous or truly radical.

The People’s Microphone can also lead a group to believe by these hand signal votes they can create a law and enforce it. This can often result in an oxymoronic “totalitarian-consensus”, where a perceived consensus occurs, but in reality, a consensus was only reach because each member of the group was afraid to be ejected from the collective. Other video examples include Occupy AmherstOccupy Tampa, and Occupy DC filmed by Adam Kokesh. All three can be viewed below:

This form of mob mentality can be dangerous because the leader of a group is leading their flock towards his or her direction of choice, but still offering them the illusion it is ‘what everyone in the community wants’. In the classic film Dr Zhivago, scenes appear in which leading “intellectual” group-thinkers demolish the private property of others because, according to the collective, “they don’t deserve to own it”.

Taking  this concept is taken to its extreme form, a mob or individual within the mob  could intimidate or even physically assault a person, while the mob believe they are just watching what the collective, or ‘community’ wants to happen.

Hardly grass roots

It is already well documented that the original Occupy Wall Street protest was seeded by a collectivist George Soros funded foundation called Ad Busters, and allegedly supported by the shadowy agitator hacker group called Anonymous.

For the last decade, globalist foundations promoting democracy and freedom have been active in fomenting uprisings all over the planet, and fresh off their international successes they have finally come home to roost within the OWS movement.

But what is not as well documented is the involvement of the international CIA front organization called the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS). This can be described as a kind of consultancy for would-be revolutionaries, an organization of professional agitators-for-hire who globe-trot, openly promoting their CFR-sponsored agenda- most notably in Egypt, where CANVAS trained and managed Egyptian protestors as early as 2009 in preparation for the fabled ‘Arab Spring’ in 2010-2011.

Their projects are clandestine, kept secret while in preparation, names of clients are not publically available, are well funded by American intelligence services. Yes, they are now active on US soil.

It is important that readers understand how CANVAS was created from the Serbian political youth movement called OPTOR!(translated as ‘Resistance!), who’s initial project was the overthrow of the Slobodan Milosevic government in Yugoslavia in 2000.

OPTOR’s support and funding network reads like a who’s who of CIA and globalist front foundations, including well known CIA front organization USAID, George Soros’s collectivist front foundation Freedom House, and the National Endowment for Democracy whose operational successes include the Rose Revolution in Georgia, the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, and the Tulip Revolution in Kyrgyzstan, each heavily financed and backed by groups funded by or connected to the U.S. government. Likewise, events in Tunisia, North Africa and Egypt were orchestrated out of the finest detail, and it seems that events surrounding the OWS movement are no different.

Key operatives in OPTOR!, and later for CANVAS are Serbians Ivan Marovic and Srdja Popovic. After the fall of Milosovec, the western media hailed Marovic as a democratic genius, but it came out his entire program came out of an elite Boston think tank’s ‘regime change’ manual, From Dictatorship to Democracy, written by a Harvard Professor Gene Sharp.

From the first days of OWS, it should be noted that Marovic was already on site, and guiding groups by demonstrating the power of The People’s Microphone. Watch here as Marovic himself leads crowds in the first days of the protests:

Some of the CANVAS professionally developed, ‘subversive’ revolutionary methods are outlined in the incredible documentary film The Revolution Business, where paid facilitators are employed to train protesters, acting as a guide through the process which also includes communication techniques and the circulation of media talking points.

Mind control and the dumbing-down of America

“The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originality” – H. L. Mencken

These NLP techniques have taken hold so quickly in across OWS are the very techniques that have already been implemented throughout the nation’s public education systems, and are also present in popular children’s programming.

Typically, participants in a mind control exercise engage in group-think, not unlike the participants shown in these videos. Members of the group will also get an endorphin rush similar to what one might receive during an evangelical church performance, or even at hip-hop concert, where the MC shouts, “now wave your hands in the air, and wave ‘em like you just don’t care.”

Charlotte Iserbyt was a Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, where she blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America’s classrooms shown in the documentary film, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America.

