Pentagon welcomes Android; Samsung reconsiders ICS for Galaxy S

It’s a good day for Android, with a few key developments shining a ray of hope on some of Android’s recent woes, and even drumming up excitement for Android’s future. For starters, Android has been approved by the Pentagon for use on Defense Department computer networks, giving the OS an inroad to one of the nation’s most secure systems. Though there’s several limitations on Android’s approved use cases, it’s a step that encroaches on RIM, which has been the beloved, secure system worthy of government use. It’s only the Dell Venue, running Android 2.2, that’s been cleared for network access, and no classified information can be transmitted to or from the device. Web browsing is also limited, and must be conducted via a DOD proxy server. You can also forget about the Android Market, as access is limited here as well.

Nevertheless, it’s a good sign for Android, which has faced a severe backlash for its security mishaps in the past year. As RIM loses ground in the mobile industry, and more people use their own devices at work, several organizations are carving out ways to incorporate more consumer gadgets into the workplace.

Google gains ground in patent suit against Oracle

Google’s also let out a sigh of relief after the U.S. Patent and Tradmark Office (USPTO) rejected one of the seven patents Oracle has cited in its case against Android. It’s a key patent in this case, and happens to be the one claim that Oracle raised in the ongoing lawsuit. Patent number 6192476, which was up for reexamination at Google’s request, has to do with Android’s use of Java technology. It’s one of the few patents remaining in the case, after a court boiled down Oracle’s asserted 132 claims to 50. Oracle still plans on pushing forward with the trial, and wants to do so as quickly as possible. But Google’s certainly gained some new ground with this latest development, though Oracle can appeal the final ruling.

Samsung reconsidering Android 4.0 for Galaxy S, Tab?

Android’s having quite a time with its 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich roll out, which has left some Samsung customers bitter in the wake of the manufacturer’s news that the Galaxy S and Tab won’t be upgraded to ICS. But Samsung may change its tune, as a Korean report indicates the phone maker is going back to the drawing board. ajnews claims that Samsung will review the viability of updating the Galaxy S and Tab, due to strong customer demand. Samsung had initially said the ICS update for the Galaxy S and Tab was impossible due to limited memory capacity, reiterating Android’s ecosystem failures when it comes to fragmentation and relying on third parties for device compatibility.


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