Rand’s Romney Endorsement Focused Around 2016 Presidential Run

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Ron Paul campaign responds to controversy

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Monday, June 11, 2012

After a weekend of rage amongst Ron Paul supporters over Rand Paul’s endorsement of Mitt Romney, the Ron Paul campaign has issued its first quasi-official response to the controversy in the form of a video blog by Jack Hunter which argues that the endorsement is a political move designed to position the Kentucky Senator for a presidential run in 2016.

Although Hunter makes it clear the ideas are his own, the fact that his video blog is featured as the top story on theofficial Ron Paul 2012 campaign website clearly suggests that the views expressed are a representation of the Ron Paul team, for whom Hunter is a frequent contributor.

Entitled Why Rand Was Right To Endorse Romney, Hunter points out that Rand Paul has always stated that he would endorse the Republican nominee and only did so when Ron Paul conceded.

Hunter explains that as the “liberty candidate with the highest probability of becoming president,” Rand Paul was mandated to endorse Romney because if he didn’t and Obama won re-election, Rand could be easily dismissed and derided by other Republican candidates during a hypothetical 2016 presidential campaign.

“If Rand had not endorsed Romney in 2012, every single Republican in that race would use his non-endorsement to bash Senator Paul relentlessly,” argues Hunter, adding that Paul would be blamed for Obama achieving a second term in office.

Should Rand Paul be victorious in securing the 2016 Republican nomination and go on to become president, “Will anyone care if Rand Paul endorsed Mitt Romney for president in 2012,” asks Hunter.

Similarly, Hunter argues that if Mitt Romney won, Rand would have more leverage to become a strong critic and a rallying point for other tea party lawmakers should Romney become a George W. Bush 2.0.

“There is no shame is compromising politically to advance principles, but we can never compromise our principles to simply advance politically,” states Hunter, noting that Senator Paul’s voting record is consistently pro-liberty.

However, judging by the heated reaction from thousands of Ron Paul supporters, the act of endorsing Romney alone, whose record clearly betrays him to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing, already signifies that Rand Paul has compromised his principles.

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Radio host Alex Jones, whose listeners were responsible for the very first tea party groups which rallied around Ron Paul’s first presidential campaign back in 2007, said he understood the political argument behind the endorsement but feared the Pauls were making the wrong decision.

“Although I was initially very hurt and angry, I understand politically why this decision was taken. The source of my real anger and disgust is the corrupt political process itself,” said Jones.

“People love Ron Paul because he never compromised his principles – it’s about principles not politics.”

“America needs principles because compromised politics has got us to where we are today.”

Pointing out that it was “delusional” to think that Ron Paul was not involved in Rand’s decision, Jones believes the move is a miscalculation.

“The Pauls are an ally for liberty in government but their decision to ingratiate themselves with the Republican establishment will backfire in the long run,” warned the radio host.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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17 Responses to “Rand’s Romney Endorsement Focused Around 2016 Presidential Run”

  1. This is why we will never gain any significant ground – we can’t keep the end game in mind. Instead, too many get all bent out of shape on insignificant, peripheral, nothing issues. Might a Rand Paul presidency have been the ultimate goal of the Paul family from even before Rand was elected to the Senate? Maybe Ron Paul’s only true purpose in running for presidency was to increase the name recognition of his son. What does it matter what they do to play the political game as long as they vote true to the Constitution and keep their focus on a clear front sight post held center mass on The Fed?

    breakmyrustycage Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 7:20 am

    Then he shouldn’t have asked us for cash to fund a campaign which we believed was being run to WIN. Fucking tired of two faced shit. Seems liek everyone has a hidden agenda then if your comment is correct, and im fucking tired of trying to sort the shit out. Honesty, or go the fuck home, i dont have time to try to figure out someone motives when their actions make absolutely no fucking sense. By endorsing romney as a way to get votes for next election, funny, many of us wouldnt vote for him now with a 10 foot pole. I don’t think the plan has fucking worked.

    NoSo Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 7:56 am

    That’s fraud and a sign of corruption.

    Dandroid Reply:
    June 11th, 2012 at 8:05 am

    Fraud indeed

  2. Where is RON Paul in all this? I’m waiting to hear from him — I didn’t bat an eyelash when Rand pulled his boner.

    But RON needs to step up to the plate now. Do we have to destroy the Paul familiy politically to prove a point? Because we’ll do it if we have to…

  3. If this is the real plan then I guess he had to do what he had to do. And I will do what I have to do.

    This is really very poor. Mitt Romney is a Goldman Saks bankster, Mormon, felon. I think Hunter is right that no one will remember this endorsement, which seemed necessary since the party hacks own the polls and therefore they are powerful, but this leads us to question his principles since we won’t know when he will sell us out to a more powerful entity.