 Most Americans participating in the OWS have come through the state education system, whose chief objective, according to Charlotte Iserbyt, is teaching groups, and thus individuals- to be obedient.

The dominant message which is now coming out of the OWS protests across the US appears to be  the collectivist idea of an unequal distribution of wealth in the United States, and this can only be described as social engineer’s blueprint for a 21st century Bolshevik Revolution in America, and it is playing out right before our eyes as the millions of young, disaffected Americans search for simple collectivist answers to society’s many ills.

One can certainly argue here, that the dumbing-down of America would serve such an agenda.

Establishing fear in a police state 

Notice that we already have “free speech zones” in the US, while prospective protesters in the UK must apply with the city police for a license to demonstrate.

Aside from the incessant need by most young Americans to be led by a lone, some singular voice, the underlying social engineering tool which has enabled the intellectual and sovereign castration of Americans, is quite simply… the fear of being arrested.

One singular thing that a decade of free speech zones, homeland security, surveillance and a comprehensive dismantling of the Bill of Rights(equally under both Bush and Obama) has achieved – is just that – a constant fear of a shadowy police state. Without this underlying fear, the repressive Soviet-style group-think scenes we see in these video could never have been possible.

The whole existence of the People’s Microphone is down to the fact that NYC police have imposed draconian measures like banning megaphones. As far as requiring a license to protest in public, not using a PA system in public, or restricting filming in a public space, true patriots and believers in a free society should not seek ‘permits’ for anything, nor should they respect ‘prohibitions’ on a citizen’s right to free speech and assembly.

Notice that not all cities in the USA prohibit bull-horning or amplified speakers, yet, American activists have still voluntarily defaulted back to collectivist NLP method, People’s Microphone, initially unveiled at OWS in NYC.

More than anything, these videos of mindless call-and-repeat chanting show the deep problems any true freedom movement must overcome in reaching ‘the 99%’ in America.

Where it’s heading

From its onset, many writers and pundits within the independent media and freedom movement threw their support behind OWS, with the sincere hope it focused on the deeper, fundamental globalist issues- like restoring the Constitution, the need for smaller government, the creation and counterfeiting our currency through the Federal Reserve System, causing the inflationary boom and bust cycles that have been periodically culling the world’s upwardly mobile working and middle classes. Instead, the focus of both protesters and media has drifted towards system actors like CEO’s, bankers and politicians, rather than address the very system itself.

If you take into account the level by which the Occupy Wall Street movement has already been co-opted by the ‘progressives’ and the Democratic Party, and endorsed whole-heartedly by staunch globalists within the US power-structure like Ben Bernanke, President Obama and Nancy Pelosi, this writer believes strongly that OWS will likely morph into a permanent left wing counter-weight to the now Republican co-opted Tea Party movement.

The movement may have grown organically, but as we saw with Ron Paul’s initial Tea Party spark in 2007, once a movement’s political gravity reached a certain stage, the establishment quickly deploys its professional agitators, political operatives and mainstream media gate keepers in order to control its motion and shepherd its evolution. Already, the mainstream media have injected the talking point which most Americans are already parroting, that is: “America’s Occupy Movement is the Democrats’ equivalent to the Tea Party”.

What these movements do is function as an easy access, pressure-release valve for the controlled Left and Right wings. Both parties in the US have become too rigid, offering little to a 21st century society that is now information-rich, but still insight poor, and generally cater to the lowest common social denominator. With unemployment and debts high, and opportunities sparse, the simplified message of collectivism championed by celebrities like Michael Moore will certain hold an attractive appeal to many Americans who are unfamiliar with its well documented past horrors.

Soon, the Occupy London movement will begin in the UK. Based on recent trends in the US, this writer will also strongly predict that OWS’s British counterpart will quickly morph into anti-Tory government, pro-socialist, climate change/green movement, not least because the majority of protesters in the UK will be among the ranks of the unemployed, indebted students, and chronic state benefit recipients- a fact which almost guarantees their loyal support of the UK’s social entitlement control-grid, as well as memberships to the collectivist EU and UN supra-national organizations.

