#PalHunger | Amnesty int’l calls on Israel to end administrative detention

[ PIC 06/06/2012 – 03:51 PM ]

RAMALLAH, (PIC)– Amnesty international on Wednesday demanded Israel to release or charge all Palestinians administratively detained in its jails and to stop ignoring its repeated appeals in this regard.

The administrative detention law is a relic from the British mandate over Palestine before the emergence of the Zionist entity in the area and it permitted the detention of Arabs without charge or trial on indefinitely renewable military orders; however, Israel still exploits this law against the Palestinians until today.

“Administrative detainees, like many other Palestinian prisoners, have been subjected to violations such as the use of torture and other ill-treatment during interrogation, as well as cruel and degrading treatment during their detention, sometimes as punishment for hunger strikes or other protests,” Amnesty said in a report on Wednesday.

According to its report, administrative detainees and their families have to live with the suffering of not knowing how long they will be deprived of their freedom and why they are being detained.

“Like other Palestinian prisoners, they have also faced bans on family visits, forcible transfer or deportation and solitary confinement.”

“These practices contravene Israel’s obligations under international human rights law and international humanitarian law.”

“Israel has a duty to uphold due process and fair trial rights, and to take effective action to end torture and other ill-treatment of detainees.”

“Israel must also allow family visits for all Palestinian prisoners and detainees, and end forcible transfer and deportation. And Israel is obligated to investigate violations, bring perpetrators to justice, and provide reparations to victims.”

“For decades, Amnesty international has urged Israel to end the practice of administrative detention and to release detainees or charge them with an internationally recognizable criminal offence and try them according to international standards,” Amnesty’s deputy director for the Middle East and North Africa Ann Harrison said in the report.

“As of the end of April, there were at least 308 Palestinian administrative detainees, among them 24 members of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), including its speaker, Aziz Dweik, human rights defenders such as Walid Hanatsheh and at least four journalists, in addition to university students and academic staff, were also among those behind bars,” the report stated.

It also noted that “the prolonged hunger strikes of administrative detainees, such as Khader Adnan and Hana Shalabi, put the issue of administrative detention under the international spotlight earlier this year.


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