Puppy prom at Helen Woodward Animal Center (Photos)

Helen Woodward Animal Center (HWAC) is hosting its 2nd Annual Alumni Puppy Prom in just over a week from now on Friday, May 24th right in their residence, 6461 El Apajo Road in Rancho Santa Fe, California. The event will take place between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m.


In its initial year, a great group of Alumni families attended to help crown the Best Dressed Puppy Prom King and Queen. Then they participated in Prom Photos with picture-perfect backdrops, took their chances with available raffles and of course met back up with former foster parents to reunite and catch up around the punch bowl.

Once again HWAC is calling all hairy legs to return to the dance floor. They are inviting all canine alumni to come out and join other adopters and adoptees to dance a little jig and have a little swig of punch.

Junior and senior pooches are even invited to participate in the time-honored activities of typical proms. Once again there will be a “Prom King and Queen,” doggie dancing, raffle prizes and picture-perfect prom photos. They are working very hard to make this year’s event as successful as last year’s initial prom-themed “paw-ty.”

6461 El Apajo, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067

; -117.19496154785

They have invited orphans and their “graduating classes” from as far back as 2004. Each attendee will be invited to come decked out in their most adorable doggy dresses, tuxes, adorned with boutonnieres and having their paw-nails manicured especially for the event. They will be proud to show off their forever families at their old barking grounds while reuniting with former Center “classmates.”

Marcie Grube, Social Media Administrator for Helen Woodward Animal Center stated, “Rescue animal adopters are very passionate about their pets and they love to connect with other rescue families who can relate to their experience. They share their cute pictures on social media sites and they love opportunities to meet each other in person, especially if it provides them an excuse to dress their dogs in prom dresses and corsages.”

Ed Farrelly, Animal Services Manager added, “We like to show our gratitude to all of the wonderful families who open their homes to our orphan pets and this is a great way to do it. We also really like to see those fuzzy faces again. They mean a lot to us and we don’t forget them.”

This prom-themed party is FREE to all of HWAC’s Alumni but is also open for any adopted dog from any other rescue facility as well. For anyone choosing to attend with their rescued canine, they can dress their dogs in all of their prom finery in order to have an opportunity to win the Best Dressed King and Queen. The cost for your canine to enter this contest is a mere $10. Your pup can also show off their skills on the dance floor for a $10 entry fee for an opportunity to win the Smoothest Moves contest. There will be opportunity drawing tickets available to for a chance to win great prizes plus the prom photographer there to capture the evening’s event. The proceeds from all of these extra activities will enhance the support of the current orphaned animals housed at HWAC. Just like last year, the event will go down in history and forever be remembered with a group alumni photo of all guests. The photograph will be displayed on the Center’s website in order to honor their beloved extended family of puppies and people.

However, Helen Woodward has not forgotten their feline alumni. They love their kitty alumni and once again will honor them as well. The felines will also be able to compete for Best Dressed Kitty King and Queen with an at-home contest. In order to enter your rescue kitty (attained from HWAC or otherwise), simply send a photo of your cat (dressed in their prom finery) to [email protected]. Photos will be posted on their social media sites and at the prom to be voted on by attending prom-goers with prizes awarded to the Best Dressed Kitty Prom King and Queen.

For more information, check out www.animalcenter.org/events/alumni-puppy-prom. To RSVP or to register your pup for the Best Dressed King and Queen or Dance Contest, please contact Mindy Wright at Helen Woodward Animal Center at: 858-756-4117 ext. 379.

This event proved to be very popular last year. Together we can ensure it will continue for years to come!

Source Article from http://www.examiner.com/article/puppy-prom-at-helen-woodward-animal-center?cid=rss

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Puppy prom at Helen Woodward Animal Center (Photos)

Helen Woodward Animal Center (HWAC) is hosting its 2nd Annual Alumni Puppy Prom in just over a week from now on Friday, May 24th right in their residence, 6461 El Apajo Road in Rancho Santa Fe, California. The event will take place between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m.


In its initial year, a great group of Alumni families attended to help crown the Best Dressed Puppy Prom King and Queen. Then they participated in Prom Photos with picture-perfect backdrops, took their chances with available raffles and of course met back up with former foster parents to reunite and catch up around the punch bowl.

Once again HWAC is calling all hairy legs to return to the dance floor. They are inviting all canine alumni to come out and join other adopters and adoptees to dance a little jig and have a little swig of punch.

Junior and senior pooches are even invited to participate in the time-honored activities of typical proms. Once again there will be a “Prom King and Queen,” doggie dancing, raffle prizes and picture-perfect prom photos. They are working very hard to make this year’s event as successful as last year’s initial prom-themed “paw-ty.”

6461 El Apajo, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067

; -117.19496154785

They have invited orphans and their “graduating classes” from as far back as 2004. Each attendee will be invited to come decked out in their most adorable doggy dresses, tuxes, adorned with boutonnieres and having their paw-nails manicured especially for the event. They will be proud to show off their forever families at their old barking grounds while reuniting with former Center “classmates.”