In times of economic strife, populations are easily lured into a simple, ideological trap like collectivism. Most participants in the OWS movement would be completely unaware of who is directing, steering their new ‘grassroots’ conversation.

To avoid the collectivist trap, participants in OWS events all across the US must first learn to read between the lines, or they may unwittingly become party to something completely different to what they thought they had signed up for in the first place.

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173 Responses to “OWS: Are Mindless Americans Falling Prey to the Collectivist Trap?”

  1. If we don’t Ron Paul these groups we’re done! I’M CALLING ON THE RON PAUL ORGANIZERS TO OCCUPY THE OCCUPY! Come on fellow internet friends, lets occupy the occupy! Open that window of communication with a calm voice, arguing Ron Paul’s points makes it easy to stay on topic.

  2. I have a feeling we are going to be watching this video for the next 6 months. Seriously, look at the youths faces, the need to belong, its religious chanting! I KNOW they can’t focus long enough to put together and idea that takes a paragraph! That is infiltration and mass hypnosis… is this happening? OMG wow… i mean shit. You can be awake for a long time, and then BECOME awake watching something. THEY whoever is doing this has the power to control mens minds! DOCUMENTARY ALEX!!! WE NEED A PROFESSIONAL HYPNOTIST ON THE SHOW!!!

  3. What the hell is this crap? The liberals must be laughing. The sheep are ready for slaughter…

  4. What a bunch of fucking braindead Stepford clones! Where did these morons get this idea,from the Wicker Man? These people make the drugged out hippies on LSD from the 60s look like students of Einstein! This id what happens when you eat nothing but raw vegetables and tofu,you a protein deprivation in the brain!

    • Tofu is made from soy.

  5. Seriously, guys! Let’s try to imagine a world that has no government in it. You say that the Free Market is going to provide all the good things that we have become used to, right? According to you, the Free Market will provide safe roads, great medicine, wondrous cars, books, art, good movies, safety and security, housing, internet, lots of food, etc.. Ok. Setting aside the fact that this Free Market you speak of sounds like a total fantasy land, a place that no one has ever seen but everyone dreams about, akin to Rock Candy Mountain, the question I have to ask you is this: what keeps Free Market from turning into chaos? What keeps it from turning into a kind of dog eat dog, jungle, survival of the fittest scenario?

    The thing is, as soon as you start talking about some kind of mechanism that tries to keep folks honest, that tries to keep things fair, and that tries to balance each person’s interests against each other person’s interest, YOU ARE ALREADY TALKING ABOUT A GOVERNMENT IN SOME FORM. You can see that, right?

    • Good questions ‘pual’, but people in a group already make decisions, they already control their own actions, rightly or wrongly. Govern means to control, people can govern themselves, it’s not a myth. Roads can be built locally by locals, great medicine already exists outside of government interference, books, art can all be made without George Soros. Housing, food, all much cheaper and better without government enforcing Monsanto chicanery, etc. etc. Any economy would function 10 times better without government corruption seeking to control us on behalf of the Oligarchs.

      We have a growing and corrupt government ‘fed’ by Oligarch bank credit that has become the enforcement arm of the City of London. The smaller the government the better, so it is easier to spot the cockroaches. Having a currency that stays in circulation would help a lot, which is why no politician is calling for it.


    Every Day that goes by in which YOU do not leverage the power of the Infowarriors imbedded amongst the rapidly deteriorating #Occupy crowd means one further day of cooption of the movement by the Establishment. There is a simple plan to move Occupy from protest to real action. Yes, the OccupyTheFed component is crucial, but not all occupy members are bright enough to realize the root of the problem–yet. But YOU can lead them to action against the Mega-Banks, and the success of this action can be parlayed into OccupyTheFed and ultimately EndTheFed.

