Poland awards Iranian cartoonist

The female cartoonist won the Mayor of Legnica Award of the competition for her work Movement.

The Grand Prix Award of the event went to Polish artist Grzegorz Szumowski and the first prize of the Social Satire section of the event was granted to Grzegorz Stanczyk, also from the host country.

The event hosted 2,008 works by 560 artists from 49 countries. The jury qualified 174 works by 119 artists for the post competition exhibition.

The Satyrykon International Cartoon Exhibition, founded in 1977, is open to cartoonists, engravers, sculptors, poster-designers and photographers from around the world.

Over the past twenty years, organizers of Satyrykon have been able to attract best artists of the genre from around the world and win a wide audience, as well as fans, jurors and sponsors.


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