Police Handcuff, Charge 6-Year-Old Girl For Misbehaving

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When did cops become so cowardly and pathetic?

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Police in Milledgeville, Georgia handcuffed and charged a 6-year-old girl with assault for throwing a tantrum in school but instead of apologizing for such unnecessary treatment, the chief of police praised his officers for their actions.

After kindergartner Salecia Johnson knocked over a shelf that injured the principal, cops were called, Johnson was handcuffed and taken to the police station where she was charged with assault.

Milledgeville’s acting police chief Dray Swicord praised the actions of the arresting officer for dealing with the deadly threat posed by the girl.

“Our policy is that any detainee transported to our station in a patrol vehicle is to be handcuffed in the back. There is no age discrimination on that rule,” Swicord told 13WMAZ.

“A 6-year-old in kindergarten. They don’t have no business calling the police and handcuffing my child,” said Earnest Johnson, Salecia’s father.

This is just the latest example in a growing trend of police officers treating young children as dangerous criminals. Zero tolerance has obliterated common sense and the routine arrest of children is another symptom that America is now a police state.

– Back in December a 13-year-old middle school student in Albuquerque, New Mexico was handcuffed and hauled off to juvenile detention for “burping audibly” in class.

– In January, 12-year-old Sarah Bustamantes was arrested by police in Austin, Texas for spraying perfume on herself.

– Also in January, cops in Charlton, Massachusetts were dispatched to collect an overdue library book from a 5-year-old girl.

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– A 6-year-old San Francisco boy was detained for 2 hours by the principal and forced to confess to “sexual assault” for brushing the leg of his friend during a game of tag. The boy was later charged with “sexual battery”.

– A similar overreaction ensued when an Orange River Elementary School assistant principal called cops after seeing a girl kiss a boy during PE class, labeling it a possible sex crime.

– In Stockton, California, a 5-year-old boy with ADHD was “handcuffed with zip ties on his hands and feet, forced to go to the hospital for a psychiatric evaluation and was charged with battery on a police officer,” after the cop claimed the boy had kicked him in the knee.

– In Florida, 6-year-old girl weighing 40 pounds was handcuffed and then sent to a mental health facility for screaming and throwing objects in class.

These are just a handful of the cases that have occurred recently and there are probably scores more that don’t even get reported by the media.

How on earth can we expect police officers to deal with real crime and actual dangerous criminals when a significant number of them seem to be intimidated by children who throw temper tantrums?

When did cops become so pathetic?

While the federal government is training law enforcement that Americans who express grievances against the state or who are engaged in political activists represent a threat akin to terrorists, cops are presumably becoming so terrified by this prospect that they are even treating little kids as violent criminals.

The fact that elementary school children are being arrested for misbehaving or being charged with sexual assault for overenthusiastic games of tag serves as another urgent warning that both law enforcement and the school system in America are rotten to the core and run by complete morons who have dispensed with all semblance of common sense.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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71 Responses to “Police Handcuff, Charge 6-Year-Old Girl For Misbehaving”

  1. Sounds like the one pressing charges for “assault” needs to grow up and be an adult. Along with being fired from his position from being such a cry baby. We need adults in charge of our children, not little boys.

    Vengeance Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 2:24 pm

    WHY did you assume that school principal was a Male?

  2. Well,

    When natural aggression is not a subject that parents (like the above) do NOT take the time to teach their children how to act like a civilized human being, the results are plain to see for all who care to look.

    I forsee some prozac, xanex, zoloft, and some tryptilene in this little girls future!
    After she get’s her first “tat” at juvie and busts a few more heads for lunch money because, you know, she jus haz her moodz…….

    kebcreation Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 2:20 pm

    Maybe she was already on some drug. It is disturbing that they call police on kindergadeners, even more disturbing that they handcuff them and send them off to get arrested. the knocking over of the bookcase? a)must not have been very secure and b)probably seen it on TV enough times and c)she must have felt really trapped. My son used to lock himself in the nurses bathroom in kindergarden all the time and to me that says a child feels trapped by strangers. However I was always the first one called not any police even when he kicked the principle. If adults in a school cannot difuse a 5 year old they ought not to work with them. The formative years do not stop at 5 like they would have you believe they are just beginning. My son was a terror in school from day one all the way to high school where he attended a more kinetic school and he graduated. The problem probably is not this 5 year old it is the acedemics and atmosphere that says you sit down shut up and listen or you are bad and will be punished by a stranger. These stories are the epitome of a police state and the future of all children long into the future is at stake.