    The Withdrawal Plan (aka Withdraw from Wall Street):

    Each and every member of #Occupy commits to opening an account and depositing $100 at Bank of America (Bank #1 of 6).

    $90 of each deposit is quickly lent away by the bank.

    #Occupy participants focus on spreading this one message; to current B of A customers, to newcomers, to Tea Partiers, to all who would listen and participate, over the next several months.

    On an undetermined day in the future, the call goes out: “Withdraw from Wall Street” (suggestion for the one to make “the call” is Max Keiser and/or Alex Jones).

    All participants immediately return to Bank of America, withdraw their $100, and close their accounts.

    Bank of America, overwhelmed by the sheer number of withdrawals, will not have enough money in reserve to cover all of them and will shut down, on the verge of collapse. Other B of A depositors will not be injured by the run, as their money is insured by the FDIC.

    B of A will ask for bailouts, ultimately turning to the Federal Reserve to backstop them through money printing.

    The sham of the circus that is central banking will be thrown wide open into the teeth of a now VERY angry public, and any type of bailout of B of A may simply prove politically untenable.

    The first of the six mega-banks will fall, the sham of central and fractional reserve banking will be thoroughly exposed, and a public growing in awareness will remove their deposits from any Wall Street bank, in favor of local banks and credit unions which help their local communities.

    The Wall Street system will implode under the weight of its own greed, and the fraud which is the Federal Reserve will at last be undone, approximately 100 years after its creation.

    WE NEED TO LEVERAGE THE POWER OF THIS AUDIENCE. SOCIAL MEDIA ALLOWS MASS ACTION OF THE PEOPLE TO BE A MAJOR SOURCE OF POWER. Remember what your audience did with GoogleBombs? This is just as simple as that.

    Please Click my name to learn more detail. SOMEONE, PLEASE GET ALEX TO GET HIS EYES ON THIS!

    –Scott Ledd

  7. I really don’t know who came up with this retarded shit.
    I saw the video and thought that this was done to make sheeple to be more brain numb.
    They are all fucking retards who can’t think for themselves that they have to repeat another moron saying some dumb shit to get attention.
    All those morons were nobody in their youth and think that it is cool to see lots of other morons repeating what they say.
    How sad!
    Where are the people who really can think?
    I thought this movement was for freedom of speech and other freedoms, but these morons don’t even realize that their freedoms are taken away by these retarded group leaders who have single digit IQ’s.

    • hahahaha! You are a GENIUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!! … clearly

  8. So I’m listening to Alex today, and it’s, as always, so fascinating. Alex says that anyone who thinks government can ever possibly be good is a collectivist and is delusional. Ok, well, I can sort of see that, even though I’m a lefty, because I think history really does support an argument that governments are always inherently evil, no doubt due to the fact that power corrupts. So Alex goes on to say that government is inherently bad. Well, that follows pretty well from the first statement, so I can kind of see it. So I’m thinking, Alex is about to declare that he’s an anarchist. Right? If Alex thinks government is always bad, he must surely be an anarchist, right? Only he doesn’t, and isn’t. So I feel confused.

    See, I could respect it if you right wingers wanted anarchy. At least that would be consistent. I mean, I have a hard time envisioning it as the way we all would really like to live, because it would mean going back to hunter-gatherer days, and I can’t see how that can happen, or how it can be a good thing, but then again, maybe civilization itself is the problem with humanity, right? So maybe an argument can be made that what we need is anarchy. But you guys NEVER actually call for anarchy, do you?! Instead, you call out for PROPERTY to be sacred. But guys, how is property going to be sacred without government in some form to protect it, or at least to legitimize it? In the state of nature, property is pretty much what you can carry, right?

    So isn’t there a contradiction in your attitude towards government? You say that government is always bad, and that anyone who thinks it can ever be good is an evil collectivist, but you ALSO say, or imply, that government is good, because Property is sacred, and you can’t have property without government to legitimize it and protect it, can you? Because otherwise, the only way you can have property is to physically defend your possessions against all comers, which means that practically speaking, you own what you can carry, right? So government is good.

