Pentagon condemns ‘inhuman conduct’ of soldiers who posed for Taliban trophy photographs

“This is war. I know war is ugly and is violent. I know that young people
sometimes caught up in the moment make very foolish decisions. I am not
excusing that but neither do I want these images to bring further injuries
to our people or to our relationship with the Afghan people.”

George Little, the Pentagon press secretary, earlier said the “inhuman
conduct” would be held accountable, while Jay Carney, the White House
Press Secretary said the behaviour was “reprehensible”.

Officials in Kabul were bracing for Afghan reaction to the photographs. The
disclosure of previous trophy pictures has provoked disgust, but not

The photographs were taken on two separate occasions. The first was in
February 2010 when soldiers were called to a police station in Qalat, the
capital of Zabul province, following a suicide bombing.

A few months later the same platoon went to the morgue in Qalat after three
insurgents accidentally blew themselves up while preparing a roadside bomb.
On both visits the soldiers were supposed to get fingerprints of the dead
for a database being maintained by US forces.

The incidents happened during a year-long deployment of the 3,500 strong 82nd
Airborne’s 4th Brigade Combat Team, which is based at Fort Bragg, North
Carolina. During the deployment it lost 35 men, including at least 23 to
suicide bombers or improvised explosive devices.

The whistle-blowing soldier said those in the photographs had felt “satisfied”
to discover Taliban killed by their own bombs, and the pictures were
distributed among other servicemen. He told the Los Angeles Times: “Their
buddies had been blown up by IEDs so they sort of just celebrated.”

US officials said most of the soldiers in the photographs had been identified.
Mr Panetta also confirmed that it had asked the newspaper not to publish the
pictures, claiming they could lead to retaliation against US troops.

Davan Maharaj, the Los Angeles Times editor, said it printed a small selection
to “fulfil our obligation to readers to report vigorously and
impartially on all aspects of the American mission in Afghanistan.”

The scandal was the latest embarrassment for the US military in Afghanistan. In
January Marines were found to have made a video of themselves urinating on
Afghan corpses

burning of copies of the Koran
at a Nato airbase the following month
triggered weeklong riots that left 30 dead and led to the revenge killings
of six Americans. Last month a
US soldier went on a shooting rampage
in which he is accused of
killing 17 civilian villagers.

:: Britain will contribute £70 million a year to funding Afghanistan’s
security force after Nato withdraws combat troops at the end of 2014, Philip
Hammond the Defence Secretary said.

The announcement came as a British soldier died of his wounds after an
explosion in southern Afghanistan last week, the 409th member of the forces
to have died in the country since October 2001.

The soldier, from the 33 Engineer Regiment (Explosive Ordnance Disposal), was
flown back to Britain where he died at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham.

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