    Dandroid Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 2:29 pm

    The wife was a second grade teacher. The school has been handcuffed and has no recourse when kids do really bad shit. The system is designed to fail from top to bottom. We used to get ass whippings at school and at home. Now parents get arrested and so do their kids.

  3. “Milledgeville’s acting police chief Dray Swicord praised the actions of the arresting officer for dealing with the deadly threat posed by the girl.”
    WTF is the matter with these f-ing Pigs.

    exexpat11 Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 12:22 pm

    A fine example of HERO COPS! Cowards the lot.

  4. What a bunch of pathetic goons these cops are! I can’t believe that they are mentally soo ill equipt to deal with a six year old that they have to twisty tie her.

    exexpat11 Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 12:23 pm

    These were probably the real OATHKEEPERS that keep their fellow Officers in line. Yep!

  5. The kid should get used to it, I bet the kid comes from a degenerate family and will wind up in jail anyway. Kids have way to much power these days and need to learn discipline like when I grew up.
    I say the should bring the strap back otherwise we’re headed for a generation of murdering, stealing, raping, video game taught psychopaths.

    Spymyeys Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 10:10 am

    and don’t forget the sage advice from her one and only mommy:


    Rebelfromtheburg Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 11:40 am

    Seriously, are you effing kidding me?? My parents would have smacked me so hard when I got home and said “good” teach him a lesson. Maybe if these trashy people stop acting like animals in public they wont get arrested.

    Same goes for white trash, spanish kids and all other races of obnoxious kids with no manners.

    Does NOT matter what race you are. Parents need to teach their children this is not okay.

    Vengeance Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 2:29 pm

    There was this one male high school Principal who was widely know (and feared) by his green ‘Discipline Locker’. And if the rumors are true then those same old paddleboards used frequently during my parent’s school days are STILL in use over there… O_O

  6. Children act like animals these days. I agree that these kids should be hand cuffed and treated like the criminals that they are. Maybe a little “tough love” now will save them for the future. They have to learn these lessons sometime in their lives, and now is better than later. Maybe the embarrassment that Mom and Dad suffer will help them to put a hand to that backside so these kids stop this abuse of authority right now. I was taught that you respected your elders and if I would have even back talked a police officer, my mother would have whupped me with a lilac branch from out back.

    American Dystopia Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 10:41 am

    You reap what you sow. Remember that when your child is killed for misbehaving in school.

    lisamy Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 11:02 am

    I have reaped what I have sown. My children are 1. 911 dispatcher, 2. State child support worker, 3. Last semester of college for Foreign language major with a minor in genetics. My grand children are respectful, kind, loving, and behave themselves.

    exexpat11 Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 12:26 pm

    And were little angels all the time. Never chewed gum in school. Never got into any trouble. Sure, right. All it takes is one time now and the GOON SQUAD will show up. Hope some children survive to adulthood.

    American Dystopia Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 3:52 pm

    Have you 🙂 Remember that when your Grandchild is killed for misbehaving in school.

    Tom Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 5:27 pm

    lisamy – Yeah, well, when you put the ball in the air, three things can happen and two of them are bad! LOL!!!

    Hello. Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 1:23 pm

    No, exexpat11, lisamy is completely on point. No one supports cuffing a child or eroding liberties using mindless actions. (Rejecting potential officers who test too high on intelligence is not a good thing when it comes to thinking on your feet or handling a call fairly or rationally.) Each call or case is different and has to be taken on its own merit. From what I understand, this particular child was completely out of control and restraints may have saved her from personal injury to herself, others and school property. lisamy is thinking on all cylinders. That’s not to say that better training and smarter police wouldn’t be a great thing.

