Paraguay’s Lugo forms shadow govt. ‎

“I call on people from the countryside, the youth and all citizens to resist until we are back in the office we unfairly had to leave,” Lugo told reporters on Monday.

He further added that he intends to take his case on the international stage at this week’s regional summit of MERCOSUR in Argentina.

“I want to resist until we regain power because here there was a parliamentary coup,” he said.

Several South American countries have refused to recognize the newly installed government of Federico Franco and have recalled their ambassadors from Paraguay.

After Lugo was ousted in a 39-4 vote in Congress, 49-year-old vice president Federico Franco was sworn in.

Lugo, 61, was accused of mishandling an armed clash over a land dispute in which seven police officers and ten landless farmers were killed on June 15.

The next presidential election will be in April 2013. Lugo, who was under cancer treatment, earlier said that he would not seek another term.

Lugo, took power on pledges to champion the poor in 2008, accused his rivals of planning to “rob the people of their supreme decision” when they elected him to put an end to six decades of ruling by the right-wing Colorado Party.


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