Prince Harry was ‘main target’: Taliban

Insurgents, armed with rocket-propelled grenades and assault rifles, launched an attack on heavily-fortified Camp Bastion, the British HQ in southern Helmand province on Friday night.

The attack left two US troopers dead and several others injured.

A Taliban spokesperson described the attack as a revenge for an anti-Islam movie made in the US by Zionist individuals and circles that sparked outrage among Muslims around the world.

The film, recently posted on You Tube, contains blasphemous ideas about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The spokesperson also said that Prince Harry was their primary target.

“We attacked that base because Prince Harry was also on it and so they can know our anger,” Taliban spokesman Qari Youssef Ahmadi told Sky News by telephone.

The 27-year-old Royal is currently on duty as an Apache helicopter pilot in Camp Bastion after his deployment was revealed last week.

The Taliban dismissed his role as a propaganda stunt, saying that he was there to “atone” for the embarrassment caused by leaked pictures of him naked in a Las Vegas hotel room.

“The British Army is under pressure, just like the other forces in Afghanistan, and Britain wants to encourage its soldiers with such actions”, said Zabiullah Mujahid, a spokesman for the insurgents.

“And also the Prince was seen in naked pictures in England. To cover this shame, maybe he can atone by showing that he is fighting beside their soldiers in Afghanistan,” he said.

“The British haven’t been able to do anything here in Afghanistan with all their soldiers. They can’t do anything with their Prince here either,” Mujahid added.


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