#PalHunger | Hamas threatens to use all means to support striking captives

[ PIC 05/05/2012 – 02:35 PM ]

GAZA, (PIC)– Member of Hamas’ political bureau Dr. Khalil Al-Hayya has called for the escalation of efforts supporting the prisoners’ issue using all means: the media, the law, and resistance.

During the Friday sermon delivered by Hayya at a solidarity sit-in tent in Gaza, he stressed the need to rally all popular, factional, media, and legal efforts and energies to support this humanitarian issue in parallel with the activation of the role of human rights institutions.

Hayya called for internationalizing the prisoners’ issue through the media. He also urged the Palestinian factions to benefit from their relations with different political parties and countries and urged the PA and its embassies to activate the captives’ issue.

Furthermore, he called on the prisoners to uphold their unity and to beware of the Israeli occupation’s attempts to break their unity and their strike, and demanded the Arab and Islamic countries especially Egypt to stand alongside the prisoners. He also warned that the hunger strike can lead to the death of some of the hunger strikers.

Meanwhile, Israeli police forces arrested on Thursday a number of demonstrators in front of Ramla prison after beating them during a demonstration organized by youth groups and activists in 1948 occupied Palestine in support of hunger striking Palestinian prisoners, which brought the number of detainees at Ramla prison to 20.

Arab member of the Israeli Knesset Jamal Zahalka told the demonstrators, “It is expected that thousands of other prisoners will join the hunger strike in the coming days.”

He also emphasized the four key demands of the prisoners represented in ending administrative detention, allowing family visits, ending the solitary confinement, and canceling Shalit law.

Zahalka added, “We have started a campaign of daily activities supporting the prisoners in their battle, through sit-in tents, rallies, and demonstrations.

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