Phantom black dog still around in 2001 in Denmark

Sightings of the Black phantom Dog of Viborg:

A report by Lars Munk, Danish M. A. of Theology

My city of Viborg used to be called Wibierga, “Holy Mountains”, because

the hills here at the centre of the ancient road net and ley lines in

the heart of Jutland were sacred since stone age times. The “wi” itself

lies just north of the present cathedral, and according to legend the

Black Dog (various independent sightings in a string from Syvhøje,

across Middle Jutland by way of grave mounds, cemeteries, places of

pagan magic and ancient sacred sites, to the Wi at Viborg) runs around

the northern edge of Viborg lake, along the old mediaeval Nørremøllevej

(North Mill Rd.), through a city gate that is no longer there, and then

up to the Wi by the cathedral, where it disappears into the ground at

the stroke of midnight. It has done so since time immemorial, but in

2001 I decided to have a look myself: I took a second sighted woman with

me to the Wi, and just before midnight she reported to see the Phantom

Dog coming around the corner, up to the hill of the Wi – she said it

stopped, seemingly baffled to be sighted again; all that I could see by

then was a sprinkling of moon-lit dust inside a small “wind devil” (a

mini-tornado) seeping up to the Wi and engulfing it at the exact stroke

of midnight.

On the way back, by Nørremøllevej, I suddenly felt the hairs on my

neck standing out, and I turned and looked – the woman said, without

looking back: “Now you see it, too, don´t you?”

Yes, I did: Across the road, what at first looked like a great black dog

(something akin to the semi-wild dogs of the Danish stone ages) walked

under a street light, and it suddenly looked at me, eyes and mouth

seemingly lit from inside by green light, pointed ears and a ridge of

harsh hairs on its back; parts of the body came and went with

fluorescent green shimmers.

Then it disappeared into the darkness beyond the light.

I am a danish theologian, yet I have to admit that there are more

things between heaven and earth … the Black Dog of Viborg takes it on

trips, independently of how man sights it or disbelieves in it. Every

night it runs along the same route, to the Wi at the center of the ley

lines, perhaps as guardian of the sanctum that might come to light, if

you removed the cathedral?

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