  7. If my kid ever threw a fit like that I’d slap the hell out of her!! The parents are to blame… Bottom line

    Robert46 Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 10:53 am

    Well moron recken who pushed the so-called child abuse laws to the point you face possible arrest if you dare disipline your children with a switch, paddle….ect ect ect! It sure wasn’t black folks who pushed for those type of laws to be passed! Sooooooooooo, actually you can blame leftist white nanny state morons! Recken who pushed for coporal pushiment in schools to be disallowed? Whitey nanny state morons strikes again!

  8. Tearing things off the wall and throwing furniture? Sounds like the brat should have been reigned in a bit at home and taught how to behave or suffer the consequences. Maybe those chubby mama’s should occasionally get up off their butts and discipline the holy terror themselves. Oh, I forgot, dat wut da government provided day care ( public school) supposed to do!!

  9. If Obama had another daughter, she might’ve looked like her.

    raxzorx Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 10:56 am


    exexpat11 Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 12:12 pm

    Bravo! Where is THE ONE on this one? Pro Piglet of course!

  10. “If” you believe the narrative the public school officals tell of what the little 6 year old supposely did, then you are likely a graduate of public dumbed down, nanny state schools! Just shows you how pathedic public schools have become, where the principal can’t paddle the children and if you the parent use a switch or a paddle to correct your child for unruley behavior at school or for other reasons, you face possible arrest for child abuse?

    Folk better get freaking wise and put your children in a private school! Better yet, home school your children! Anything is better than the dumbed down nanny state public prison camp/school training centers!

    If a gun toting cop thinks a 6 year old girl is a threat then you are one wussified pathedic sorry excuse for a so-called man!

    .. Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 11:04 am

    You claim others are the product of “public dumbed down…schools” and you spell “pathetic” “pathedic,” twice. I think you too are a product of public dumbed down education.

    notsure Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 11:58 am

    You missed “officals” and “unruley”.

    .. Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 12:11 pm

    Those I can dismiss as possible typos, which we all do. But he spelled typed “pathedic” TWICE, which usually dismisses the typo possibility.

  11. There must be some kind of “school policy” that makes it so that corporal punishment of an out of control brat could lead to a lawsuit. Is the intent of this policy to further grind down the already failed “educational system,” a system within a system of corporate sponsored principalities ?

    If we have a “blackboard jungle” out there, instead of genuine schooling, then that needs to change, so that the teachers are paid and scrutinized on the local level, without the interference of the FEDS.

    I say get rid of the Department of Education, so that we can get rid of the principals that rubber stamp federal educational policy.

    Students need to be taught discipline : how to read, how
    to write, how to speak and above all, how to think.

    Just like a parent, if a teacher talks to the students like
    a child, then the students will remain as children, and will
    never grown into adulthood.

    exexpat11 Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 12:29 pm

    Call the parents in and expel for a certain amount of time. That used to be the old solution. Now, call BRAVE HERO COPS in. This is why the need APC’s. Six year olds throwing tantrums.

    Vengeance Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 2:37 pm

    Dr. Ron Paul HAS already promised that if he does get elected then the NEA will get the same fate as the Dodo Bird…

  12. I just hope the judge in this case doesn’t ALSO have his head up his a$$ like the police there OBVIOUSLY do.

    I mean, we all know how dangerous little children are to society today. They’re worse than drug dealers, and gangs, and worse than ANY terrorist, right?
    As a matter of fact, why bother to arrest them? Why not just cut to the chase and kill them outright? I mean, that’s EXACTLY where this will all end up… With the MURDERS of our children.

    Those who HATE children enough to arrest them are CERTAINLY headed for the lake of fire. No question about that at all.
    Jesus said that if you hate your brother, that you are a murderer, and headed for the lake of fire that burns with sulpher and brimstone.