    See how this goes around in circles? You say government is always bad. But you also say that government is good. It’s bad but it’s good. SO WHAT YOU REALLY MEAN IS THAT GOVERNMENT IS GOOD WHEN IT DOES WHAT YOU WANT IT TO DO, AND BAD WHEN IT DOES WHAT I WANT IT TO DO, right? You are good, I am bad. That’s really the essence of your argument. You good, me bad.

    Kinda sucks as an argument, doesn’t it? How about looking at it a different way? Mightn’t it be fairer to say that government can only be good if the citizenry are informed, involved and dedicated to the public good, but that under those circumstances, government can be a great blessing? ISN’T THAT EXACTLY WHAT THE FOUNDERS THOUGHT?

    • Dude you are spot on. Alex is a phoney dueschbag and he advocates division; you see all the MSM like Alex it’s there job is to divide the middle class make the tea par tiers hate the unions; piss on the protesters cus they are not getting it right. Alex Jones is an agent of the NWO

      • To tell you the truth, I really don’t know if Alex Jones is legit with his information. People say he speaks out for the truth then others conspire against him. What is real? He could be part of NWO and causing controlled opposition. There could be information out there that he is not telling us and distracting us from other things. The reason why I really don’t believe that he would be part of the NWO is because what he says sometimes is really good. It just goes against too much of the agenda.

        Although, this could all just be a game and there is nothing we can do about it and we are being distracted with this information true or not. Just do what you must do.

  9. If you care about Ron Paul and his success then sign this petition.
    We all need to give it light so the issue is brought to the table.
    End electronic voting!! Sign the Petition, here is the link just copy
    and paste it! Dont forget to remove the ((( ))) out of the link
    before you paste it.

    We need 40 votes to make it publicly searchable.

    *********Remove the ((( )))


    Go the extra mile and post the link on your favorite social networking
    site or send it to a friend. It will only take you an extra minute.
    Please people if we want to end anything, the fed, the Obama regime,
    the wars, we must end the way the globalist control our votes. Please
    help out here, Im doing everything in my power.

    (Where was our vote to see if we even endorsed this? “Lets just do it and
    give them no option other then to accept it”….that isnt going to fly!)

  10. “OWS: Are Mindless Americans Falling Prey to the Collectivist Trap?”

    Yes, they are.

    As long as people have no idea what a right is, even though they like to say that everything from fetuses to states have them;

    As long as people think that money, or the love of money, is the root of all evil;

    As long as people think that self sacrifice, altruism, is a virtue and that selfishness is not;

    As long as people are guided by faith in the stead of reason;

    As long as people think that love should be undconditional and that they should love their enemies;

    then people will fall for the same old plays that the Looters pulled off in the October Revolution,

    i.e. they will fall for collectivism.

    • I’m not so sure you are ‘spot on’ with any of those comments. Rights have to be fought for and defended.

      Money is an idea, it doesn’t actually physically exist, the idea exists, paper exists, gold exists, but money does not exist. Agreements to honor money exist. Money to have value reflects people’s labor. Even Fed CREDIT has value because it reflects people’s homes or businesses. Money is hours of work, one way or another.

      The “love of money” means loving an extreme excess of other people’s labor, which you may intend to exploit, such as by hiring an army to kill people, as a for instance. If you work 10 times harder and effectively than Joe Blow then few people will mind if you have 10 times the cash. Trading in people’s labor sounds a lot like slave trading. Banker CREDIT expands and warps this commodity, with usury INTEREST, which multiplies labor without lifting a finger. Yes this is evil.

  11. Adbusters is a magazine. It’s hardly “a collectivist George Soros funded foundation” and I have to point out that the website that links Adbusters to the Tides Foundation is funded by a Monsanto front group. It also showed that the last time they received anything from Tides was 9 years ago. Adbusters had been very critical of democrats recently and I have doubts about any current relationship they have with Soros. But, I may be wrong. I don’t follow the whole evil Soros puppet master crap. It’s too Glenn Beckian.

