Putin on course to win presidency

A state-run poll of 1,600 Russian voters published on Thursday said that Putin will comfortably pass the 50 percent of votes needed for victory without a runoff.

According to the same poll Putin’s nearest challenger will be the Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov with having 15.1 percent of the votes. Billionaire candidate Mikhail Prokhorov scored 8.7 percent.

The Russian opposition has declared the election “illegitimate” in advance saying that the election has been skewed in Putin’s favor from the start. Vote-rigging Allegations sparked mass protests across Russia after December 4 parliamentary election.

Political experts say Putin will reclaim the presidency regardless of whether the vote is clean and whatever the turnout.

“The way he is conducting the campaign at the moment sends a signal reading ‘I am sure of myself, I am the strongest of them all, I control everything, I am the leader and nothing has changed.’ But this is not true,” a political analyst at the Moscow Carnegie Centre think tank, Maria Lipman said.

Putin’s presidency ended in 2008 after two consecutive terms because the Russian constitution prevented him from running a third term, however he will be free to run again this year.

Should he win the former KGB officer will also enjoy an increased stay in office, after a constitutional amendment in 2008 lengthened the presidential term from four to six years from 2012.


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