    Enjoy your stay, folks. YOUR fires will be EXTRA HOT, and you’ll have PLENTY of time to enjoy them.
    Don’t believe me? It doesn’t matter… It is what it is.


  14. Holy Hell here we go again with the g-damned police out to get our children and teach them to get USED to ABUSE because it’s coming down the pike. F-ing police state mentality. gee – when I was in grade school kids were taken to the principal’s office and that scared the heck out of us. We were sweet as pie after that but NEVER, NEVER was a police called. How stupid are these state gov’t who think they can now grab our children for a simple temper tantrum (which all kids have) and take them to a police station and god knows what perverts are there too and her parents weren’t even with her. SOBs They should be tried for abuse to a child. Every state seems to be jumping on the band wagon when it comes to outlandish treatment. Did they grope her and feel her up while they held her – did they give her psycotropic drugs to get her started on the path to hard drug use? You cannot trust the police anymore for anything. They want to destroy the fabric of this nation by stomping all over the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I would pull my daughter from this hell hole and have her home schooled. At least there you know your child isn’t being treated like this and you are pretty sure she can be 6 YEARS OLD without being traumatized by the MAN. FU

  15. Shame on the school staff for calling the police in the first place.

  16. A byproduct of the leftists running the School Systems — straight out of one of their beloved pillars of Communism. Not only that but all of these UNIONS, and school converting the lone security guard to a fully fledged police force with automatic weapons, Dodge Chargers (souped up for traffic pursuits of course), and blanket authority to lodge charges against minors who aren’t even legally old enough to comprehend what a charge in court is.

  17. I’m surprised they involved the police. Policy seems to have changed, years back the last thing schools did was involve police if there was an altercation, as it reflected badly on the school, ie not a place to send your kids.

  18. I taught for 13 years between the mid 1980s and 90s and saw the absolute free fall of sanity in our schools. As Alex continuously tells us, our children have been turned into brain dead, autistic zombies through the vaccines, GMOs and a toxic environment, and also include abuse and neglect Anybody who has taught in any school, public or private, can attest to this truth. The last school where I taught, towards the end of my days as a teacher, before I couldn’t take it anymore and gave up and quit, I found myself physically detaining a rabid 8 year old who was “a dog” crawling around on all 4s, foaming at the mouth ready to bite another child. His dog-like behavior was alternating between throwing himself and banging his head on the wall and writing obscenities on the chalkboard. I had to carry and drag him to the principal’s office where he then escaped. The police were called because nobody could find him. I could have used their help earlier! Well, they found him, and guess what? He was back in school the next day and strangled one of his classmates at lunch. That day, it took 4 people to detain him.

    I have nothing but pity for this little girl as she probably was completely out of control and needed to be handcuffed and detained. According to the Drudge Report article, she was wild. As Spymyeys rightly points out, she will be drugged into submission. This is because her mother is too ignorant to understand the roots of the problem and be pro-active and it is what the establishment wants. The only hope is to home school her but I am sure that is the farthest thing from her mother’s mind.

    Our schools, our culture and our lack of parenting skills have turned our children into animals and animals can be rabid and dangerous. While I understand that we need to be concerned about our schools being turned into police detention centers, maybe that is what is necessary to control the out of control prison population we have created. These kinds of results are inevitable and only a symptom of the culture we have allowed to flourish in our institutions. Nobody should be surprised.

    Hello. Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 1:12 pm

    Thanks for your enlightening story from the school trenches.

    This particular child in the article was said to have been completely out of control. Restraining a child to protect their own physical selves along with others and school property would be a last resort but I can see how it could be necessary in this case from what I’ve read about it.

    Tom Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 5:24 pm

    My dad was a high school teacher as well, and he said that the worst kids he ever had in 1972 were way better than the best kids he had in 1992.

  19. it’s the parents that are out of control! If i hadn’t have received good old school discipline I’d to be a criminal

  20. How is Paul Joseph Watson and the posters here callinig other people pathetic and cowardly when they allow it to happen, only “combating” it by cirlce jerking on a message board?

