Prisoner in Israeli jail tells story of his torture by PA interrogators

[ PIC 28/07/2012 – 02:52 PM ]

WEST BANK, (PIC)– Palestinian prisoner Mohamed Abu Hadid described the size of torture he had been exposed to by intelligence interrogators from the Palestinian Authority (PA) before his arrest by the Israeli occupation forces (IOF).

Abu Hadid told the Palestinian information center (PIC) a few days before his arrest by Israelis that he was arrested on October 3, 2010 by the PA security forces from his family’s restaurant following Bani Naim attack.

He added that he was among many Palestinians who were arrested randomly and without proof following Bani Naim attack that happened in August 2010.

The prisoner recalled some of the torture and maltreatment he and other prisoners suffered from during their detention by the PA intelligence agency in Al-Khalil jail, saying that he and other young men were placed in chains and without sleep for a whole week in the prison courtyard and when they were allowed, they slept on the cold floors of their cells for a few hours.

Later, he said, they were transferred to Jericho jail where they were interrogated intensively for 15 months during which they were tortured and beaten brutally.

According to him, the torture techniques used by PA intelligence interrogators against him and others included sleep deprivation, stress positions, beating, ta’liq (hanging from a metal bar), solitary confinement, and detention inside a refrigerator.

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