    The Adbuster message for the protest was much more intelligent than what we’re seeing from some of the protesters. They were talking about Glass Steagall, too big to fail, and corporate personhood. It didn’t have anything to do with Obama’s Job Bill or Eating the rich.

    And to the point of the article, hypnotic group speak, I think it’s weak. Megaphones aren’t allowed, so I don’t know how else you can have assemblies with hundreds of people and be heard.

  12. Looks like England might be free. Defence Secretary gone and some others.

    They’ve written in a Ministerial Code of Conduct. Which seems like a good idea.

    I apologise to any higher power that may exist for dissing the whole of humanity..lol, but hey you can see where I’m coming from.

    Keep fighting!
    End the war.

  13. OWS trap is supposed to impart all powers of human action in the most exclusive wealth and not the people’s elected representatives who should and do help determine the course for the ship of state.

    Going groveling around in their evil city groveling at their gate must surely be further compounded humiliation made to their order.

  14. This is how all the communist Revolutionists Began….

    • CHECK IT OUT!! 10/12/11 – OFFICIAL COMMENT FROM ORGANIZERS OF THE OW’s!!!!!!!! I think for a group of thousands who weren’t sure where to start – I’d say THIS is a pretty darn good opening statement, don’t you all!????

      “Statement From Organizers Of Occupy Wall Street

      We are a decentralized non-violent resistance movement, which seeks to restore the rule of law and fight back against the organized criminal class.

      One-tenth of one percent of the population has consolidated wealth in unprecedented fashion and launched an all-out economic war against 99.9% of the population.

      We are not affiliated with either wing of the two-party oligarchy. We seek an end to the corrupted two-party system by ending the campaign finance and lobbying racket.

      Above all, we aim to break up the global banking cartel centered at the Federal Reserve, International Monetary Fund, Bank of International Settlement and World Bank.

      We demand that the primary dealers within the Federal Reserve banking system be broken up and held accountable for rigging markets and destroying the global economy, effective immediately.

      As a first sign of good faith we demand Ben Bernanke step down as Federal Reserve chairman.

      Until our demands are met and a rule of law is restored, we will engage in a relentless campaign of non-violent, peaceful, civil disobedience.”

      • Good stuff.

        • Oh, no it specifically isn’t is it.

          Demand accountability.

      • Hell yeah. Been saying that shit since the beginning. I still can’t figure our why Alex jumped all over them a few weeks ago.

      • Just wanna say to make ye get it correct; that should be bank FOR international settlements

    • I don’t buy that the whole movement is communist. The thing about crony capitalism and currency manipulation is that everyone hates them. Libertarians, Communists, Socialists, Conservatives… So yeah, I imagine there are a few communists protesting. There are also a bunch of capitalists protesting.

  15. Jewish quote on bank finance and revolution.

    “Marxism, you say, is the bitterest opponent of capitalism, which is sacred to us. For the simple reason that they are opposite poles, they deliver over to us the two poles of the earth and permit us to be its axis. These two opposites, Bolshevism and ourselves, find ourselves identified in the Internationale. And these two opposites, the doctrine of the two poles of society, meet in their unity of purpose, the renewal of the world from above by the control of wealth, and from below by revolution.” (Quotation from a Jewish banker by the Comte de Saint-Aulaire in Geneve co

  16. The Federal Reserve, is the ‘engine’ of CREDIT. Inflation and debt and devaluation are all a function of credit and interest. I am scared and resigned to the fact that patriots want a contraction of the credit supply, which will kill a lot of poor people. We shouldn’t have credit as a currency (but we do), we should have a real currency that has permanency and no interest charges. We’ve been living with this farce too long. Is Kucinich the only politician even remotely sticking his toe in this water?