    Tom Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 5:26 pm

    ..says – If you are 54543434, then we already know that you think you are an elite who is above all this. You’re not! I wish I could see the look on your face when YOU get something this done to you. I’ll make sure to make a “priceless” poster out of it.

  21. Now this is one of the worst things i have read in a while. Have ethics, common-sense, and just plain having a conscience been thrown out the window? Big bad principal getting injured by a bookshelf, place the girl in handcuffs. Total police state in society right now. That is what’s taking place. And all those other instances of children being placed in handcuffs…….it is so shameful and disgraceful. Charging children for misbehaving. Hey major news flash guys, THIS IS WHAT CHILDREN DO!! They misbehave and then the parents teach them that it’s not okay and to not do it again. Oh wait, that is the polices job now. And the government. BOTTOM LINE: GOVERNMENT OWNS YOUR KIDS NOT YOU. Or at least that is what they are implying. That’s why you will be charged if you don’t subject your child to toxic chemotherapy. That’ why they want mandatory vaccines. That’s why they’re telling children to spy on their parents behind their back. That’s why they’re throwing the nutritious meal that you’ve prepared for your child in the brown paper bag, throwing it in the trash, and instead making them eat toxic, processed, GMO-laden junk without your consent. They are in control, and they are now taking it to the next level by targeting kids. What a disgrace.

  22. … and they dare to wonder why they are hated by all? When the Government collapses – not when, the victims and relatives victims will have their way with them. They’ll wish they got the Kadaffi bayonet up the keyster before they are cleaned from this Planet.

  23. Think of the alternative? If a brat kid comes unglued and the teacher tries to handle it they risk getting sued and losing their job. Same goes for the principal. It’s best to call the cops in any situation that’s getting out of hand and let them deal with it. Where’s the taser? 😉

    exexpat11 Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 12:30 pm

    The taser is to be used when children refuse to take off their coats, silly. Apply taser at least 33 times for each infraction.

    Tom Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 5:29 pm

    That’s right! There is no such thing as an untasered question!!

    CrisisJones Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 5:43 pm

    Exactly the point of our headline this morning; “What no Tazing?! (Tazer bracelets are coming for America’s School Kids)”

    These sick losers began shooting adults over a dozen years ago under the cover of; “Officer Safety Jeopardized”

    They just pull their pieces, blast, and then say that they feared for their own safety. Done, Neat, Tidy, No investigation.

    In Santa Rosa California, there was a fellow at a party who was attacked by some ‘Tough Guys’ (Bullies) because he was from South East Asia.

    He managed to find a stick and beat the hell out opf the several jocks that had attacked him.

    The cops rolled up, jumped out and BLASTED him!!!!!

    The main question was; “Why didn’t all of you cops simply subdue him?”

    We expect that the cops we hire can handle a kid with a stick, or a little old lady, or a Kindergartner….. Without FEARING for their lives, handcuffing, and or Blowing them away.

    Next, if you are speeding, they just shoot your ass, and America is like, Huh? Gee, I guess Aunt Jenny shouldn’t have been speeding….

    America! Yea, where ya at?

  24. Protect and Serve. Control and Punish. Same thing in America, when the Jailers pay the bills with Govt contracts (tax). Vicious circle and one which requires “heads in beds” for each cell.

    In County Jail it approx $90 for each eve stay. You can get a decent hotel for that, no?

    Prison, with heath and long term conditions, the cost exceeds $150 per eve!

    Children are just the stretch for more “revenue” in this Facist State.


  25. Back in my day the school would have just called my parents to come get me. I couldn’t imagine (intentionally) having children in this day in age. Now a days they drag everyone to jail to get the pictures fingerprints in the system even when they release you moments afterwards.

    Spymyeys Reply:
    April 17th, 2012 at 1:59 pm

    just remeber:

    her mammy sayz “she haz her moodz”

    so jus let her be, she calm down when she get tired….. just stayz outta her way till den….

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