Psyllium husk

(NaturalNews) Psyllium husk is an amazing shrub-like herb that is most commonly found in India. It possesses a plethora of health benefits and has proven effective in treating irritable bowel syndrome, colon caner, constipation, diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, ulcerative colitis and atherosclerosis among various other health conditions. Akin to flax seed and oat bran, the fiber in psyllium husk is soluble. Soluble fiber is useful in lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) which reduces the risk of heart disease and promotes overall health.

Psyllium husk is a bulking fiber, which means once ingested it expands and forms a gelatin-like mass in the colon by drawing water in. Once this occurs the husks are able to “scrub” the intestines clean and transport waste through the intestinal tract.

Better than pricey weight loss supplements

Although typically psyllium husk is thought of as colon cleansing or regularity supplement it can be very useful as a weight loss tool. Psyllium husk is highly effective when taken about 30 minutes before meals. This way, the husks will have time to expand in your stomach and give you a “full” feeling. This will help you eat smaller meals and thus lose unwanted pounds.

Unfortunately, when the majority of the population buys a weight loss supplement, they don’t question what’s in it or how it works. Many of these so called “weight loss supplements” that will cost you an arm and a leg are simply cheap fiber supplements. Most of them are in the pill form which means you’re getting a miniscule dose and none of them are more effective than whole psyllium husks.

Tips for buying and using psyllium husk

There are many psyllium husk supplements available; however, they are not all created equal. Many manufacturers grind the husk into a fine powder and then add artificial flavors and colors to make it easier and more pleasant to consume. This not only makes the psyllium husk far less effective, it introduces unwanted toxins to your system. This variety is typically the only type you will find in traditional grocery stores.

You will likely need to go to a health food store to purchase whole psyllium husks with no additives. Whole psyllium husks can be difficult for some people to swallow, so be sure to drink your husks with a full glass of water to avoid choking. It is also important to drink lots of water while taking psyllium husk because without sufficient water the husks can begin to create blockages in the intestines.

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About the author:
John Mckiernan is a health and fitness writer. He is the owner of Supplement Helper where he writes supplement reviews and more. He also manages CNA Info, a small blog aimed at answering questions for anyone interested in CNA work.

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Psyllium husk – Promote weight loss and cleanse your colon

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