    I was impressed and not surprised that Mr. Monckton wants a Rothschild private digital currency from the City of London. Well, we’re saved now, this is the competing currency we’ve been waiting for. Can someone loan me some, I want the debt. I am stupid, I love Thatcher who brought us NAFTA, and who hated the lowly peasants.

    • From WAC- Utah, the incurious Mr. Monckton who believes the 9/11 hoax:

      From: womensgroup.org/Books-Summaries/2COMMANDINGHEIGHTs.htm

      “It was Thatcher and Reagan who brought Fabian Socialism into our societies and provided a changing point in history… Thatcher birthed privatization which is the selling off of state assets. Privatization is the transfer of wealth from the state to a small group of key people. The state is left with high deficits and no assets and therefore the only way to find money is to raise taxes to service debt. This is where we are now.” (1998)

      Thatcher was just a NWO minion, she wanted global government, and made hectoring speeches to somehow guilt societies into accepting their loss of sovereignty. She was vocal champion of Free Trade agreements, which were really about foreign investment, not trade.

      From: margaretthatcher.org/document/107271

      “Mr. Speaker, by 1992 every firm in Europe, whether engaged in manufacturing or in services, will have a single market of 320 million people. What a dramatic development that is going to be! To add to it, the Channel Tunnel will give Britain, for the first time in our history, a land border with Europe. There will be new opportunities of every kind, not just for member countries of the European Community themselves, but for those countries which trade with the Community, and let me reassure you it is not Britain’s intention when removing barriers within Europe to see them raised against our other trading partners outside Europe. But Canada and the United States are pointing the way with the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement which the Economic Summit warmly endorsed (applause). I understand that it may be a controversial matter in this chamber! (applause) and I will only say that I do not underestimate Canada’s courage in taking this step in partnership with its giant neighbour, but on the basis of Britain’s experience of joining the European Community, you need have no fear that Canada’s national personality will be in any way diminished (applause). Fifteen years of European Community membership have left our people no less British and no less proud of their history and independence (applause). Moreover, protectionism is not a life-belt which keeps an economy afloat—it is a millstone that drags you down and penalises consumers and workforce alike (applause) Subsidise[fo 8] the inefficient and soon that is all you have. You lose the competitive edge to exports abroad and keep prices down at home. ”

      I call you out Thatcher, Monckton, and all those who tug their forelocks in subservience to these NWO scoundrels.

      • Monckton the golden boyz of London?? Noooo. ya dont say. Not the same London that has an AM Gold Fix and a PM Gold Fix so they can play the Asian markets off the Western markets like a see-saw?

        We in America love to have our roads privatized so the King of Spain can buy em and charge everyone.

        • Here, here, jolly old chap!

        • And of course in America we have private companies putting in bids to do government contract work. I guess thats called fascoilism.

  17. The Call and Repeat “General Assemblies” remind me of the Jim Jonestown congregation, or worse, all the middle class hordes sitting round a circle at the ashram in India watching a video screen of Osho, hoping for spiritual enlightenment.

    It’s really too much, quite freaky that a weak NLP device reserved for grade school kid management and Sesame Street is the best America could come up with for OWS.

    Welcome to hippie hell folks.


    • Yes, you can duplicate posts. Good job.

      I think it’s very telling that you choose to focus on the behavior of some protesters and ignore the message.

      Yes, lazy Americans loooove to focus on image and perception rather than ideas.

      I’m sure you are embarrassed by what other people do. Most people with emotional problems tend to live vicariously through others.

      I understand, though. It is more leg-tingly when I see a fat, pasty, sweating hog yelling at people through a bullhorn.

      Now that’s protestin’!

      Because there’s a war on for our money


    This countries so dumbed down and hip to the mainstream gotta fit in gotta be cool crowd with 70 IQ its ridiculous. I mean WTF, These people are DRONES.

    Stop the Fluoride chugging, taking BIO weapon vaccines, Eating GMO, taking chemical poison pharma, Watching brain wash telescreen, watching or reading mainstream anything.

    I mean were so gone we cant even protest right anymore.

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