Peter Cruddas: Former Tory treasurer gave party £200k days before he was forced to resign

  • Peter Cruddas boost coffers week before secret footage exposing cash for access issue emerge
  • Tories also received more than £500,000 in donations in first three months of 2012

Daniel Martin

20:16 EST, 22 May 2012


05:04 EST, 23 May 2012

Peter Cruddas, Chairman of CMC Group PLC in his London office

Big doner: Former Tory treasurer gave Tory Party £212,000 a week before secret film exposed him in the cash for access row

Former Tory treasurer Peter Cruddas donated more than £200,000 to his party just days before he was forced to resign over cash for access, it was revealed yesterday.

He boosted the Conservatives’ coffers a week before secret footage emerged of him boasting that ‘Premier League’ donations would result in meetings with David Cameron and the chance to influence policy.

Figures from the Electoral Commission show Mr Cruddas donated more than £212,000 on March 16. Of this, £204,000 was in cash.

In addition, the Tories received more than £500,000 in donations during the first three months of the year from businessmen who attended secret lunches, dinners and parties held by the Prime Minister at No 10 and Chequers.

The revelation will add to concerns that Mr Cameron is giving big businessmen undue access and influence over policies.

Last night Simon Danczuk, Labour MP for Rochdale, said: ‘It seems David Cameron’s cosy dinners with millionaire donors helped the Tories rake in more than half a million in just three months.

‘And not content with entertaining them at No 10 and Chequers, David Cameron and George Osborne gave them a cut in the 50p rate of tax while millions are paying more. It just shows who David Cameron listens to.’

The biggest donor who had been entertained by Mr Cameron was Michael Farmer, a financier who is known as ‘Mr Copper’. He gave £183,950.

Michael Spencer gave £82,723 through his brokerage firm IPGL Ltd; while JCB chairman Anthony Bamford gave £95,000 through JCB Research and Bamford Industries. In total, nine donors handed the Tories £560,038 in the first quarter of 2012.

Cosy: David Cameron and George Osborne have been accused of giving millionaires a cut in the 50p rate of tax while millions are paying more

Cosy: David Cameron and George Osborne have been given millionaires a cut in the 50p rate of tax while millions more are paying more

A Tory party spokesman said about Mr Cruddas’s donation: ‘This was a fully permissible and acceptable donation.’

The Electoral Commission figures show that donations to political parties rose to just under £9million between January and March 2012, up £1.9million on the previous three months.

The Conservatives received the most at £4,086,097 but Labour was not far behind, bringing in £3,452,441. Money given to the Liberal Democrats totalled £606,724.

The figures show that Ed Miliband is still overwhelmingly reliant on the unions for money. In the last quarter, 74 per cent of Labour’s donations came from them.

Conservative Party co-chairman Baroness Warsi said: ‘Ed Miliband’s union paymasters are threatening strikes to ruin the Jubilee and the Olympics for hardworking people.

‘Ed Miliband should stop being weak and condemn these strikes.’

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“An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought.”
Simon Cameron (1799 – 1889) an American politician.
Nothing changes.
What amazes me is who in their right mind gives money the the Limp Dumb’s

Adds weight to the old saying, ‘A mug and their money’s soon parted.’ Maybe, if he finds another few thousands, he will buy access to another top job in the party.

Doesn’t British politics stink?

Naughty little old me but was it really a “gift” ? ‘cos normally when a gift is made it implies it was given without wanting anything in return.

Is this what TORY AUSTERITY and TRANSPARENCY means.?
Time for the whole lot to be investigated.
Meanwhile everyone tighten your belts and work harder with the fear of benefit cuts,pension cuts,and unemployment fears keeping you in check

Yes Baroness Warsi, Labour dances to the tunes of the Union, and the Conservatives to the tunes of the few .

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