Police: Naked man protests TSA at Portland Airport

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April 18, 2012

Police: Naked man protests TSA at Portland Airport   17520055 BG1

Port of Portland police say a traveler at PDX took off far more than his shoes and belt while going through airport security.

John Brennan, 50, was arrested shortly after 5:30 p.m. Tuesday after TSA agents say he took off all his clothes and refused to put them back on while passing through the ABC checkpoint.

Police say Brennan was scheduled to fly to San Jose, CA, on Alaska Airlines. Instead, he was taken to jail on charges of disorderly conduct and indecent exposure.

Investigators say neither drugs nor alcohol were involved in the incident. Instead, Brennan told officers he got naked to protest TSA screeners, who he felt had been harassing him.

Witness Brian Reilly snapped a picture after hearing the exchange between the man and TSA agents.

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4 Responses to “Police: Naked man protests TSA at Portland Airport”

  1. Well done Tom! You finally done something useful. Lol!!!!!

  2. I bet TSA performed a cavity search,in his butt.

  3. I’d a gave them a little flatulence to remember me by !

  4. GO JOHN! haha i think he made his opinion known .

    doing his part , not just bitchin about it . thats great

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