Marcie Grube, Social Media Administrator for Helen Woodward Animal Center stated, “Rescue animal adopters are very passionate about their pets and they love to connect with other rescue families who can relate to their experience. They share their cute pictures on social media sites and they love opportunities to meet each other in person, especially if it provides them an excuse to dress their dogs in prom dresses and corsages.”

Ed Farrelly, Animal Services Manager added, “We like to show our gratitude to all of the wonderful families who open their homes to our orphan pets and this is a great way to do it. We also really like to see those fuzzy faces again. They mean a lot to us and we don’t forget them.”

This prom-themed party is FREE to all of HWAC’s Alumni but is also open for any adopted dog from any other rescue facility as well. For anyone choosing to attend with their rescued canine, they can dress their dogs in all of their prom finery in order to have an opportunity to win the Best Dressed King and Queen. The cost for your canine to enter this contest is a mere $10. Your pup can also show off their skills on the dance floor for a $10 entry fee for an opportunity to win the Smoothest Moves contest. There will be opportunity drawing tickets available to for a chance to win great prizes plus the prom photographer there to capture the evening’s event. The proceeds from all of these extra activities will enhance the support of the current orphaned animals housed at HWAC. Just like last year, the event will go down in history and forever be remembered with a group alumni photo of all guests. The photograph will be displayed on the Center’s website in order to honor their beloved extended family of puppies and people.

However, Helen Woodward has not forgotten their feline alumni. They love their kitty alumni and once again will honor them as well. The felines will also be able to compete for Best Dressed Kitty King and Queen with an at-home contest. In order to enter your rescue kitty (attained from HWAC or otherwise), simply send a photo of your cat (dressed in their prom finery) to [email protected]. Photos will be posted on their social media sites and at the prom to be voted on by attending prom-goers with prizes awarded to the Best Dressed Kitty Prom King and Queen.

For more information, check out www.animalcenter.org/events/alumni-puppy-prom. To RSVP or to register your pup for the Best Dressed King and Queen or Dance Contest, please contact Mindy Wright at Helen Woodward Animal Center at: 858-756-4117 ext. 379.

This event proved to be very popular last year. Together we can ensure it will continue for years to come!

Source Article from http://www.examiner.com/article/puppy-prom-at-helen-woodward-animal-center?cid=rss

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Puppy prom at Helen Woodward Animal Center (Photos)

Helen Woodward Animal Center (HWAC) is hosting its 2nd Annual Alumni Puppy Prom in just over a week from now on Friday, May 24th right in their residence, 6461 El Apajo Road in Rancho Santa Fe, California. The event will take place between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m.


In its initial year, a great group of Alumni families attended to help crown the Best Dressed Puppy Prom King and Queen. Then they participated in Prom Photos with picture-perfect backdrops, took their chances with available raffles and of course met back up with former foster parents to reunite and catch up around the punch bowl.

Once again HWAC is calling all hairy legs to return to the dance floor. They are inviting all canine alumni to come out and join other adopters and adoptees to dance a little jig and have a little swig of punch.

Junior and senior pooches are even invited to participate in the time-honored activities of typical proms. Once again there will be a “Prom King and Queen,” doggie dancing, raffle prizes and picture-perfect prom photos. They are working very hard to make this year’s event as successful as last year’s initial prom-themed “paw-ty.”

6461 El Apajo, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067

; -117.19496154785

They have invited orphans and their “graduating classes” from as far back as 2004. Each attendee will be invited to come decked out in their most adorable doggy dresses, tuxes, adorned with boutonnieres and having their paw-nails manicured especially for the event. They will be proud to show off their forever families at their old barking grounds while reuniting with former Center “classmates.”

Marcie Grube, Social Media Administrator for Helen Woodward Animal Center stated, “Rescue animal adopters are very passionate about their pets and they love to connect with other rescue families who can relate to their experience. They share their cute pictures on social media sites and they love opportunities to meet each other in person, especially if it provides them an excuse to dress their dogs in prom dresses and corsages.”

Ed Farrelly, Animal Services Manager added, “We like to show our gratitude to all of the wonderful families who open their homes to our orphan pets and this is a great way to do it. We also really like to see those fuzzy faces again. They mean a lot to us and we don’t forget them.”

This prom-themed party is FREE to all of HWAC’s Alumni but is also open for any adopted dog from any other rescue facility as well. For anyone choosing to attend with their rescued canine, they can dress their dogs in all of their prom finery in order to have an opportunity to win the Best Dressed King and Queen. The cost for your canine to enter this contest is a mere $10. Your pup can also show off their skills on the dance floor for a $10 entry fee for an opportunity to win the Smoothest Moves contest. There will be opportunity drawing tickets available to for a chance to win great prizes plus the prom photographer there to capture the evening’s event. The proceeds from all of these extra activities will enhance the support of the current orphaned animals housed at HWAC. Just like last year, the event will go down in history and forever be remembered with a group alumni photo of all guests. The photograph will be displayed on the Center’s website in order to honor their beloved extended family of puppies and people.