    Bilderberg is very powerful. Will he sell us out to them? Goldman Saks is too. So is AIPAC. I think we understand; it’s a chance and he is grabbing it but these other powers didn’t get there because they play nice. They are brutal.

  4. Pencil 2016 in so you can send more dough!!(down the rat hole)

  5. In order to win this war, we have to re-engineer their policies. And we can only do this through community-based volunteer groups, which will genuinely serve our local needs. We simply cannot rely upon Washington-based politicians to save us from this creeping agenda of tyranny. But the chances of this happening is probably next to zero … but that doesn’t mean the idea is wrong … it’s just that there is no collective desire, which has a critical mass sufficient enough for it to be realised.

    People simply prefer to continue sucking off the teat of creeping tyranny (even though they know it is slowly killing them) because doing anything different would mean coming out of their comfort zone … and folks (as we know) just aint prepared to do that!

    Will be seeing ya all in a FEMA camp sometime soon, no doubt!

  6. REALLY…that’s what we’re suppose to except as an answer????…this still does NOT explain Ron Paul’s campaign the last 2 months…what happened to California and Texas???…there’s waaaaaay more to this and I will NOT fall for this BS…I WILL NOT BE BRAINWASHED!!!…ALEX PLEASE FIND OUT THE TRUTH!!!

  7. I told you.. wake up

  8. Though Rand’s endorsement of Romney is repugnant given that this man is most definitely a wolf in sheep’s clothing I think what has angered ppl so much is not so much what Rand has done but the way that he did it. The fact that neither of the Pauls have come out in the open to explain to their supporters what they are doing and take the flack gives a very bad impression given that both of them appeared to stake their reputations on their integrity. It feels as though they have distanced themselves from their suporters and dismissed them. It really does feel and look very bad, an impression that has been generated over the last few months as Ron Paul seemed to get more and more distant and move further and further away from what everyone thought were his objectives.

    Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of this is that both Pauls have spoken incessantly about getting the TSA abolished and getting the Fed audited. To do a deal with Romney on the understanding that he would make certain concessions is one thing but to be seen to come out empty handed with no concessions at all is a travesty. Romney has said that he has no interest in auditing the Fed, in fact he stated that he thought Ben Bernanke did a good job, heaven help us. The situation in the US is now so serious given that it is virtually under martial law with the TSA molesting people at the airports and being on the streets and highways that it ill-befits Rand Paul to be putting his own political future above the very real and pressing issues that are facing everyone in the county at this time.

  9. When you look at it from this perspective, Ron Paul has been a republican for the last 12 years with a hard libertarian conservative stance. His ideas got popular in the last 4 years and we all got are hopes up this could be the big change for freedom but instead the work is simply not done yet. Ity wont be for a long time.

    So what’s different now than what was 12 years ago? Rand Paul can still be a republican with the same beliefs and values as his father and continue to debate the isses.

    To go libertarian would be political suicide and the movement would lose what little grassroots it has in Washington.

  10. How stupid ! You endorse a guy who is running for President 2012. If Romney wins, Romney will be running again in 2016. Stupid stupid stupid.

  11. time for ron to denounce his son the sell out ..

  12. These politicians are ill and delusional. We need to withdraw our support from all these political charlatans. Seriously, they are out of touch with their constituents and power hungry. He will never become President.

  13. 2016 ? Really…?.. what a laugh.

    Look how far down the Rat Hole Obama Incorporated has dragged OUR Country in just 3 years and Mittens will just be the Banksters new CEO for their same Corporation. What if Mittens gets 2 Terms… ? by 2020 this place will just be The 3rd Burned Out Rock from the Sun. What if Kissinger is correct and they slip in John Ellis Bush this time… ?… The ends do not justify the means… once you sell your soul to the Devil … it’s sold, no deposit no return, do not pass go, do not collect $200.00 dollars. If you sell us out now, you will sell us out again later.

  14. I concur chico. I got the impression that Alex didn’t get any kind of courtesy call in advance here and with all the political clout he has helped them build the Pauls have some explaining to do if in fact they did not tell him anything.

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