Ramallah violence ‘unjustified,’ inquiry concludes

Maan News Agency | July 24, 2012

RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — A committee to probe violence against protesters in Ramallah last month has concluded that attacks on civilians, including journalists, were unjustified, an official said Tuesday.

Wasel Abu Yousif told Ma’an that President Mahmoud Abbas has received the report from the committee, which was formed by Munib al-Musri and included Abu Yousif, a PLO leader, and Ahmad Harb of the Independent Commission for Human Rights.

The findings are based on interviews with victims of assault as police cracked down on protesters who opposed a visit by Israel’s vice premier to Ramallah for talks with the president. The violence was condemned by the protesters as well as journalists and human rights groups.

Abu Yousif said it was essential that action be taken in order not to repeat such incidents.

The report is expected to be released later this week.


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