However, Helen Woodward has not forgotten their feline alumni. They love their kitty alumni and once again will honor them as well. The felines will also be able to compete for Best Dressed Kitty King and Queen with an at-home contest. In order to enter your rescue kitty (attained from HWAC or otherwise), simply send a photo of your cat (dressed in their prom finery) to [email protected]. Photos will be posted on their social media sites and at the prom to be voted on by attending prom-goers with prizes awarded to the Best Dressed Kitty Prom King and Queen.

For more information, check out www.animalcenter.org/events/alumni-puppy-prom. To RSVP or to register your pup for the Best Dressed King and Queen or Dance Contest, please contact Mindy Wright at Helen Woodward Animal Center at: 858-756-4117 ext. 379.

This event proved to be very popular last year. Together we can ensure it will continue for years to come!

Source Article from http://www.examiner.com/article/puppy-prom-at-helen-woodward-animal-center?cid=rss

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Puppy prom at Helen Woodward Animal Center (Photos)

Helen Woodward Animal Center (HWAC) is hosting its 2nd Annual Alumni Puppy Prom in just over a week from now on Friday, May 24th right in their residence, 6461 El Apajo Road in Rancho Santa Fe, California. The event will take place between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m.


In its initial year, a great group of Alumni families attended to help crown the Best Dressed Puppy Prom King and Queen. Then they participated in Prom Photos with picture-perfect backdrops, took their chances with available raffles and of course met back up with former foster parents to reunite and catch up around the punch bowl.

Once again HWAC is calling all hairy legs to return to the dance floor. They are inviting all canine alumni to come out and join other adopters and adoptees to dance a little jig and have a little swig of punch.

Junior and senior pooches are even invited to participate in the time-honored activities of typical proms. Once again there will be a “Prom King and Queen,” doggie dancing, raffle prizes and picture-perfect prom photos. They are working very hard to make this year’s event as successful as last year’s initial prom-themed “paw-ty.”

6461 El Apajo, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067

; -117.19496154785

They have invited orphans and their “graduating classes” from as far back as 2004. Each attendee will be invited to come decked out in their most adorable doggy dresses, tuxes, adorned with boutonnieres and having their paw-nails manicured especially for the event. They will be proud to show off their forever families at their old barking grounds while reuniting with former Center “classmates.”

Marcie Grube, Social Media Administrator for Helen Woodward Animal Center stated, “Rescue animal adopters are very passionate about their pets and they love to connect with other rescue families who can relate to their experience. They share their cute pictures on social media sites and they love opportunities to meet each other in person, especially if it provides them an excuse to dress their dogs in prom dresses and corsages.”

Ed Farrelly, Animal Services Manager added, “We like to show our gratitude to all of the wonderful families who open their homes to our orphan pets and this is a great way to do it. We also really like to see those fuzzy faces again. They mean a lot to us and we don’t forget them.”

This prom-themed party is FREE to all of HWAC’s Alumni but is also open for any adopted dog from any other rescue facility as well. For anyone choosing to attend with their rescued canine, they can dress their dogs in all of their prom finery in order to have an opportunity to win the Best Dressed King and Queen. The cost for your canine to enter this contest is a mere $10. Your pup can also show off their skills on the dance floor for a $10 entry fee for an opportunity to win the Smoothest Moves contest. There will be opportunity drawing tickets available to for a chance to win great prizes plus the prom photographer there to capture the evening’s event. The proceeds from all of these extra activities will enhance the support of the current orphaned animals housed at HWAC. Just like last year, the event will go down in history and forever be remembered with a group alumni photo of all guests. The photograph will be displayed on the Center’s website in order to honor their beloved extended family of puppies and people.

However, Helen Woodward has not forgotten their feline alumni. They love their kitty alumni and once again will honor them as well. The felines will also be able to compete for Best Dressed Kitty King and Queen with an at-home contest. In order to enter your rescue kitty (attained from HWAC or otherwise), simply send a photo of your cat (dressed in their prom finery) to [email protected]. Photos will be posted on their social media sites and at the prom to be voted on by attending prom-goers with prizes awarded to the Best Dressed Kitty Prom King and Queen.

For more information, check out www.animalcenter.org/events/alumni-puppy-prom. To RSVP or to register your pup for the Best Dressed King and Queen or Dance Contest, please contact Mindy Wright at Helen Woodward Animal Center at: 858-756-4117 ext. 379.

This event proved to be very popular last year. Together we can ensure it will continue for years to come!

Source Article from http://www.examiner.com/article/puppy-prom-at-helen-woodward-animal-center?cid=rss

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