Pakistan slams India over Kashmir

Pakistan has slammed India for the cancelation of planned talks last month over the disputed Indian-administered Kashmir region.

Addressing the 69th session of the UN General Assembly in New York on Friday, Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said New Delhi was stalling hopes for resolving the six-decade-old Kashmir dispute by its withdrawal from foreign secretary-level talks scheduled to be held in Pakistan’s capital, Islamabad, in August.

“We were disappointed at the cancelation of the foreign secretary-level talks by India,” Sharif said, adding, “The world community, too, rightly saw it as another missed opportunity.”

India’s Foreign Secretary Sujatha Singh was due to travel to Islamabad for talks with her Pakistani counterpart Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhury on August 25. However, India canceled the talks after Pakistan announced plans to consult with Kashmiri pro-independence figures ahead of the meeting.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Sharif emphasized that Pakistan was determined to resolve the Kashmir issue with neighboring India through negotiations.

New Delhi says Islamabad is engaged in a “proxy war” in Kashmir and sending militants to attack Indian forces. Pakistan, on the other hand, alleges that the Indian military violates the rights of Muslims in Kashmir.

Pakistan and India have fought two wars over Kashmir since their independence from British colonial rule in 1947. Both countries claim the Himalayan region in full but each only has control over a section of the territory.

The two sides agreed to a ceasefire along the de facto border in 2003, and a year later launched talks aimed at brokering a regional peace.

However, the process was suspended after over 160 people lost their lives in the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks, which New Delhi blamed on Pakistan-based militants.


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